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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. 19 minutes ago, BrandX said:

    Clarion...mez protection.  Barrier...Defense/Resist.  Right there, one doesn't have to feel obligated to take Clarion.  Control and Melee Hybrid also give some form of Status Protection.  Also, isn't there some Blaster Secondary Sets that give status resist?  Not all, but some.  Atomic?



    There's 3 secondaries that give super limited protection, but the rest do not and incarnate stuff comes up so late in the game that its sort of moot 😞

  2. 50 minutes ago, Monos King said:

    Opportunity is not unresistable @aethereal

    Just double checked, apparently neither the mark nor the normal one is. Making it unresistable would be a fun change though.

    I couldda sworn the mark was like bruising before... 


    Anywho, the basic stacking one per hit can stay but I think the actual mark should be unresistable!


    @Coyotedancer, I agree that they should not suddenly be team reliant, but I think having them on a team should be beneficial to everyone given the unique perk of their marks is that others get to use them. While solo, these changes still all 100% benefit the Sentinel.


    @Zepp, tying the mark to the t1/2, but not the stances, I feel makes the most sense as you *have* to take one of them. On a more mechanical note, I think this would be less work too as the marks are tied to those powers already and changing a trigger should be easier than applying it to more powers...


    As for stance changing, I want to avoid having it be as feast/famine as it is now. Which is why I think the free mark + bonuses as you build opportunity would be nice, leading up to when you hit full meter you get to do damage and heal procs instead of making the split decision of which to dance to. 

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  3. 2021 is upon us and it is a time of great change and new beginnings! So, let's take this opportunity dig up something we have been talking about for a while now 😉




    The Sentinel AT has a great foundation all things considered, but a clunky inherent ends up leaving many players feel underwhelmed with them and often going to other more specialized roles or playstyles. They are a hybrid class that specializes in mid range engagement, but are not particularly high damage, not particularly tanky, nor do they have particularly stellar support. The inherent tries to rectify this by allowing you to provide support utility while also letting you choose between more offense or defense in theory, but there are a list of issues to address with how it works:


    • Opportunity is only active some of the time, and while its active it's not incredibly better than without to make up for how somewhat lackluster Sentinels feel when not in a mode, yet still creates sort of a feast/famine dynamic as you need to build up the meter over time before the payoff.
    • This is exasperated by the need to hit either your T1 or your T2 attack for one of 2 Opportunities. Often, a missed opportunity can feel wasted and frustrating with having to wait for your power to recharge or settle for the opportunity you did not want to use after needing to build it up. Let alone having the dynamic of selecting a target that  is "worth" marking, I can't tell you how often there may be like a minion left in a spawn and I have opportunity ready and I have the choice to mark that minion and waste the mark, but get the buff for the next spawn or to just defeat that minion and try and hurry to the next spawn while I still have opportunity to mark a "worthy" target.
    • I feel that this leads to more frustration than fun if you care to pay attention to which mode you want and who you want to target given that you need to build meter, need to then successfully land a hit with one of 2 different powers, and then a large portion of the effect can only be done once at activation which leads you to want to be very selective about who gets it. 


    When everything works though, I feel that it is actually very fun! When you do get a mark on that boss and the right mode at the right moment it feels great! Its just getting to that moment feels much more difficult than it should be when you compare them to other AT's or even other powersets. A Corruptor with a ST Res debuff and decent survival through buffs/debuffs can pretty much do what a Sentinel does currently without needing to build up and take a shot. A more egregious example is comparing them to a Blaster with a lot of defensive investment in IO's, or even just a Scrapper or Stalker.


    In short, Sentinels have a sort of identity problem when you start comparing them to other AT's that is enhanced by the effort/payoff ratio of their inherent. They are super fun when you do line everything up, and their twists on existing Blast / Armor sets that are unique to them are fun to explore but it often feels like there is something missing. To remedy this, changes should:


    1. Enforce a stronger identity for Sentinels to where you cannot easily get the "Sentinel experience" on other ATs or builds.
    2. Make their playstyle easier to grasp and have a much smoother gameplay loop


    My suggestions below aim to hit those two goals and keep the spirit of Sentinels intact while making them just smoother overall.



