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Everything posted by CaptainLupis

  1. Ok, testing out group fly on my bots MM flying around atlas and I decided to grab the exploration badges for something to do. Anyway I went into the vanguard base with GF on and 2 of the bots got stuck in it after I left, they were moving back and forward in a straight line until I turned GF off when they dropped below street level (as seen from outside with one of them targetted) at which point they were able to exit the building. Not exactly game breaking but thought I should mention it anyway. Edit tried it again and this time one of the drones (again as seen from being targeted) got stuck and it seemed to be banding around between other buildings, then running around underground until it got to the road and the resummoned itself by me on top of the globe. It was actually quite amusing to watch. Edit 2: Ran them through a mission in a lab map vs council and they were bouncing around all over the place. Usually zipping backwards and forwards in straight lines and then at points appearing somewhere completely random. Most of them couldn't follow me up the lift until GF was turned off either.
  2. Maybe, but /bind x "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover" is hardly difficult for the majority of the player base I'd suspect.
  3. This has possibly been addressed already, as I haven't read through the full thread, but on test right now my bind still toggles betweem hover/fly and sj/cj as it always did, it doesn't turn both on, so you should be fine.
  4. I just went on my mercs/time on test as I thought no way is serum 16m40s long, and it is. Wow, that's pathetic, now I remember why I never used it. But at least serum is not a totally wasted pick as it can mule the 2 res +def uniques without going the fighting route. As to the power itself? I can't tell if it or repair in the bots set are the most useless power. At least if you could slot MM sets in them that would be something. Although if we are talking wishlists I'd prefer if the upgrade powers could take the MM sets. I doubt that will ever happen though.
  5. I was just about to ask the same thing. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be done at the same time but it's not been implemented on test at the moment.
  6. I have played numerous thugs/* and */time but never that exact pairing. That being said from what I do know of both sets they should pair together very well. I have played demons/time and it is a fun combo, but either pairing should work well and be fairly comfortable introductions to MMs. Pick whichever fits thematicaly for you I'd say.
  7. Yeah it does only affect the main target for the status protection. The res buff is to the group.
  8. Some general thoughts without going into build specifics. 2 lots of thugs work well together as the Enforcer's leadership buffs affect all the thugs, so eventually each henchie will have 4x buffs on them when you get the 4 enforcers. And because more henchies are getting the buffs there are more targets for the gaussian's chance for build up, so that will trigger more often as well. Just make sure you both rename your thugs to avoid confusion. As for secondaries Time and sonic should pair well for extra defence, healing and res too. I wouldn't worry too much about the slotting to be honest, I've duoed pretty much all the TFs and AVs with SOs and common IOs, and whatever sets I could scrounge up (when I came back and didn't have much inf) with various MM combos. I'd also consider sticking the celerity stealth IO in sprint or power slide, rather than super speed, and put a blessing of the zephyr -kb in there instead.
  9. The ingame numbers (I'm assuming are right) are as follows: assault bot flamethrower is actually worse, it's 6.3 second activation with a 10 second recharge! Full auto laser for the drones is 6.33s with an 11.70s recharge (plus a whopping 15 degree arc). Commando flame thrower is 3.5s activation with a 20s recharge. Those bot numbers are bad as well. No wonder getting them to heel when commanded is a pain when they are stuck in those animations so long. Edit: It's weird to think if they just dropped the animation time to 3.5s and left everything else the same, even if the full damage was still taking the 6.3s, that could still be a significant boost to their overall damage and survivability.
  10. That is just... insane. I knew it felt long, but I never actually checked and assumed it was about 4 seconds. For the damage it does that is just stupidly bad. No wonder I parked my mercs/time at 39 and rerolled it as something more fun. That definitely needs fixed, even if it's technically not broken it's still broken.
