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Posts posted by TrixieKixx

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bananiac said:

    Fine with me either way. My only vote would be to NOT do Renault. It somehow feels to me like we just did it...


    Had another idea for a future theme, which I think would be faboulous: The Gods and Lore of Ancient Egypt

    What do you think, Themers?

    I have a listing of all the WST's we've done in the last  year and always switch it up. Once I'm on my laptop, I'll take a look at the document. I don't mind doing Moonfire.


    I like your idea! I'll write it down.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Jaxman100 said:

    Not to be that guy, but I don't think Manticore is a Weekly Strike Target next week.  I'm down for whatever, but if folks want Notice of the Wells and extra XP maybe we review?

    Dangit! I must have looked at the calendar incorrectly 😞 I'll change it to Moonfire and think of a different theme. Give me a bit to determine what we'll do.

  3. The blue selected as the primary color shows in the first image, along with the helmet selected. The second image shows the gold selected as the secondary color, as well as the next costume piece. The rest of the images show the costume selections only.


    Whether your toon is male or female, this was as close as I could come to a Paragon Protector. I think it's good enough! I hope you think so too!


    2021-11-28 (1).jpg

    2021-11-28 (2).jpg

    2021-11-28 (3).jpg

    2021-11-28 (4).jpg

    2021-11-28 (5).jpg

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  4. Looks like today was really cool and lots of fun! I love all the play on costumes 🙂 Can you believe it's almost December? Eek!!!


    I will get the clone costume out to ya'll tomorrow. It's going to be super easy and very holiday inspired. If anyone remembers my toon Candy Canes, that will be the costume! I misunderstood Rich's request. Paragon Protector costume is below! Looks like I messed up! New tasks below!


    December 4 - Moonfire (Level 23-28 - Blue Side: Striga Isle) - Give us your best Candy Cane costume! Costume colors do not have to be red and white as there are multiple flavors of candy canes now 🙂 Any AT 

    December 11 - Ice Mistral (Level 35-40 – Red Side: St Martial) - All Ice Theme – Dress to impress with your icy goodness! Any AT with Ice powers. 

    December 18 - Cavern of Transcendence (Level 12-15 – Blue Side: The Hollows...Mission must be unlocked) - Get your Christmas Troll on! Costume must be troll like with a Christmas theme. Any AT.  

    December 25 – The Theme Team will take a break for Christmas Day! Enjoy the time off! Unless someone else wants to lead and do one of the Respec trials 😊 I will be on vacation, enjoying time with family and friends.  


    @TrixieKixx Candy Canes - Ice Blast / Kin Corruptor (I already had a toon named this...you do not have to change your name!)

    @Vigilant Vergil Wintergreen Cane - Plant/Psi Dominator

    @Bananiac Caramel Choc-Cane - Sonic/Sonic Defendress

    @TraumaTrain Santa's Little Agent - Dual Pistols/Energy Aura Sentinel

    @Jaxman100 Lady Black Ice - Dark Blast/Ice Sentinel

    @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute

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  5. If we decide to come home Friday instead of Saturday, I'll let ya'll know! I just finished packing and my dog is whining because she knows something is up. She should know by now that she goes everywhere with us 😄 


    If I'm not there, good luck and happy hunting! I salute all of thee!


    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Funny Thanksgiving Gobble Til You Wobble Turkey Art Print

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  6. Here we go with the December Themes! 


    December 4 - Manticore (Level 30-35 – Blue Side: Brickstown) - Clones: I will create a costume and everyone must have the same costume. Any AT. (I will work on this ASAP...Thanks to Rich for the idea!) 

    December 11 - Ice Mistral (Level 35-40 – Red Side: St Martial) - All Ice Theme – Dress to impress with your icy goodness! Any AT with Ice powers. 

    December 18 - Cavern of Transcendence (Level 12-15 – Blue Side: The Hollows...Mission must be unlocked) - Get your Christmas Troll on! Costume must be troll like with a Christmas theme. Any AT.  

    December 25 – The Theme Team will take a break for Christmas Day! Enjoy the time off! Unless someone else wants to lead and do one of the Respec trials 😊 I will be on vacation, enjoying time with family and friends.  

  7. November 6 – Ms. Liberty (Level 45-50 – Blue Side: Independence Port) – Dress as your favorite band or musician! Any AT! 

