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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. Here's the thing, when it was on Brainstorm, and I was testing on several types of characters with it (3 Blasters, a Sentinel, a Corr and a Def (I like Dual Pistols)) I was really really effing pissed about the changes to Suppressive Fire, in part because in my testing I saw it as nothing but a nerf.  I do not judge a power at its base by how well it procs; not saying those who do are wrong but that's not how I roll; procs are icing on the cake.  My lockdown times were down and as has been pointed out the damage isn't big in trade.  But also I was not giving it a full run and as such my data was not accurate.  When the changes went live I tested it again on Brainstorm, doing a respec to put two damage and two hold into it (I was unwilling to make too many compromises from what I saw as an optimum build in Di Di Guns).  Then I ran around popping bad guys new blow holes.


    Suppressive Fire with chill rounds lets me lock Bosses (+3 mostly but some +4) and with my recharge set properly I can snap it off again before it expires which allows me to keep them in a continual block of ice.  Conversely, the bump up in damage is value added while I work the Boss.  I can get two other shots in before I have to reapply Suppressive which recharges.  The +4 guys sometimes get out before but still, all in all I have to say Suppressive Fire, in my opinion, is a must have for a soloist.


    Piercing Rounds.  Screw that noise.  Slow ass animating power.  Annoying like Dominate Will on a Psi Blaster except I cant outrun the animation.  Damage or not I don't want to be angry playing my character.

  2. On 5/4/2023 at 2:19 AM, Sir Myshkin said:

    It's not that bad, not until they also take Storm Summoning, and then switch all of their powers to "Bright" color tint with with the highest florescence pink they can choose. My eyes are still bleeding from that one. o_o

    This.  I don't have storm summoning and I don't really have any issues seeing (beyond my age-based issues).  I will say with Storm summoning (different character) I actually went to lengths to try and select semi-toned down colors for that exact reason when Hurricane and Steamy are up.  Same thing goes for bubbles or mists.  I swear I almost Snarky'd several teams where someone's mist is like puke or fluorescent green.  Ick.  And Ice armor that like bright yellow.  Bleah!

  3. Once, when CoH was still live I was I went to pick up my nephew from some school function that had him and his little friends all sweaty and as I handed out water bottles I said "Gather for RA".  Didn't even realize it until my nephew called me out on it (he played a little with me supervising when he was like 8).

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  4. All kidding aside I would have to say that besides being on a team that was part of the first Hamidon takedown on Freedom server it would be on Homecoming where I was playing my Illusion/Empathy Controller Doctor Finetush, on a team that could be best defined as a challenge (Snarky would have dropped in like three seconds).  We were on a Silver Mantis Strike Force with a two blasters of no real significance, a dominator whose powers I never figured out because he was seemingly never in the fight, a Bots Mastermind who was doubly gimped both with bots and the clear inability to control them, an Arachnos Soldier, a Stalker who seemed to only attack when he could Assassin strike and a tank who had clearly focused their build on damage dealing and not survivability.  Oh and in some of the missions, they liked to split up.


    The result was that they were constantly losing health and on the edge of dying.  But I was full on Empathy that day.  Sure I had the PA out and such but really all I was doing was running back and forth healing and refreshing Clear Mind on the non-melee types and hitting squishies with Fortitude and combat dropping RA when I could.  It was frantic and frustrating at the same time and what made it a glorious war story in game was that the only one that died was the Stalker . . . twice . . . because he had gone to the opposite side of the map thinking he cold take on more than a pair of Skulls without getting his sneaky ass kicked.  He bitched about it too and I simply reminded him that there was strength in numbers.  There were guys that were a second away from going down and then I hit them with HO and Absorb and suddenly they are back.


    Oh and in the final mission at the Raider Sea Base where Masterminds normally lay face down in the water because not flat linear battlefield, yeah the bot boy was still standing as I had flight on and was speeding from one triage point to another healing and buffing and looking damn good doing it (its the hair bow).  It was . . . glorious.


