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Everything posted by Blackfeather

  1. Hey @Sarn! Saw your post about difficulty options over here: Would be interested in hearing your thoughts about the introduction of this one, if you've the time! 😀
  2. Hello @Giovanni Valia! Saw this post of yours here about additional difficulty options: Given this, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on something like this if you've the time to read through the original post - apologies if it's a little long, I might have gotten a bit carried away! 😅
  3. Thanks for posting this up, it's an interesting read! Additional Notoriety options along with the one proposed here definitely wouldn't be objected to, though I'm not sure how many of those Flashback options could be feasibly ported over to single instanced missions (e.g. time limits/lives). Not sure how much work would be involved with porting one system over into another part of the game would be, but that's ultimately up to the devs to determine rather than us - either way, it does look like we're both in agreement that difficulty settings are less effort as opposed to making more challenging content: the game in general's balanced around SOs as mentioned in my OP. Thanks again for expanding upon this suggestion! 😄
  4. Oh, have you taken a look at @Normal Thomas's proposal for different Notoriety options? I think it was a pretty neat spectrum - I wouldn't go no enhancements at all myself though: missing is not fun.
  5. Hey there @Oubliette_Red! Saw your post here: Wondered if you had any thoughts on this proposal given this! Something you might like? Any modifications? Would love to hear 'em. 😄
  6. I'd personally see such a suggestion as more fitting for Incarnate enemies that suppress Incarnate powers for a time rather than set bonuses myself - endgame mechanics as opposed to a Notoriety option.
  7. Glad to hear you like the proposed implementation! I was definitely trying for a suggestion that was non-invasive as possible, and relatively easy in terms of implementation (at least I'd hope so) - having a Notoriety option that suppresses set bonuses felt like the best in my eyes, as opposed to introducing tougher enemies or, say, permanently adjusting a player's stats. I do think a toggle providing options for suppressing different Incarnate powers might be interesting too - I believe @oedipus_tex for instance has mentioned his qualms with the Judgement powers a while back. So I can see some teams finding that sort of thing desirable as well. That being said, I'm not sure if the game really can properly scale past +4/x8, at least without a lot of work behind the scenes, given how it's built. I think @macskull has touched on this here, as have I in my original post. It's why I thought that introducing something like this would provide some more challenge for the people that desire it, quickly and easily - game content will generally always be balanced around SO enhancements, go past that, and such players need to start actively seeking such content out (hey there Rularuu Soldiers, and 801). Thanks again for taking your time to respond! 😊
  8. That feeling when your thread generates enough discussion that it inspires the creation of not one, but two threads. 😌
  9. Hello there @PeregrineFalcon! I saw you liked my post that was linked over here: As such, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposed Notoriety option - any changes/modifications/improvements/suggestions? All gladly listened to. 😊
  10. Glad to hear you like the sound of it! I wanted to look for something that was minimally disruptive and fairly easy for the devs to implement (as opposed to creating new content to continually scale to stronger and stronger characters) - the game content'll always be balanced around SOs, so those who want challenge should be able to access that sort of difficulty on the fly if they so wish, while also enjoying the things that set bonuses provide, at least in my opinion. 😄
  11. Hey there @RunoKnows, I saw you put down a like on that shared thread of mine here: Would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal! Any changes, modifications, additions, etc.? Would love to hear your thoughts. 😀
  12. Hey there @cranebump! I saw this post of yours here: Given its content, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts about this addition to the Notoriety system - think it'd be something you'd use? Have a different proposal? Or something else entirely? Thanks in advance, regardless of your stance, happy to hear one either way! 😄
  13. Hello @AboveTheChemist! I read your post over here a little while back: And it did make me wonder if you might be interested in something like this Notoriety option, if it did exist - would definitely be glad to hear your thoughts on the matter! 😄
  14. Hey, no worries! Thanks for dropping by and sounding out your voice on this - plus, I think it gives a little bit of insight into the strong emotion behind @Voltak's different posts on this matter, in that they personally might feel similarly to you. For some players, as @MTeague has said before, this just wouldn't be their jam, but I'd like to think that making this a Notoriety option will best accommodate people from across the entire game. So long as such a difficulty setting on a team is announced beforehand (like any Notoriety change), things are gravy. In other words, for people with no interest in this, it will not affect them, which is ideal - I'd never want to propose something that'd make people downright object to it, or force a different playstyle onto others.
