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Everything posted by Optimum_Man

  1. So I’ve always gotten this feeling, but is there anyone who can clarify exactly why though? Like I’m 100% with you on this. But I don’t have the detailed reasoning.
  2. Always a pleasure Ura!
  3. Still sounds like a brand of soda from Futurama to me. 😂
  4. They should replace the sound effects with text like they threatened to do to CoH. 😂
  5. Yeah I liked it as well but ran into the same issues. Downloading it would literally take all day and I have good internet.
  6. Yeah this simultaneous release on streaming services is really pissing off everyone in Hollywood, but we’re still in a pandemic. They can’t do much about that.
  7. Let’s start a good old fashioned Compliment the user above you thread. These were a lot of fun. Since most people probably don’t know me because I haven’t posted here a lot. Here’s a picture of my main on Everlasting if you want to compliment that.
  8. When’s GenCon?
  9. I've always imagined them as a hybrid between the Fifth Column and the mob. They're like a Bond-esque villain organization at this point, I thought that's why the Fifth Column split again?
  10. OMG I love the Secret Six! I feel like The Flash's Rogues probably fall into this category too.
  11. Ever since first playing CoV, I’ve been enamored with the idea of villains who want to take over not because they’re cruel or they want to destroy everything but because they truly believe themselves to be the better alternative. Villains trying to be government.
  12. /em holdtorch
  13. Yeah the director has said that he wasn’t going to be able to tell the story in one installment, too much ground to cover. But the fact that he isn’t certain he’s going to get a chance at a sequel makes me very nervous. I want this version to succeed.
  14. Agree on all fronts. The one thing that bugs me is intentionally creating a two part story with no guarantee as of yet there will be a part 2. But this version was excellent to say the least.
  15. I am also looking for those people! What a coincidence! I was only ever peripherally in it, so you may not even know who I am, but I was friends with a lot of officers of that SG. My handle on live was @SilasGray.
  16. I haven't seen some of the people I was hoping to see here. But I have seen several faces I recognize and that's always a bonus. I used to be called Silas back in live. I have some friends that I dearly miss from Protector and if you recognize me please let me know. It's good to see you all again!
  17. This is a deep topic and tbh I don't want to derail OP we've already done them a disservice and I'm sorry for that @PeregrineFalcon Getting back on topic here, I don't really think there was much of a chance for the successors to succeed, even with all the interest and their backing, game development is very hard and a lot of these projects were taken on by individuals with limited game design experience. I'm sure the return of CoX caused a lot of interest in the successors to wane, but tbh time was always their biggest enemy here. It's simply been too long without any real progress. I wish the successors .... erm .... success, but I long ago gave up hope that I would see any return on those investments.
  18. Some people will always be mad they never got invited, and there were some very good reasons specific people were never let in. I don't know if that was the case with this person specifically, but given his attitude here, maybe. That said, I personally get annoyed when people suggest that SCORE had nothing to do with HC or that this "Whisteblower" somehow did everyone a favor. But that's just me.
  19. Over 2,000 people were playing it. That's more than a few. And tbh without them there would be no Homecoming, because the game would just be gone. HC literally only exists because of them.
  20. Hi all, I'm returning to the game for the first time in a while. I rolled my first character, Optimum-Man, he's a SS/Invuln Brute on blue side, he's a Superman pastiche and I'm looking for some friendly folks to RP with if that's cool. I used to play on Protector and Virtue, people called me Silas, if you remember me say hi! Can't wait to meet you guys in-game.
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