    There are many players, myself included that will say that a dedicated healer in the game as it is right now isn't really necessary but sometimes . . . sometimes you need a skilled trauma remediation technician . . . and that's when you call Doctor Finetush.

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  5. I use the test server two ways.


    The first is to test what the Devs have put out and want feedback from.  I tend to sway more towards testing the impact of changes to existing powers and such rather than new powers because I am just not that focused.  I try to give feedback and/or at least make things known that might not have been thought about.  I will test new power sets in time but often its after they are released on live and the super attentive testers have spoken.


    Second is that I use it to test builds or respec before deploying them on live.  While the numbers are close enough between Mids and live actual play can show me weather its a good idea or bad idea because actual play synergy matters.  Also it lets me figure out if the advanced Set IO build action is also good (i.e. I thought that proc was a good idea but it sucks) before I spend money I don't need to spend.


    It's a very useful tool as a player for certain and I thank the Devs for it being a thing I can use without special permission.

  6. 1 hour ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


    Okay, not that I disagree with you, or think anything would change if these Blueside TFs were mirror-imaged on Redside, but.....


    This is a bit of a false equivalence because all of the TFs you listed are run for accolade badges. The only SF that is needed for a Redside version of the same is RLSF, which does get run fairly frequently (though to your other point usually sped run). If Redside SFs had the same utility for accolades we might see more people running them.

    You make a fair point about equivalency and the possibility of activity based on an alteration of that equivalency.  I mean I know players who run teams to speed run the Villain Mayhems in order to get Invader which converts to TFC when they jump back to blue Side.  As you mentioned, the absence of two low level SFs like Posi are yet again a barrier to entry which would need to be resolved and Kal you have to unlock to run which would need to be changed to be included.  Plus there would have to be level realignment which might involve relocating contacts and I definitely haven't dug that deep in research there.

  7. 1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:

    I'm unsure of the meaning/implication of this statement.

    I mean that I do not go on crusades to make things go away because I didn't like them.  I do not define others fun and they mine.  I am not the only opinion in the room and I am often both wrong and/or in the minority.  But I do like discourse as it occasionally opens up new ideas.


    Now things that are inherently wrong, those are the things I am apt to crusade against to the best of my ability.

  8. 9 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    To me, that destroys the comic book mythology. The original comic book mythology is pretty direct. There is good and here is evil. The good is attacked by evil. Evil must be vanquished because of that. Sure, the Comic Book Authority made that even more rigid. 

    I agree here, I was just pointing out that Praetoria allowed for a better assimilation of the Vigilante/Rogue in-betweens than the straight up hero or villain.  There are several things that were implemented in CoX that I didnt agree with because they weren't comic booky and heroy; playing villains, the Arenas and PvP in general, having to watch myself travel to the fight.  But I just didn't participate in the things as opposed to trying to make them go away.


    It doesn't always have to be The Dark Night, Watchmen, Section 31 but you really fail when you make real white hats like Superman into grey hats.

  9. On 4/26/2023 at 1:08 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    How do you feel about the current state of Red Side?

    I look at the Red Side (it is red side as the load screen for a Villain or Rogue aligned character is red, its not parsing words its literally the color), I look at it as somethinig that exists.  When it came out on live back in the day I bought it and rolled a Mastermind, the only interesting AT that it came up with.  However after running that one toon up to 50 I realized that Red Side wasn't for me.  I don't wish is dead I just don't care about it except when it suits my needs.  Personally I believe it is exactly where it needs to be unless the Devs want to truely invest in moving forward the established canonic foundations coupled with the repeated and nearly accepted AMA Lore relating to Recluse and the ramifications of the Who Will Die SSA as well as the Patron Arc of Sirocco along with the Coming Storm shtick.



    If you had you split your play time between blue, red, and gold, how much percent out of 100 would you say you spend playing red side?

