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About Dugunthi

  • Birthday 03/06/1990

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  1. Slight correction: stalking is originally a hunting term, it means stealthily following the prey until a good time to attack. It's a value-neutral term. The archetype clearly refers to this use of stalking. Corruptor is a bit odd as a choice, they don't really manipulate the fabric of the world around them any more than other classes do. But I don't think it matters either way. I'm happy to keep living with the original design decisions made by the creators of the game we are able to keep playing, evne if the language is inaccurate. It's like still saying christmas when actually referring to "consumerist gifting spree in the name of Coca Cola".
  2. CoT will have a realistic chance of seeing the light of day once they look for and find a real investor to put real money into it and have a team work on it full-time. I stopped following its development many years ago.
  3. There's no way it will be as engaging as CoH so I doubt the feelings will be the same. CoH is special not because it's an MMO, but because it's an MMO that allows you to put your mind and feelings into it like no other. Who gets attached to Shiny Paladin #35478790? Just make another Shiny Paladin somewhere else. This game will be as replacable as any of its peers.
  4. The fundamental issue in the above example is that something as ordinary and commonplace as simply "Apple" can be trademarked at all.
  5. The costume contest should be hosted on the forum. Discord is fine as a spillover mechanism, but moving essential community-building/-nurturing activities over is the basis for the death of forums all over. That being said, I think my best costumes are for my Necro/Pain MM Mater Dolorosa and my Radiation/Mental Manipulation Blaster Aariru Mahhuutu (really Āriru Maḫḫūtu; which should mean something like "curse-uttering priest of madness" if I didn't butcher the Akkadian grammar, I just used a dictionary):
  6. The theme song for my Savage/Dark Stalker Terror from the Deep is the music of the game that very bluntly served as primary inspiration: The theme for my Titan/Dark Scrapper Nakukomodamaru (scary enough to quieten a crying child) might be this, the sutra that you'd chant to get rid of evil spirits in Japanese buddhism:
  7. We are now able to greatly improve the quality of the world by playing with the visscale value, but characters still pop in at very short distances, and distant details are still covered by unseemly smog 24/7. This creates a jarring visual dissonance and impacts the overall experience. If options are added to remedy these visual issues, it will greatly improve the player experience and immersion and go a great way to making the game feel more technologically up to date. IN addition, as these settings have a significant impact on the overall user experience, once added offical introductory documentation should include directions on modifying these values, and how to create macros to keep reapplying them with ease (as a preferable alternative, find a way to make the changes permament). This should be done with visscale already.
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  8. Exceptional ambience for an exceptional environment.
  9. I created a Necro/Pain Domination MM, loosely inspired by the "undead father" concept behind Nurgle. Her name is Mater Dolorosa, and the idea is of a mother whose love extends beyond the grave and who endures great pain in eternal devotion to her children. The costume is a mix of Imperial Dynasty, lace, a high-collar mantle and other elements supported by a tall, slender and extremely buxom physique to create an imposingly regal and hyperfeminine and fertile look, with the undead side of things being driven home with the super pale skin and the supernatural face. I made her good-aligned, since love and devotion is always a "good" emotion, even if it extends beyond death.
  10. I'm having the same issue. If OP or anyone has found a solution, I'd love to know. The music slider is innocent though.
  11. My new Symponic/Sonic controller was inspired by her.
  12. Sourdough is super easy to make so I suggest trying yourself! Although getting an oven to perform well enough for proper pizza can be tricky. I think there are tips floating around on the web though. The quality unfortunately dropped dramatically when they recently changed the packaging from a papemache surface wrapped in thin breathable plastic to a thick, sealed plastic bag. It now gets really soggy sitting around on the warm food counter.... 😞
  13. If you start wine-games using the CLI, you should receive a log of everything that happens in the CLI, including any errors that pop up. Might give you a hint as to what's causing the crash. At least it works like that for starting Steam on Linux, helped me figure out a lot of missing dependencies and other issues back when I was devoutly non-Windows.
  14. Try to throw your suggestions down here and see how it goes!
  15. Don't worry. I'm sure people familiar with the Story of O will not feel offended by a reference in the slightest, au contraire, I think they'll be drawn to it! As they say... "Gooble goble, gooble goble, one of us, one of us!"
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