    November 13 – Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) – Magic! Dress in your best Circle of Thorns costume. One AT of each type!   

    November 20 – Ernesto Hess (Level 25-30 – Blue Side: Striga Isle) – In honor of American Thanksgiving, dress as your favorite side dish to serve with your Turkey, Ham, or Duck! Any AT! 

    November 27 – Mortimer Kal (Level 20-40 – Red Side: Sharkhead Island) –  Let's celebrate our healthcare workers and dress up in support. Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Psychiatrists/Psychologists, Coroners, Pathologists...as long as they work in the healthcare industry. One AT of each type! 


    Frauelin is leading the team for this adventure as I will be out of town on vacation. Thank you so much!


    @FrauleinMental Cranberry Doctor - Rad/Rad Corruptor

    @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Electric Brute

    @Vigilant Vergil Kataigis - Elec/Storm Controller

    @Bananiac Doctor Barbarella - Peacebringer

    @TraumaTrain Cardiac - Electric/Regen Sentinel

    @Jaxman100 Tentative???



    • Thanks 1
  8. On 11/18/2021 at 10:45 AM, Bananiac said:

    @TrixieKixx Hey fellas, I am gonna sit this one out. Have been invited to friends birthday this saturday, so gonna go for the beers, beef and banter on offer there.

    Have fun, I may see you again on sundays SWS, if Indom manages to stay up for it 😉



    Have fun!

  9. November 6 – Ms. Liberty (Level 45-50 – Blue Side: Independence Port) – Dress as your favorite band or musician! Any AT! 

    November 13 – Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) – Magic! Dress in your best Circle of Thorns costume. One AT of each type!   

    November 20 – Ernesto Hess (Level 25-30 – Blue Side: Striga Isle) – In honor of American Thanksgiving, dress as your favorite side dish to serve with your Turkey, Ham, or Duck! Any AT! 

    November 27 – Mortimer Kal (Level 20-40 – Red Side: Sharkhead Island) –  Let's celebrate our healthcare workers and dress up in support. Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Psychiatrists/Psychologists, Coroners, Pathologists...as long as they work in the healthcare industry. One AT of each type! 


    @TrixieKixx Saucy Cranberry - Fire / Kin Controller

    @FrauleinMental Cranberry Doctor - Rad / Rad Corruptor

    @Midnyte Broccoli Casserole - Night Widow

    @Jaxman100 Grim Stone - Stone Armor/Titan Weapon Tanker (Mashed Potatoes with Gravy and butter, with a big butter knife) 

    @Vigilant Vergil Euryphaessa - Peacebringer (Cornbread Stuffing)

    @TraumaTrain Thanksgiving Spam - Sonic / Energy Aura Sentinel

  10. 31 minutes ago, TraumaTrain said:

    Something Wicked Sunday 14. Pandora's Box chapter 5, the finale.


    Looks like Indom is Indown for awhile.


    Today's Something Wicked Sunday may be postponed till next Sunday, 11/21.


    If Indom is not brought back online by 12:15 pm EST today, we will postpone.




    I was so sad when I logged on this morning and saw that it was down. Fingers crossed it pops back on soon!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Midnyte said:


    Heehee, thank you, I have fun with it. And yes, Jax was missing from Trixie's sign-up list, but as always, I just post it how it is and then the other picture showing the players is the reality. It's happened before. 


    Also, @TrixieKixx I pointed out the TF name should have been "Ms" and not "Miss" so now it's there for all eternity! haha, j/k, I will update the photo if you fix it. 🙂


    I added Jax's name and also updated the Miss to Ms. 

    • Like 1
  12. November 6 – Ms. Liberty (Level 45-50 – Blue Side: Independence Port) – Dress as your favorite band or musician! Any AT! 

    November 13 – Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) – Magic! Dress in your best Circle of Thorns costume. One AT of each type!   

    November 20 – Ernesto Hess (Level 25-30 – Blue Side: Striga Isle) – In honor of American Thanksgiving, dress as your favorite side dish to serve with your Turkey, Ham, or Duck! Any AT! 

    November 27 – Mortimer Kal (Level 20-40 – Red Side: Sharkhead Island) –  Let's celebrate our healthcare workers and dress up in support. Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Psychiatrists/Psychologists, Coroners, Pathologists...as long as they work in the healthcare industry. One AT of each type! 


