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  1. I changed a few things on my poison build. My goal on this build is that I want to put out as much dmg as I can for casual play sessions. -Added 3 heal procs in all my heavy 3 range attacks -RoP + VG with heal procs make me fighting with MY FIRE SWORD worth it. -Veng is there when you can click it My goal is to juice up fire sword with all the debuffs and build up procs during my RoP moments. TP binds are super helpful with this build. Defender (Poison.Fire Blast).mbd
  2. Dahkness


    I started taking only three powers as a poison corrupter. I leave out Weaken. As a defender you are kind of locked in with taking weaken so I do. Depending on how experienced you are with the set. I like to go for dmg as corr. This leaves you open for an extra power pick. I like the fire epic. Greater fire sword is a sweet add on to your ST chain attacks with high global recharge. Consume gives you a little end buff after its use with a knock down IO in it is nice.
  3. It’s okay. I went for it with the update. Great for AV fights. Still not a fun mob hopper set. You’ll just be blasting tell you get to big fights. The double tap for the buff is okay. Really need to train the muscle memory to click twice. To be honest though. All you really want to do is melt the AV so this set excels in that. Even more so with the update.
  4. Love, love, and love the new DM! All the dmg and procs and a little hp buff. looking to see what pairs best with up front fast dmg. I am thinking Ill/poison - 5 Lotg, extra rang Def and an extra power poool A rotation I am working on for ST dmg. Blind, spectral wounds, dark blast , dark melee. And range aoe for +recharge and -res in between curious what you folks have been working on to turn your troller into blapper.
  5. Heres what im going to try with a Ofender play style in mind with the epic. I was messing around with the new Epic Power pool for +recharge and more ST dmg with access to immobilize powers. Haven't play tested it yet and never played DA before so not sure what to expect. But 60 seconds of SC and SA looks great to me while im brawling. I spam hard when I play. I like the extra end recovery, I am able to TP to group members with fly. That'll help sustain my end while im rushing through combat. Controller (Illusion Control - Darkness Affinity).mbd
  6. .
  7. Would love to see greater ice sword instead of the pet for the new Ice mastery for defenders. Would love to see a defense set with a heavy melee option with this option. Would mirror fire mastery nicely. Feels like a missed opportunity.
  8. On test i was able to get it near perma solo. Need to click, then click again. Would love to see this mechanic worked over on Force Field or even Gen. Would love to give people little bubbles if it explode =P.
  9. I love team TP. But I can only use it so often before i peev off the crowds. It be cool to have it as an aggressive power or future Teleport Port control sets -.- Instead of team tp what if it teleports enemies around you. My farmer would just love this with combo'ing off fold space
  10. The kb to knockdown is op imo for bone fire. My bubble auror doesn't get this effect. Just like Def/cors DM Soul drain. Things need to be adjusted to be fair
  11. I really like temp bomb. I see nothing wrong with this power and should just be left as is. This paired with fire blast + Adrenal boost - You can get your down time to almost half on AB... + Recharge proc.... what have you done! Burning AV's just made this set crazy... Can't wait to see what others build 😃
  12. Added chance for knockdown in consume for alpha debuff Defender (Poison - Fire Blast).mbd
  13. Hey heroes! How I think Poison should be enjoyed! I spit for AoEs and really focused on ST dmg for burns. Debuff Chain chain first: 2xSpits/PT/FireBall - Spit into Melee range (THIS IS GONNA HURT!) -I use Jaunt like combat tp - It has a longer TP range with 3 uses still - its just a bit clunky on the animation -Spits are on a 30 second cool down for AV's -I throw the other debuff-Procs out when I have slow gaps in my recharge -PT gives me an Absorb shield proc as well - Helps with the chip dmg with defender healing procs - thats its use My ST Chain at high Recharge: AB on cool down / Aim(Build up proc) / Blazing Bolt (Build up Proc) / Blaze / Greater Fire Sword - High dmg with procs and self heals -Almost cap dmg with two rotations -I throw in fireball for debuff and pt in my recharge gaps -AB is a mini Aim/crappy power boost - gives a small -tohit buff to all my poison powers and VG. And the dmg/acc/recharge is neat I cheat so I use ageless and phantom AB lore for min maxing my recharge for ST dmg or just spitting at everything in big pulls. Oh and big purps. Poison life is tough but very rewarding with a fluid rotation Few things I wish poison had - I wish the heal gave a small +Regen with the long animation. that slime drips slowly its still seeping into your pores! - Antidote should give a small Regen buff too - Give venomous gas a small +regen aoe buff - I need a reason to 6 slot this wonderful power I want more regen in this game Defender (Poison - Fire Blast).mbd
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