    Blue 90% - Red 7% - Gold 3% and here's where the painful truth comes out; I go to V side for one or two things, Patron Unlock or badges and now that my primary and alternate badge hunters have what they need, that is gone.  The only other time I go there is when one of the Strike Forces is the WSTAnd gold side, that horse has been beaten and should never have time dedicated to doing anything with it.  But that brings me to:


    What do you think about the mission content of red side?

    When CoV came out the stories were new and many included new mechanics to them that gave them this veneer of being "better written".  However once you have done them once or maybe twice that great writing is riddled with holes and in the end no better or worse than the content on the Bluse side; there are good arcs and bad arcs.  The problem was that until Going Rogue came out, the bulk of the Red side missions were really just Rogue missions and as others have noted, almost always you being a pawn of whoever.  Villain groups like the Circle of Thorn's were fleshed out better which I appreciate because I truly consider them evil.  Similarly the expansion of the Freakshow was welcome but the Column-Council, the Sky Raiders and such were filler.  But with very few exceptions I never felt like a villain.  Naturally when GR came out it fit more so my MM was shifted to Rogue and using Ouroboros I could cherry pick content I had missed that matched my theme.  GR made thematic play on the V side better.  Contrary to some people I loved Mayhem missions because they made sense and who doesn't want to smash shit for fun and profit.  Someone also said that they didn't want to grind papers and went to Blue side to fill in the void in leveling but part of the reason that void doesn't exist on Blue side is more content over time.


    And here's an interesting thing, the recent Page 6 release included story arcs designed with Rogues and Vigilantes in mind.  If the devs were to develop a semi-parallel Rogue to Villain path akin to the Gold Side Praetorian (of which all aren't total black hats) vs Resistance (who aren't white hats by any means) (and yes heroes/vigilantes in time) then it might spice some things up.  Shift some of the non-Destiny, non really evil stuff to Rogue and develop measures content that is more "evil" it might work for some players.



    How about.the atmosphere/weather?

    It works in Port Oakes and Nerva, I always felt like I was on an island and the atmosphere-architecture worked - French and Spanish colonialism which matched the timeline history.  Sharkhead should have leaned more into the industrial waste dump/afront to nature place, maybe create some sort of rolling-random toxic cloud or water zone that keeps you on your toes.  Coralax ambushes like the Snakes pull in Mercy.  St. Martial bugged me as it is this industrial dump paired with a Casino world.  I have been to Atlantic City, I don't need a slightly nicer version of that in my game.  It should have been totally Vegas tricked from the jump, freaking fake fun parks for the kiddies, roller coaster park, more casinos, brothels, bars, and the like.  Take the industrial port to the West and turn it into a cruise ship terminal, make a Spider World theme park on that mound of rubble to the East; ride the Recluse-Coaster and eat 6 dollar shave ice.  Make it super shiny to fool everyone into believing it is what Recluse envisions, Praetoria the shit out of it.


    Grandville sucks.  I hate it and I want it leveled.  Terrible design, terrible to navigate, confused ideas paired with bad vibes.  I would blank slate the whole thing.  It's supposed to be the capital of a seat of government for a nation state.  It needed to lull visitors into a sense of complacency.  Sure you keep the giant ass statues but yeah, Praetoria the hell out of it with a slightly darker color palate but clean up the travel.



    What would get you to play more on red side now then you currently do? What would you change about red side in general if you were able to do so?

    Well you read a lot of my ideas above, it's not like I don't think about what could make Red Side better.  What else.  Someone mentioned it and I agree; Arachnos needs to be punted from Sirens Call and Atlas and Longbow forcibly ejected from Mercy and Nerva, it makes absolutely zero sense at any level (game or real world).  In no world would a sovereign nation with actual power allow another nation state to occupy its lands.  Maybe expand the lore and content opportunities on those un-named southern Isles in the Rogue Isles (I have a lot of fan fiction explaining those).  Dig deeper into the Blood War between the Mu and the Oranbegans and how it is essentially focused around the Isles, you fought Mot and have communed with Teikeiliu (spelling) so dealing with Ermeeth and Hequats issues as well as Merulina and the Coralax would make for some great story telling that builds upon existing material.


