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Everything posted by CaptainLupis

  1. I just checked and, indeed, the zoning wipes the speed boost for me too, as well as it being gone when you first log in, if it was already toggled on.
  2. The entrance is fairly obvious, it's a large oval shape feature and is on the east side of the palace. It kind of looks like it is shielded, like the rest of the mid section, but it isn't. Edit screen shot attached.
  3. Individually probably not, but when it comes to stacking I'd say debuffs are significantly better than stacking buffs, which is what I believe the devs were more worried about back in the day. But this isn't really relevant to travel powers, which I admit I forgot this was, I was thinking this was the powers thread!
  4. I thought you were meaning that buffs had the advantage of being safer to use to counter being, for want of a better phrase, less powerful, not just making a statement. I clearly read more into it that you intended.
  5. For me the implication was that debuffs are stronger than buffs precisely because they are more dangerous to use.
  6. I was actually using twilight grasp to see how long the defence suppressed for.
  7. The MM I was on was necro/dark. If nothing else even on debuffers it will give you defence until you can get your debuff laid down.
  8. I noticed that it wasn't giving the speed boost when you log in and EM is already toggled on, I hadn't checked for that happening when zoning.
  9. I actually found out by accident, I was trying to test the knockback effectiveness of EM on my MM, as it was the only one I had copied over that I knew had afterburner before, and couldn't work out why I wasn't getting hit, as I knew the defence on that particular character was middling at best. Turns out EM was better than I was expecting from a defence point of view!
  10. It actually is useful in combat, it just depends on the AT. If you are a scrapper, blaster, brute or tank that is pretty much attacking full time you won't get much use out of it, but for things like MMs and defenders, where you are doing other things like buffing in between attacking, the extra defence is great when you are doing that. It only suppresses for a few seconds so unless you are constantly spamming attacks it is very useful to have. But again it depends on AT and playstyle.
  11. The teleport options don't take you to contacts, specific areas for defeat x missions, badge locations etc. Now as to whether the cost of a slot is worth it to improve that side of things for someone is a subjective matter.
  12. Ok something odd with evasive maneuverson on test. When I log in on an alt that already has it toggled on it's not giving the speed boost to flying speed in the attribute monitor until it is toggled off and on again. Anyone else seeing this? What I'm not sure of is whether it's not giving the buff or the monitor just isn't reporting it.
  13. You had me wondering if there was a feature of it that I had missed and wasn't in the description. But on the topic of universal travel sets if people are worried about the end cost you can slot the BotZ -kb IO in it and get some extra knockback protection for no endurance cost.
  14. Endurance? You mean universal travel as that's what it takes as well as defensive and flight sets.
  15. Indeed, which is why I was suggesting giving fly some kind of boost from sprint as well, such as a slightly increased duration of afterburner, or reduced recharge, while sprint is toggled on. I have no idea how hard that would be to implement as opposed to just adding a +fly movement buff to it.
  16. I know, but as I said you can get as close to the run cap as makes no difference without that extra investment in slots or powers.
  17. The thing about SS is how close you can get to the cap with no extra investment of slots or powers, which you can't do with the others. With a 50+5 IO in swift, sprint and SS I was getting 119.6 mph on test. How many people actually do that I have no idea. Maybe if sprint had a benefit to fly in a similar way as it benefits SS and SJ, and that swift does for fly, it would help even things out a bit? Possibly not a direct fly speed buff but an increase in duration, or reduction of the recharge time, for afterburner? Edit: I should point out that I have never actually tested whether the +jump height sprint adds to SJ equates to extra speed due to longer in air time, so possibly it is only SS that really benefits in point A to point B time comparisons from sprint currently.
  18. The format for that is fairly straightforward. /bind key "powexec_name power name" The quotes aren't strictly necessary for this, but you need them if you start to add extra powers to the same bind, so it's probably a good idea to get into the habit of using them anyway.
  19. Really liking the update to rooted, at last I can leave it on instead of having to turn it off then turn it back on again for the next spawn and hope that it did actually turn on and not get superceded by another power that was queued up instead. Probably been mentioned already but on test the description of rooted hasn't been updated to refelct the changes,. It still talks about being slow and not being able to turn on travel powers.
  20. They talk about you behind your back though, you should hear some of the things they call you! 😛 Can you use the mission/team TP to get to the new badge tips? Now that would be handy for exploration badges when I'm feeling lazy.
  21. It's not horrible, and it is better than on live but there is a very clear disparity. On test I can get to 119.6 mph, within a whisker of the run cap, with no investment of slots or powers beyond superspeed itself. With fly you need an investment of slots or an extra power pick to hit the 102.2 fly cap which is available only while afterburner is up. So you are still slower for more investment. Personally it doesn't bother me, I took fly on many alts before any buffs were handed out to it anyway, but I can see why this is annoying some people.
  22. Can you run through cardboard boxes? I have lost count of how many times my Incarnate level heroes, who have defeated gods, monsters, aliens and giant robots, have been brought to a grinding halt by an empty cardboard box...
  23. That was how it worked a while ago, but it was changed so that +tohit increased the insta snipe damage instead of allowing it to happen in the first place.
  24. Well it's turned off per character, so leave it on with the khelds. It's not like you are probably going to take ANOTHER travel power with them that would cause the issue.
  25. Just drag it to another slot when it is up then disable the bar at null the gull.
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