    1) Base Stats:

    The base stats for Sents I feel is actually in a decent spot overall for what they do, and changes to the inherent should be where the focus lies. The base -5% Res/-2.5% def per attack is actually solid given it's unresistable, but along those same lines I think a boost to the secondary effects of all their attacks could do wonders!


    Sentinels are sort of like the "cavalry" who come in and give back-up to the team with their versatility, allowing them to further "mark" targets with their effects would suit this very well. Currently, Sentinels have roughly the same (debuff) stats as Blasters, with Umbral Torrent for example dealing -5.25% ToHit on both. Boosting this by 1.25x for Sentinels will be a slight but meaningful change that would put them above other damage classes, but below the more "Support" oriented ones (5.25 on Blaster, 6.56 on Sent, 10.71 on Corr). We could potentially even go higher to match Corruptor values as Sentinels do not have Buff/Debuff sets to leverage them in the same ways!


    Many champion an increase to base damage, but I think there are more unique ways to go about that and having the "support" stats fits more with the often under-looked part of their inherent where simply attacking debuffs enemies. 



    2) Opportunity - Vulnerability Mark:

    Currently, Sentinels have to get max Meter and hit a target successfully with either their T1 or T2 attack in order to apply a Mark. This is far too particular given what the mark actually does, heck we even have Trick Arrow able to more or less replicate this exact effect every 3 seconds! This should be decoupled from "Opportunity" and instead just be something the Sentinel can do whenever. Specifically, the T1 and T2 blast, as well as the lvl 6 T3 ST blast will now be able to freely apply the Vulnerability Mark when they hit an enemy.


    (List of lvl 6 T3 blasts)


    (Stunning Shot / Slug / Disintegrate / Abyssal Gaze / Suppressive Fire / Zapping Bolt / Power Burst / Blaze / Chilling Ray / Will Domination / Cosmic Burst / Shout / Dehydrate)


    Sentinels can only mark 1 Target at a time, and the mark cannot stack from multiple Sentinels. These marks last 10 seconds but disappear if another Mark is created (you cannot mark 2 different targets at once by yourself), and new marks replace old ones on the same target. While marked, Vulnerable Enemies face a harsh, unresistable 15% debuff to: Damage Resistance, Mez Resistance, and (Special/Debuff) Resistances, as well as a 7.5% Defense Debuff. This myriad of weaknesses allows any player to benefit in their own unique ways towards a target highlighted by a Sentinel where not only do they take more damage, but longer mezzes and harsher debuffs. Sentinels would enjoy this themselves solo too with each set having a strong Mez attack and increases to their base secondary effect mods!


    With this in place, the "passive" Vulnerability on-hit of 5% -Res and 2.5% -Def would be removed, and replaced by the second change to their inherent.



    3) Opportunity - Overwatch:

    Sentinels will now produce a 60' Radius Aura (Identical range to Mastermind Supremacy) that grants themselves and allies +Perception, as well as +Perception and ToHit resistances (something minor, but flavorful). Allies in Overwatch range will have some interactions that we will touch on in just a moment.


    With every hit Sentinels dish out, they will gain meter towards Opportunity. Hits on Vulnerable Targets will give Bonus Meter, on top of this Allies within Overwatch Range will supply the Sentinel with Bonus Meter (TBD, could be if they are simply in range the Sentinel gets a boost per hit to make it easy). In order to solve some of the Feast/Famine dynamic, I figure giving the Sentinels more ways to stay in "Feast" may just be the most straightforward solution!


    Once at (near full, 80~90%) Meter, the Sentinel will trigger Opportunity automatically! Once active, both effects of Offensive and Defensive that we know now will be active for the Sentinel where they are able to proc damage on foes they strike as well as heal HP and Endurance just the same. On top of this, Overwatch will now grant everyone in range a 10% Damage Buff, 5% ToHit Buff, 30% Regen buff, and 15% Recovery buff for as long as Opportunity is active.


    Better still, allies within Overwatch will be able to use the effects of Offensive/Defensive opportunity (may as well just call it Opportunity) when they strike Marked Targets!