    @TrixieKixx Butterfly Dreamz - Emp/Sonic Defender

    @Vigilant Vergil Nox Atrissima - Fortunata

    @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller

    @Midnyte Eternal Midnight - Energy/Elec Brute (Tentative)

    @TraumaTrain Glowie Thief - Staff/Super Ref Stalker

    @Bananiac Emerald Arrowmage - Bow/Nature Blaster

    @Jaxman100 Roma Jax - Claws/Fiery Aura Scrapper


    • Thanks 2
  13. 18 hours ago, Jaxman100 said:

    Hey all, still alive.  Haven't been on CoH or really any games much for weeks.  Not sure I have an alt for a band or song right now, but still not sure what tomorrow morning will be like either.  Might make an appearance, perhaps not. 

    It's so good to see you're still with us! I've been sooooooooooo worried about you! I haven't seen you in forever and wondered what happened. If you can join, please do. We have missed you!!!!

    • Like 1
  14. On 10/30/2021 at 3:37 PM, Vigilant Vergil said:

    This is a bit of a toughie for me, my favorite bands either don't lend themselves to costumes or have names likely to be already taken.  For now, I plan on bringing a gravity/radiation controller, name and costume to be determined.

    You don't necessarily have to rename your character. I was able to with mine, only because I took liberties with it (adding Phoenix at the end), kind of thinking of one of her songs "Fire to the Rain" and the fire powers she already has. Otherwise, the name Adele was already taken. Think of the overall feel of the band or musician. If you see my toon, you wouldn't automatically think she's Adele. However, I tried to get the general look/feel by searching for images of her and trying to match an outfit she had on as best I could. Just try your best and don't stress about it! 


    ETA: Here's my inspiration. Attached is what I chose.

    2021-11-01 (2).png

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  15. 9 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:


    That passcode is for the Halloween giveaway Trick or Treat treats house on Indom - not Dacy's haunted house, which is on Everlasting. The base listed on the flyer there is for The Slackers. I'll actually be in that base (as Trauma Train) from 4pm Eastern to 10pm also Eastern this evening handing out those treats.


    Treats include random ATOs, random purple IOs, millions of inf, superpacks, rare salvage, and more!



    I'm so glad I remembered at the last second! That was very cool and the prizes were awesome too!

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 10/27/2021 at 9:23 PM, TraumaTrain said:

    Something Wicked Sunday 12


    Chapters 1 and 2 of the Pandora's Box SSA


    This is the red side version of that arc. There are no specific badges for the story, but get a decent amount of merits for each chapter.


    It's a cool story arc involving corruption at the Zig, Nemesis, Clamor, Talons, Cimerora, and lots more! We'll meet up in Sharkhead. Noon EST as usual. Level 30+.


    The individual chapters are pretty quick, but if they bog down for some reason, we can always break it down to one chapter per Sunday. But I don't think that will be necessary.


    Spoiler alert: we'll do chapters 3 and 4 the following Sunday, and chapter 5 the Sunday after that. 

    I'll bring Purple Rayne - Water/Storm Corruptor

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  17. November 6 – Ms. Liberty (Level 45-50 – Blue Side: Independence Port) – Dress as your favorite band or musician! Any AT! 

    November 13 – Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) – Magic! Dress in your best Circle of Thorns costume. One AT of each type!   

    November 20 – Ernesto Hess (Level 25-30 – Blue Side: Striga Isle) – In honor of American Thanksgiving, dress as your favorite side dish to serve with your Turkey, Ham, or Duck! Any AT! 

    November 27 – Mortimer Kal (Level 20-40 – Red Side: Sharkhead Island) –  Let's celebrate our healthcare workers and dress up in support. Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Psychiatrists/Psychologists, Coroners, Pathologists...as long as they work in the healthcare industry. One AT of each type! 


    @TrixieKixx Adele Phoenix - Fire/Kin Controller

    @Vigilant Vergil The-Midnight - Gravity/Radiation Controller

    @Midnyte Siouxsie - Arachnos Widow

    @Bananiac MARILLION - Plant / Rad Controller

    @TraumaTrain Terror Volta - Radiation Armor/Psi Melee Tanker

    @Jaxman100 Bourbon Neat - ??/?? Corruptor

    • Thanks 1
  18. Okay, fellow Theme Teamers! I have us set up in teams of three for the first few rounds. Rich will lead one team and I will lead the other. We will both need to recruit one person each for the run. If we can't find anyone, then we can either add a standby toon or wait around until the next round. We'll get it done somehow.


