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Galaxy Brain

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Everything posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. Wonder if pets could spawn with like, a 10 sec invulnerability timer?
  2. The idea wont work anyways, but the auto rest would have just been the increased recovery and regen, not the lock and place and other debuffs
  3. Whoa, this got resurrected fast lol. Anyways, the original intent was to mirror games like Gw2 where if you are out of combat you get a "rest" effect as a QoL. Game has been live again for a while and yeah it's a minor thing, but it would have been nice to see in some way. Sijin detailed why out of combat is tricky as well, so its be a ton of work with little payoff.
  4. Soloing a GM is essentially a gimmick compared to 99% of the rest of the game. I could do this with my bot/trap MM on live before he was even lvl 38 due to how the debuffs work on GMs. I would love to see actual underperforming sets boosted up, but look at how that is handled with even suggestions to Super Strength which is a "good" set. To what metric would they be boosted? If TW is the hardest to master and had other shortcomings, I'm fine with it being the best raw data as long as it isnt like far and away the best by a wide margin for every category. Like if TW was still the best by a smaller gap, or if it was top tier in every aspect but not the absolute best in every aspect that would be awesome. This can be done either by tuning TW down a scooch (easy but controversial even if a wrist slap), or boosting all other sets (way more complex). On top of this, the IO meta is essentially covering endurance issues, defenses and getting a bunch of recharge, with a sprinkling of procs based on your AT and powers. So most comparisons outside of procs is just looking at DPA assuming you have great recharge already. It's not like you can build for +damage as reliably / etc for alternate avenues until it gets to Incarnates at end game. I went on a bit of a tangent, but I think the IO arguement isnt as off limits given that most players have tons of resources now to at least get a basic IO build on characters they want to invest time into. I've seen people on FB ask for IO advice using a picture they took of their screen using like an iphone6 😛 it's not as uncommon to get some bonuses worked in, and just by playing past 50 you work at Incarnate abilities.
  5. It's not that they're underperforming, it's that TW had a big gap over all other melee sets.
  6. Itd be neat if confront made both you and the confronted target phase shifted, so it's a one on one for you and the target
  7. EM was over nerfed for sure (so was regen), so yes we should be careful
  8. The main thing that keeps coming back is that Tanks should feel different to play than Brutes, which with mechanical changes will also change their performance vs them at high lvl.
  9. I would imagine those get changed as well....? 🤔
  10. I guess I cannot speak for this since I have a bias from fighters when it comes to "difficult to play". That said, it still seems even if it is the hardest set to optimize, it has a big gap over other sets for both ST and AoE when its available, and I'm not sure how to quantify X difficulty for Y gap there...
  11. Unfortunately we just have to take your word. But that still is an apples to oranges comparison. This whole thread is due to an Apple to Apple comparison between Brutes and Tankers as they directly compete for the same niche at times. In your PvP example, Blasters and other ATs are directly competing against each other in the most direct way possible. Tankers and Blasters don't compete for AoE damage. Also this, if anything this would help blasters in a team 😛
  12. I mean sure, but that is apples and oranges. Those changes were directly impacting blasters (in PvP), where here it does not impede on their ability to hit tons of targets at once for 3028472x Tanker damage. You dont see blasters complaining about AoE control powers that hit a wide area for damage as well.
  13. Eh, I wouldn't say its difficult. But even still, it is the top performing by a huge gap and even while leveling you can see it has an edge.
  14. This thread used to be called "What would be a good slap on the wrist for TW?", but after much discussion it has come to light that the metrics used that make TW stand out are not really reflective of normal gameplay. If you check the latest pages, we are designing a more solid baseline test for melee sets to gather proper data without the involvement of IO builds or other outside variables. -More to come- Unpopular..ish.. opinion time. Titan Weapons have been an outlier set for every AT that has them but for some reason is never talked about as a point of balance. You can look at any "best X" ranking and see TW on there somewhere, and it seems that even over time the set does not have a flaw outside of getting used to the ebb and flow. Whacking the numbers of the powers doesnt feel right as you should feel super strong when you hit people with a telephone pole, but what about reducing the time that Momentum is active by like a second? This would have minimal impact on the day to day play of the set, but better bring it in line with other melee sets over time. 1 less second is 1 or even 2 less activations you can squeeze in for maximum dps before going slow again. Cutting that down a smidge will still preserve the feel of TW while not making it as outstanding from the rest.
  15. Technically for balance, but yeah it doesnt make sense if it's not like a "I need to concentrate on you to maintain this mojo" power.
  16. Also this. This sort of implies it's ok to do it to the male minions? This had come up before in the threads as well, and I beleive it ended up asking if it's ok to even have female NPCs that can be defeated lol
  17. Meta has a very good response to this as well, but I do not see this as adding more bad stuff. I see this as an overall positive to have more diversity and player choice.
  18. I mean if we wanna go there, is beast mastery animal cruelty in promoting dogs / wildlife being forced to fight? The horrors of conscripting people into war with mercs, gang violence with thugs, stereotypes with thugs/ninjas, etc. Pets also don't necessarily need to be "subservient" either, I see plenty of SWAT themed merc mms in Paragon City where its more like a unit than your standard "I have power over my minions!" style character. We have a post above asking for awesome secret agent women as a squad, As for fluid blasters, I've been on a sewer run and seen "___kkake" characters once or twice, and even seen on Discord somebody made a stone tanker with a name being a pun on stepping in shit just to have Rooted running as well. People are gonna be gross, there is no stopping that, and you are right that unfortunately we need to see stuff in order to report on it but we already have the means to do weird shit in the game as is.
  19. Punishment doesn't have to involve physicality. Anyways, people can and do weird stuff in-game already and they are dealt with appropriately. Do you know how many Milk/Bodily Fluid characters I have seen with the Water Blast sets and/or slime auras? Should those be taken away too?
  20. This seems pretty straight forward to make a set that has some combo of existing elemental pets since they already exist. Would it be easy to rig those guys to MM controls and such though?
  21. Sure, people may use it to be gross. But, you can already be gross with existing MM pets (technically grosser if you wanna go down certain routes) as well as in game resources such as just making certain avatars or AE missions. Given that you can already be gross, and we have the tools to moderate, this is punishing people who would legit want female MM pets just because some people may be weirdos.
  22. I mean, this is just like slippery slope incarnate. People can be gross, and it is already dealt with via ignore / reporting. The same could be done to people making weird MMs. Should we go around and find anyone playing female avatars in pocket D and ban them too?
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