    4) Putting it together:

    Overall the goals of the changes are to streamline Sentinel's Opportunity to be much easier to trigger and be more impactful to themselves and allies than it is now. The ability to mark targets at all times with an unresistable debuff will be stellar and help the Sentinel out greatly in between boosts, and the combination of boosts when you get going will allow them to rise to the occasion each fight especially when they focus fire in a team. Allies benefiting in multiple ways wouldn't hurt either 😉


    Keeping the current opportunity bar and procs doesn't mess with too much IMO and keeps their spirit alive, though I am still a little hesitant on whether the T3 blast should also mark, but it seems like a fair compromise between those who do not like the base abilities and those who want every attack to be able to mark.

    These changes aim to make Sentinels more like actual "scouts" with their playstyle, generally debilitating foes through offense and being able to select foes individually to take down for added effect. I've tried to keep the spirit of them as they exist now intact with Opportunity still being a window, but making the journey to that spot a little less painful. Both Solo and in a Team the changes offer unique spins revolving around their ability to Mark Targets to take down for various rewards, and hopefully create a fun and unique supportive style through offense rather than raw support powers.



    -Galaxy Brain









    (Old OP below)




    The major changes will all revolve around the inherent, which is broken down into a few parts.


    1) Vulnerability Mark:

    One of the literal highlights of a Sentinel is the ability to mark a target with a big, glowy reticle that indicates that they have a harsh, unresistable Resistance Debuff on them! However, this mark is only available if you have a full Opportunity Meter and due to the timer on that, you often "waste" it as mentioned above.


    Instead, given the precedence with Bruising before it, as well as numerous ATs with access to near spammable -Res abilities, lets just allow the T1/2 attack to mark targets freely. The value is lowered to 15% unresistable instead of 20% resistable. This does not stack from multiple Sentinels, but multiple sentinels can now easily spread marks. This is a direct increase to single target damage overall as you can consistently keep 1 enemy marked while in combat and the versatility it gives in a team scenario would be just awesome as you and other Sentinels can more freely set up enemies to take the hurt. 


    • Edit: Either the T1 or T2 can cause this mark freely, but they share the same mark. 


    2) Opportunity Modes:

    With the T1 and T2 now freely giving Vulnerability, a big part of "Opportunity" is no longer present with the modes. Instead, I'd like to tie these directly into the Vulnerability mark to still have that element of choice, but with much more leniency.


    Offensive - When at (max) meter, Marked Targets take additional damage procs from your attacks. This is somewhat of a nerf due to AoEs not having small procs from the Sentinel, but is made up for by the ability to freely do this from target to target.


    Defensive - When at (max) meter, defeating Marked Targets triggers a heal to Health and Endurance that scales based on enemy rank. This would be much bigger than the healing from current Defensive mode, but less frequent due to it not being per hit. Luckily defeating a marked target should be easy, especially a minion, with the combined offensive mode + stacked -Res debuffs.


    • Edit: Both effects happen once you hit max meter, they are not "separate"


    Combining these modes when at max meter and trying them to the marked  target I feel would cement the Sentinel's playstyle to someone who calls the shots and points out the targets and strategies for the group. Now, currently meter drops to 0 after some time after triggering Opportunity. This could be kept as when you hit max meter, you get the same effect and go into "Opportunity Mode" for ~20s like now before it resets, or the meter could simply drain much quicker. Either way I think it'd be nice if attacking or defeating Marked targets gave bonus meter to allow you to get to this mode much more regularly.


    A big downer for me was the build up to opportunity, and then often that would also be delayed by a miss, selecting a target, or juggling when to activate. Changing this to where you always get to mark a single foe to boost you in between Opportunities on top of making windows of opportunity more common would be a huge boon.


    3) Overwatch:

    A new ability, Sentinels now emit a wide area Aura that provides +Perception and +Perception resist to themselves and all friendlies in range (thinking like 60ft). This would be super flavorful for the AT's Scout/Cavalry role, but the aura also serves a potent secondary function.


