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Everything posted by Optimum_Man

  1. Costume Contests are always popular or you can send some to me @Battletoad 😂 I’m poor.
  2. There was a weird cliquey atmosphere between some of the devs and some people. Sometimes it really did seem like they they REALLY didn’t like new players. I’m not surprised they had very little interest in expanding the playerbase. Like for all their rep for listening to the community, they sometimes we’re very rude when people would suggest things. Like I remember being one of many people that suggested a system like Going Rogue, and I also remember being told that it would NEVER happen.
  3. I had a friend who was experiencing legal issues trying to license his CoH character because of the ToS. As far as I know I don’t think he was ever able to overcome them. If you do find the old ToS let me know.
  4. I had to spend a lot of time explaining things to my girlfriend for that reason. I remember not understanding a lot of the things Frank mentioned until I read Brian’s prequels.
  5. There’s an SG on my server that’s currently using a name for my old SG which I’m trying to revive with some of the other members. Is there a way to see who owns it and whether or not theyre active? I suppose we could always make a new SG with a slightly different name, but we’d really like to recapture that old feeling if we could. Is there anyway to check? No one in help seemed to know.
  6. Well he at least came back for issue 14 because he created the Lolbat missions like I said. I know he was more active in WoW, but he did occasionally play CoH because I frequently gave feedback on his arc.
  7. So back in the day Scott Kurtz made a Lolbat AE arc. Is it present in Homecoming? I can’t check at the moment because I’m at work but I’m curious. For those of you who don’t know, Lolbat is a character created by Cartoonist Scott Kurtz as part of his PVP Online webcomic. He was at one point active in many MMO communities, including ours. I’m including one of the Lolbat panels for reference.
  8. Before my time I'm afraid, nice to know I wasn't the only person to take the name Silas. Thanks for looking though, that does mean a lot to me.
  9. Forgive me if I’m being dumb here, but would it be possible for HC to implement some of the more stable changes being implemented on the other rogue servers? Or would that be considered gauche?
  10. My sister and her kids saw it in theaters and they said the sound was off, as did some of my friends who saw it. There’s also a lot of people on Twitter talking about it. My guess is the audio engineer just was careless or something. Ok that made me ugly laugh. 😂 My paranoia wasn’t really based on any facts, just a general bad feeling of things I saw as ominous signs. Like obviously I hope I’m wrong. But gut feelings, ya know?
  11. I hope things got better for you.
  12. I’m very sorry for your loss Lead Head. I know this is now months later, but we also lost our fur baby around the same time you did. Mara stopped eating and using the bathroom, we burned through our savings in a week on treatments and started to rack up a hefty tab we only just now finished paying off. They wanted to admit her into a larger animal hospital to force feed her (which we could never have afforded) but by the time we decided to put her to sleep she was already going into liver failure. We had to say goodbye and it was the absolute worst, because we felt guilty for doing it. We only had her for a year, we had to take her after my mother passed in 2020 of Covid and she was very loving, she slept with us at night and sat with us during the day. She was a great friend and comfort. When my dad took his own life the February after we lost my mom, it’s like she knew and she was there for me. Again, I know I’m late to the party, but the only thing I can think of is an old teacher who described losing his mom. “You don’t get over losing a loved one, you just live with it.” And tbh that’s what I’ve been doing. Living with it. I hope things get better.
  13. Honestly it’s making me nervous that the director isn’t sure there is gonna be a sequel. Which makes me think there’s more to the situation than just box office receipts. Maybe this is my natural paranoia but the ground just feels… shaky. Theres also the problem with the casting. The cast is of course stellar, but there’s a larger issue with longevity, will they’ve able to keep Zendaya? She’s a big name and popular, as is Chalamet. And don’t get me started on Jason Mamoa. Do they honestly think he’d come back to play Duncan? Like I really hope it all works out, but man I’m having my doubts.
  14. I mean the real problem with the whole suit between Marvel and Cryptic back in the day was the TOS for CoH that basically said anything you created was their intellectual property. So that created cases of where you could make The Hulk or Wolverine and legally speaking Cryptic would be in a pickle because they’re claiming they own The Hulk or whatever else you made. I always thought if they threw that out they’d be fine. But no they had to legally own all of our characters.
  15. Thats it, his new name is Dollar Tree Bane.
  16. I watched it on HBO Max at home so I didn't have that many sound issues, but there were a lot complaints about the audio formatting from other people who saw it in theaters. Typically the music and audio FX were much louder than the dialogue throughout the movie,
  17. It's not a priority, but do you have anything in there related to Silas Gray, or Silas the Longshot? Just wondering?
  18. This was my moment as well. That game had such a poignant story. Although honorable mention goes to Earthbound as well.
  19. I have had a lot of trouble with my Steam version anyway so I just haven’t been playing it, modded or unmodded. But this is good to know, thank you for sharing.
  20. I’m not technical support so take this as the opinion of the uninitiated, but you can’t import data that’s being kept on the secret server to the Homecoming server. The character data being stored is not being stored locally on your computer, but on the server being run by SCORE. Like the rest of us you will have to start fresh unfortunately. I do have some background in computers and systems design. That’s where my understanding is coming from.
  21. because he wants them to be Nazis again or just because he wants to be in charge again? I never could get a definitive answer for that.
  22. The return on investment is so low that video games need to be banned outright from crowdfunding . They always wind up being a money sink at best and an outright scam at worst.
  23. If it hasn’t been mentioned before, Megaman style Arm cannons. It’s not fair that a mid level Council boss gets one and we don’t.
  24. From the Layman’s perception, it looks nicer and has more detailed information in it, including shard status, etc.
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