  11. Not a way of avoiding it but if you add it to a key you use regularly it will turn it back on for you, even when you don't know it is off. Something like: /bind w "+forward$$powexec_toggle_on time's juncture"
  12. Yes, they synergize quite nicely. Rad has an aoe heal and a debuff for resistance which the bots themselves lack. It also has a regen debuff to stack with the assault bot for AV killing. The downside is the same for bots with any secondary, it's a late bloomer and doesn't really come into its own until the second upgrade at 32, when you get all the AoEs. Also Rads debuffs can be a bit slow to lay down, so if you are teaming and it's a fast rolling group you will probably have little to no use for them on the majority of spawns, as they'll be dead by the time you cast them. They are still useful for AVs/GMs (especially at pre incarnate levels) and smaller teams though.
  13. I'm presuming that mids doesn't take into account the self stacking buff attacking gives via defiance. Plus you have two self damage boosting powers. Personally I'd switch the gaussians chance for build up into tidal forces and alternate using that and upshot. Before you do that though double check what kind of % drop all the recharge from the full set does, as I normally only slot it and 1 recharge reducer, which means it goes off around the max amount it can.
  14. Was it working before and has stopped working, or has it never worked with the new launcher?
  15. I was teamed with a couple of friends. We do themed teams on a Sunday and that particular run was with blasters, we were just out from gold side so in the low 20s level range. We didn't have a problem with the instanced missions, it was just the seemingly unending nonsense between them that was not fun. And that wasn't just my opinion, the others I was teamed with were of the same view, until we decided to call it a night before completing it.
  16. I almost lost the will to live playing through the blueside arc. The numerous go to zone x talk to y then go to Z and defeat... was like an unpleasant return to the original design style of the low level game. I gave up before finishing it.
  17. I usually open with fireball. I find if you open with firebreath the longer animation time gives the group more time to scatter, meaning a follow up fireball might not be as effective.
  18. It does work with the hand animation, that's how I have it on my fire/atomic, I wouldn't have taken the power if I couldn't as I hate the breathing animation. As for the power itself I like it. I think a lot depends on your play style, for thematic reasons I went fly/hover and when you are using cones from above they are much more effective than using them at ground level, due to basic geometry. Artillery is a good, cheap, set to consider for it. 4% ranged defence and it has +range, couple that with the range bonus after using a snipe and you have a very decent ranged cone. It's not an essential power by any means, but I get a lot of mileage out of it, although I can see why others might skip it.
  19. Ah, yeah, on the rare occassions I used costume changes it was with an emote attached right enough.
  20. Also, one of the amplifiers you can get from the P2W vendor, the defence one I believe, gives a bit of mez protection. I always buy them for my new alts and still somehow get surprised when I get to around level 20+ and don't notice they've expired and I get held!
  21. I disagree, mitigation through hard controls, when they are all locked down solid, is where it gets boring for me. Soft controls at least keeps you on your toes. Which is why I have created a new energy/sonic blaster today, and I don't plan on using any kb to kd IOs... should be interesting!
  22. OK, now to be clear, this is not a build I would use myself, I tried to keep the powers as close to what you had as possible, as I figured you like them, so this is what I did with minimal power and slot changes. Softcapped fire defence was the priority (defences across the board have been improved), and then some improved recharge. As a bonus it has capped smash/lethal res now if you wanted to change the farm type to keep things interesting. It does have less regen, but the +heal IOs (panacea and power transfer) should counter that. The major downside is it would be relatively expensivel, with the 2 lots of winter sets in it. I replaced assault with maneuvers, for the extra defence and also the extra recharge. You won't notice the lack of the damage boost, with softcapped fire def you won't need purples or greens, so insp dropss you get can all be combined into reds for extra damage. Now I'm definitely not advocating you to use this build, I just threw it together in about 5 minutes, but it should give you some ideas as to what you can do. Morfaust_ CL_mids_build-1.mxd
  23. You don't do it by combining IOs, although it is done through the same screen, instead you combine the IO with an enhancement booster. You can buy them from the AH, or with merits from a vendor. It's a bit late here to be putting a build together now, but I get a chance I'll try and have a look at it tomorrow.
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