    The Sentinel and all friendlies in Overwatch Range benefit from the Sentinel's opportunity meter. As it builds, all entities in range will receive bonuses as you point out vulnerabilities in your foes, and ultimately get to join in when you trigger an Opportunity! The Sentinel and all Allies in range will receive up to the following at Maximum Meter:


    • +15% Damage
    • +7.5% ToHit
    • +50% Regen
    • +25% Recovery


    The latter boosts to sustain even out the loss of the Defensive Mode per-hit bonus, while the 15% boost helps with AoE's losing the normal proc and helps bolster the hurt on Marked targets even more. These numbers can be fudged around, but I think those values are solid as the meter will eventually drop either naturally or after a set time when Opportunity wears off as above.


    When you do have Opportunity active, it should be mentioned that Marked Targets take proc damage from Any Damage Source. This means allies, pets, or even other enemies that damage the marked target will be able to contribute to Offensive Opportunity! Multiple Sentinels with the mark and opportunity active cannot stack, but you can spread targets through a group still. As for the Defensive Opportunity, it should be noted that the Sentinel does not have to be the one to defeat the foe. Any defeat of a marked target will trigger the heal for everyone in Overwatch range. This means a Sentinel can mark a target for a Brute to smash, and by doing so the whole team benefits!







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  4. 7 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

    Mmm...I'm going to say "yes" for the most part - personally I don't see any compelling reason to change them. I'd argue that all of the Control powersets are generally competent at locking down the battlefield, even if some of them go about it in a way that doesn't really gel with some more prevalent gameplay styles. Going over the two powersets that seem to be brought up the most here:

    • Mind Control while soloing is very potent - it's much easier to not avoid damaging sleeping enemies and so on while doing so
    • Gravity Control can easily take a chunk of enemies out of the fight, letting one take out the rest of the group relatively safely - hard to coordinate and not to everyone's taste, but similarly strong

    Well, getting into the nitty gritty:


    Several control powers do NOT benefit at all from Domination, Ice Control being egregious here for example.


    A set like Gravity is balanced around having attacks... but Assault powers on doms are almost always better than the Grav attacks even with impact!


    For stuff like that, I feel doms should have a seperate version

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks Tellania!


    On 12/11/2020 at 11:26 PM, tellania said:

    BUT ...   I have 2 suggestions to HELP YOU OUT!

    1.   How was this actually setup?   Did you create a custom AE mission to create a testing method?   I didn't see anything specific how the test is actually conducted.

    I created a custom AE mission with a boss spawn right at the front that I waltz into. The spawn at x8 size covers attacks with the damage type spread I had mentioned in the OP and has a variety of slow and fast attacks coming in all at once to test the tanker's mettle.



    2.  Some people have great suggestion to test against various enemy groups (e..g Rikti) .   While I agree 100% with your initial values, it would also be valuable feedback to see how radiation vs stone (non granite) vs invul against certain missions (such as psi clockwork, or mixed like carnies).   In short, this is too much work for you, so if you do #1, allow others to have a comparable setup and test against mission specific mobs.    Let some of us, help you, in a baseline versus specific enemy mobs.

    I think that'd be great! Only thing is picking out the mobs in a way that'd be a bit more controlled / easy to repeat.





    1. Arachnos: lots of exotic types in there! Good source of Toxic, Psy, Energy damage along with S/L of course
    2. New Banished Pantheon: cold, negative, psy, energy, and fierce debuffs
    3. Endgame CoT: lots of fire damage, some cold, some Negative
    4. Endgame Dev Earth: includes the Infested troopers which yield a lot of damage types and debuffs
    5. Vanguard Sword: Much spoopier SL with some nasty debuffs, as well as en / cold / fire / neg attacks
    6. Council / 5th Column: standard mob 1
    7. Carnies: standard exotic mob 1


    Could do these guys?

  6. 1 hour ago, parabola said:

    I think all the self rez powers (but particularly Soul Transfer and Rise of the Phoenix) should be iconic powers in their sets. They have awesome flavour but the mechanics are such that people often don't take them. That is a shame in my book. The flavour text in these powers even talks about 'you revive yourself from the brink of death' rather than 'from death', I'm suggesting we actually create a 'brink of death' state where toggles suppress rather than drop and debt does not yet occur because death hasn't actually happened. Then if you are revived using a primary or secondary rez power you come up swinging and death only truly occurs if one of these powers is not available.