    Hopefully someone on my team knows what we're supposed to do because I've only done this three times total and it was last year. I know the logistics, but can't remember what we need to kill versus what we can run past. 

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  19. Hey @TraumaTrain! I slotted all of your toons that need the whole thing except for Svetovid. If you'd prefer him over another toon in a slot, please let me know!


    I know there are three of us that need the Black Whip badge only. We will need a fourth to help! I haven't heard from anyone on whether we can meet 30 minutes early to do this? What say you? Anyone else that needs Black Whip only? @Bananiac @Jaxman100 @Vigilant Vergil @TygerDarkstorm @FrauleinMental 



    Althea Gaia (Earth/Emp Controller)

    Butterfly Dreamz (Emp/Sonic Defender)

    Kailani (Storm/Water Defender)



    Character Assassin, Broad Sword/Electric Armor Stalker

    Devil's Workshop, Crab Spider

    Trauma Train, Martial Arts/Shield Scrapper

    Wreckin' Ball, Super Strength/Invuln Brute

    Atom-Splitter, Battle Axe/Rad Armor Brute

    Ragamuffin, Illusion/Radiation Controller

    Cardiac, Electric/Regen Sentinel

    Terror Volta, Rad Armor/Psi Melee Tanker

    Suckerpunch, Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes Stalker



    Midnyte - Dark/WP Brute
    Hell's Heart - SS/WP Brute
    Radiated Frost - Ice/Rad Sentinel
    Moonlyte Goddess - Rad/Rad Brute
    Midnyte Shadow - Dark/Regen Scrapper
    Madame Midnyte - Crab Spider
    Midnyte Widow - Night Widow
    Blade Enchantress - Dual Blades/WP Scrapper
    Midnyte Wytch - Dark/Dark Sentinel

    • Thumbs Up 1
  20. 1 minute ago, Bananiac said:


    Hey @TrixieKixx, have I missed it or is the Dr Kane thread still pending? I will probably show up with Le Savant first, my Zombie/Dark MM. On any eventual 2nd run, I will just go with what I feel like playing.


    Also, I ... think... this weekend we will set back the clock for DST... but that should be saturday night, so Theme Team will still be at 1800 my time in the afternoon... Need to check that, not to miss the slot again like last time that happened 😆

    Hi @Bananiac The thread is open here! I did make a post about it a few posts up, but maybe you didn't see it 😄 

  21. Ok...I looked at all my toons that were around last year and I have three that need Black Whip. I could've sworn I had done this on more than these three. Is anyone up for arriving 30 minutes before to get as many of our toons through Black Whip as possible? I know how many Rich has; however, am not sure of others.


    Althea Gaia (Earth/Emp Controller), Butterfly Dreamz (Emp/Sonic Defender), Kailani (Storm/Water Defender)

  22. 18 hours ago, Midnyte said:


    After doing multiple runs of Kane the other day, I noticed that the Sinister Summoner badge is granted immediately upon defeat of the Black Whip. So for all these characters who've already completed Kane from last year, I wonder if it's possible to team 4 of them together just to defeat the Black Whip, and then abandon the trial. It could be a time saver to allow more time for characters who need the whole set.


    Let me know if anyone is interested in testing this, and how many characters you have with the set of 3 who only need the new one (I have 6). Because that will determine which characters I bring to the event.

    I actually have several that I've signed up just to get this badge. We can most definitely do this!


    ETA: I know that Butterfly Dreamz is one of them; however, I need to look at the others to make sure. Maybe I only have one? LOL That's going to be part of my job to do on Friday when I'm on vacation.

    ETA Again: Just read your response again and I'll take a look at this today! That way we can prep for it. Maybe we can meet up 30 minutes earlier for those that need only the Black Whip badge? 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  23. Sign-ups are now open on a separate thread. I made the event for 3 hours; however, stay as little or as long as you want! I'm sure we can always find more if we need 😄 I've never run it before so would like someone experienced with me the first time. I'm sure after that I'll be able to do it by myself. Thanks!



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