  15. Hello @VinceBlood! Saw your post about difficulty options here: Given this, I'd definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts about a Notoriety option such as this one! Hopefully it's something that you're interested in - if not, would love to hear what kind of options you had in mind instead. 😊
  16. Hello @CFIndustries! I took a look at your post quite recently over here: It was an interesting read for sure, and in light of it, I would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal, if you're happy to share them! 😄
  17. Hey there, @mechahamham! I saw this thread of yours quite recently: Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this proposal of mine - I think it might be to your liking given what you're trying to achieve in it!
  18. I'm very happy to hear that this idea interests you! And I'm of similar mind - per @golstat2003's post, changes to the game's Notoriety should definitely be said beforehand in a team to let others know what they're getting into: that's indeed just common decency. I know I certainly wouldn't appreciate walking into a +4/x8 without being told that was the case. I also think your post addresses a lot of @Voltak's questions about the why behind such a feature too, better than I could have expressed for sure, which is a double bonus. 😊
  19. Hey there, thanks for dropping by! The intent in allowing procs to function as usual was mainly to preserve an IO build's endurance gain, similar to if they had just slotted out their Fitness pools normally (i.e. like an SO build). I even highlight Panacea as an example when I expand upon my reasoning about this here - needless to say, this was indeed quite intentional. If that's not to your preference due to the other things that procs can do, I think that's all the more reason to provide some additional Notoriety options to increase its granularity, such as was proposed over here - can't go wrong with more options! 😄
  20. Hmm...I'll admit I'm not entirely convinced, at least with the example that was brought up - taking a look at practically any IO build on the forums for instance (and of course my own!), both the Health and Stamina pools are generally slotted with procs with a side of Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification, but usually not much more in terms of slotting there. It's for that reason that only set bonuses were suppressed here: procs make up a lot of an IO build's endurance gain with any endurance discounts/gain usually coming as a side effect of attempting to achieve some other goal - endurance management usually isn't a thing that's considered necessary to actively slot towards outside of the usual Panacea/Shifter/Miracle, which would function as-is under this Notoriety option. On the other hand, attempting to softcap one's defenses, or trying to reach perma-Hasten is, for example. I'm also not that convinced that this proposal would appeal to players who wish for maximum performance either: having their IO set bonuses suppressed isn't going to be doing favours for them in that regard, outside of bragging rights (which, given how that just amounts to playing the game as it's balanced around, really isn't that much to talk about). That being said, I do agree that multiple different modes of difficulty would be neat - I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on @Normal Thomas's own proposal here, along with the kinds of Notoriety options that'd appeal to you!
  21. Hey there @RogueWolf! I saw your thread about team difficulty and the like - given your stance on the matter, I'd definitely be interested in hearing about your thoughts on this proposal. Given that this suggestion is basically designed for this kind of use case, I'd love to know whether or not it'd be something that'd appeal to you. 😄
  22. It'd definitely be a neat idea, and another way of upping the game's difficulty progressively - I know I've been on groups that go "let's start off with +1, and see how we go" and so on to see how the team functions, and adjusting it to find a nice medium. Having another spectrum of toggles that'd affect the game would be interesting to play around with, I think.
  23. Going to start off by saying that for me, I personally have fun across the entire spectrum of the CoH level range for different reasons, which I can see why that could be a potential turn off for some, hence the introduction of additional difficulty options to help cater for that, regardless of level. This does sound quite interesting - it sounds almost like the ability to exemplar down regardless of location/content. While I'm not sure how that'd translate in-game, it might be a fun discussion to look into.
  24. That's right - I used the proc enhancements from Stalker's Guile and Assassin's Mark as examples of things that'd continue working under this new setting in my original post. Though that being said, I think Command of the Mastermind and the other pet defense/resistance aura IOs function as globals rather than as procs, so they might also be disabled under this new Notoriety option...not sure though.
  25. Happy to clear things up a bit! And yup, hence the whole framing as "no set bonuses" - given this constraint, I visualise enhancements such as Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown working as normal under this Notoriety option too.
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