    Anyway, as I said before this is probably mechanically difficult to unpick so couldn't happen but it's an idea I've had kicking around at the back of my head for a while and this seemed an ideal opportunity to air it. 😀

    Stealing from Borderlands 2, the character Krieg has a specific skill that can only be activated if you are at 33% HP or lower. I wonder if something similar could be done with these sets where the power is greyed out, but is active with the Orange Circle if you hit a certain HP threshold where you can use it's full effect while alive?

  7. On 12/19/2020 at 6:39 AM, Monos King said:

    I...can't see either of those ever happening. Both of those seem pretty appropriate, seeing as you died.


    On 12/19/2020 at 6:54 AM, parabola said:

    Yeah I see what you're saying. I suppose I'm wondering if we could split defeat into two conditions, ko and death, where ko is what happens when you immediately go down and death is what happens if you don't have a primary or secondary power to get back up again. That way the self rez powers in particular become more appealing. They are so flavourful that it's a shame that people avoid taking them because 'why would I take a power that requires me to fail to use it'. I'm wondering if the 'fail' can be taken out of the equation.


    This is very pie in the sky thinking I totally admit though. These mechanics are doubtless deeply baked in and I've not really sat down and thought through the balance of it all.

    I agree with the conditions here, having actual revive powers revoke actual "deaths" seems appropriate and would make them have actual value.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Krimson said:

    I haven't had any problems finding names I like. Logically, if you use a bit of imagination, then coming up with an original name isn't a form of hardship. But if the OP thinks he can use gentle force to get the Homecoming team to work at a pace that he likes, then good luck to him. I'm not going to make presumptions about a free game run by volunteers. No one I actively play with has had any trouble coming up with names. Therefore based on my own personal experience, which is just as valid as anyone else's, the problem doesn't exist. 


    I already offered a solution. Get rid of names completely and just use global names. Everyone is their global, and if you want to call your toon something else, put it in the bio space. I highly doubt many care about the names of other people's toons, only their own. So if you get rid of them completely, there would literally be nothing to complain about. 

    It doesn't matter if you can find names or not, the issue is that compared to live there is a massive amount of character real estate and a large amount of abandonment on a game with no barrier to entry. That means there will be inactive names just sitting there when they are a commodity.


    Swapping everything to globals is too fundamental a change, so inactivity is something that could be enforced. 


    Besides, this is something that had been brought up by the devs themselves so there is an expectation that it would be done in some manner. Figuring out how it will be done is up for question. 

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  9. 27 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    If you are really sure that there is wrongdoing happening, then how did that information get to you? Surely it had to come from somewhere, and if said information that you insist is real does in fact exist, there is evidence. Burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused, and you are making some hefty accusations based on "logical deduction". So in this day and age of people standing before judges and shouting, "The wrongdoing is real. You gotta believe me!", yes I am being dismissive. If you can't prove that you're not just making things up, don't complain when people don't believe you.

    What is being accused here? This is just common sense and you can even back it up with the statistics thread in general.


    There are X number of total accounts, and Y active accounts each day that are a fraction of the total. It stands to reason that a chunk of X are people who logged in for the first few months, then left never to play again once their nostalgia itch was scratched. Those accounts that have been left untouched for over a year could be assumed to be abandoned. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, Monos King said:

    This one is a net positive unless you want to have certain pets avoid gaining certain abilities. It would be the removal of choice in those instances, which is troubling. I've played on the server where this exact proposal is already installed, and it's very convenient, but it was terribly frustrating when I wanted a demon to not draw aggro or a pet to not flamethrow, or a knight to have broadsword instead of TW (they have knights). 


    The toggle idea is the best way to deal with it really. Whether or not it would cost endurance I dunno.

    Ideally, we'd make the upgrades all useful too instead of detrimental lol

  11. 5 minutes ago, Blackfeather said:

    Thanks for the mention! ❤️


    Generally, I think when people say "in what ways can we challenge players further", what they really mean is "how can I make my character feel like they're contributing". And the latter doesn't always necessitate the former.

    This sums it up niceley!