    But hat is one of the problems.  A lot of players want content but most players just blast through it to get the shiny, never bothering to read . . . anything.  That's why I don't do Khan's unless someone actually has the temerity to say KM Khan because speed is what they want, same goes for Aeon (god I would love to actually enjoy an Aeon) and Tin Mage/Apex (where are we going, what are these).  I tried to lead these once to get that and people lost their shit and left the team because not fast enough for reward!


    Conversely, the unavoidable truth is that the core issue is that Blue side is easier and a better known variable and the most populated.  So do the devs waste time and energy developing more content to a generally abandoned world on the hope that people will frequent it more and do so beyond the initial blush or will it regress to what it is now once the shiny's are earned.  Gold side tells us everything we need to know.  Best stories (seriously, best written stories) and new looks and moral specific content yet a freaking ghost town.  Blue side is simply easier (in all fronts; navigation, ability to find teams, content, everything) so only those who want to slog, or be different or take a chance do anything but blue and hoping that you can change that is to be blunt . . . foolish; hope is the last refuge of the dammed.


    I mean look at the chat right now (at any moment).  How many times per hour do you see a DFB on blue and how many red.  How many Posi1 or 2, Yin or Citadel or Moonfire are being run daily when they ARENT the WST compared to Tarikoss or Renault or Mistral when they are WST.  

  10. So I was on a Cruiser and one day General Quarters is sounded at Oh Dark Thirty and I jump out of my rack like every other drill we've been doing for the last three months, steaming around the Red Sea in a box pattern.  But you never know so I am in my gear and up on the O-3 Level, headset on and letting Combat know that my Battle Station was manned and ready.  So there I was, my team all thinking about lighting up cigarettes because we are all outside the skin of the ship and nobody is going to know and we just assumed it was a drill when all of a sudden we hear a pop-roar and suddenly a freaking Tomahawk Cruise Missile clears the line of sight up forward and is outbound.


    More followed.  At that moment Desert Shield became Desert Storm and shit was never the same for me in the Navy.  I was scared that first few days but in hindsight it turned out to be a pretty good war story.


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  11. Not a Mids Dev here but just put in the newest version (3.5.3 I believe because I am not at home).  It does use a new file extension but all of my builds except my Masterminds do import and do so apparently correctly.  Masterminds are the only one I am seeing it throw multiple alerts on and don't open.  Will be putting in the Discord channel when I get home.  Happened with all four MMs (and only the four MM's).  Mercs, Demons, Necro and Thugs.

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  12. Also, ask for help in these forums or in the HELP channel in game.  There are lots of great players who like to help. 


    Also, have fun, it is just a game that isn't even supposed to be around anymore so enjoy the fun and live like it will be taken away again tomorrow.


    But have a sense of humor with some of the responses as they can get . . . Snorky?  Snakey?  Stymie?  Something like that . . . looks like Count Orlok.  Nice guy actually except for the blood sucking and . . . well snarkiness 🙂

  13. I am working the choices down currently on the test server.  I am steering into a close-in fighting mode (semi-Blappery) with the set so I am liking Storm/Atomic Blaster, Storm/Sonic Blaster, Storm/Darkness Blaster or Storm/Ice Corruptor.  Part of it is that I have a Generation 1 Stormie and several variations of electric so I didn't want to go over that ground.  BUt I also like the slight amount of frantic chaos i see with storm that makes being not a safe Sentinel as appealing.  Maybe its just me.


    This weekend will likely have my mind made for me unless I read something here that really makes me go "ah ha!"

  14. I don't even care about the badge that's how little I care and that's why I sell my prismatics.  I like what @Sakura Tenshi said up there but the fact that they do not scale to size is why I have no interest.  Would I like to run around as a Dark Ring Mistress, yes, sometimes when I am drunk and being silly, but losing or gaining height breaks the illusion for me.

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