    @Black Zot, my goal here isn't to just make the game harder for the sake of it. My goal is to introduce new facets that while may be hard for some, are easy for others to encourage more diverse tactics. That is objectively harder than we have now as it throws more decisions at the players, but at the same time our current meta means certain builds and styles are straight up eclipsed by others that "solve" the current puzzle better. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Black Zot said:

    Kinda hilarious that you'd pick Super Strength, of all sets, being as its damage is almost entirely wrapped up in a couple of active powers (one of which has a CHANCE to mez) and a crashing buff.  SS's dedicated mez button explicitly does very little damage,  has the usual accuracy problems associated with AoE mez, and tends to be skipped as it sends targets wandering out of reach when it DOES connect.  All you did was prove my point.

    SS has stuns and a hold IIRC, and the high damage beign in a few powers doesnt negate it being a high damage set.


    How about we use Energy Melee then since every power can Stun and it does Wumbo damage? Or Ice Melee where it has a hold that deal good damage? Beam Rifle's Lancer Shot, etc, etc. There are a number of examples of good powers that have mez effects, though you highlight another issue is that dedicated mez powers in existing sets often are just poorly made or at best struggle to be picked over more attacks.


    3 hours ago, Black Zot said:

    Are you planning to make this new buffer a minion, or do you expect the devs to put in time to create an entirely new class of mob that doesn't have the built-in protection inherent to Lt-and-up enemies?

    I'm going off the assumption that whatever armor toggle that this theoretical enemy has could have negative mez protection. If they wanted, Im sure they could make an AV with a mag -1000 mez protection power to bypass the native resists of their rank.


    3 hours ago, Black Zot said:

    ... that's the entire point of mez powers - crowd control.

    Yes and no, what I mean by crowd control are powers that control location more than action, but even those rarely matter given mobs are wiped by AoEs/Get taunted naturally by most melee characters (either inherent or armor toggle) before they get to scatter much anyways.


    3 hours ago, Black Zot said:

    You're still creating a paradigm that forces people to bring CC, if you're changing things at all.  Either the effect isn't strong enough to make any real difference, or you run into people not IO'ed to the nines simply not being able to kill these guys because they can't shut down that mitigation effect.  You're trying to invent a middle ground where there isn't one, and never will be.  MMOs, ultimately, are a game of numbers; either the numbers say you need X or they don't.


    Nobody likes putting up with a Paragon Protector that's popped MoG or an Illusionist that's gone intangible, whether the mob in question is an actual threat to the team or not, and your idea simply amounts to adding more Paragon Protectors and Illusionists.  That's not "creative encounters", that's one more faction on the "we're not doing this mission" list.

    As @CrudeVileTerror put it, those bosses are extreme examples because there is no workaround for them, same with Fake Nemi's and the Council silver people who's name escapes me lol. They just go invincible if you do not defeat them quick enough (or just at random for Carnies) and you can't do much. Those are not so much difficult as they are tedious or # checks. Either you get the timing right and can deal with the carnie, deal enough damage outright to skip their invincible trap cards, or you don't.


    What this example idea is proposing is adding in enemies with alternate means of defeat which opens up alternate playstyles and choices. Unlike the above examples, it'd be treated more like attacking a lethal resist enemy with lethal damage, when you have a Fire damage attack on deck that would be better. You can certainly beat them with the lethal attacks but the Fire would be way better, much like how this theoretical enemy could be beaten by raw damage, but if you mez them first then they take a TON more damage and are easier/faster to go down.


    Most all sets have some components of Mez effects that could be used, and those that do not tend to be incredibly high DPS anyways, so it seems like it would shake out.



    Again, this is just one idea of what could be done.

  13. 8 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:



    I don't think there's a rule against it, no. 


    A few ideas were tossed around when Castle was updating Gravity around issue 20. One of them was for Propel and/or Lift to gain extra utility when used in Domination mode, e.g. throwing nearby enemies into the air or creating a "knock up patch" in the spot the power lands that continually hurls enemies in the air. There were a few other ideas tossed around, some involving Dimension Shift. The game wasn't around too much longer after the changes, so nothing much came of it.

    Moreso in general for all of us brainstorming as it seems people see "Gravity Control" as it's own thing where any change would effect both AT's. Even something like Dominator Lift and Propel being much longer recharge but hit much harder / AoE would be really cool and make it feel different.

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