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Everything posted by Thrax

  1. Here is mine. It takes barrier. It is a lot of fun. I'd still take hasten for quicker Nova and double gun drone like mentioned above. Mega Thrax Energy Devices Blaster 2023 with hasten.mxd
  2. Always been my problem, which is I did the version with mjolnir. He can do about anything he wants and/or the writer wants him to do, so doesn't translate well into a video game.
  3. Here is my sav/inv. Thraxen Scapper in game 2023.mbd
  4. How does all the fear stack? I'm on the fence of really trying this or not.
  5. I just made elec/inv not too long ago. Just finishing up incarnates now. It is a lot of fun. Invul is neat on stalkers. I have it on scraps and a sentinel as well.
  6. Mine looks to be old cause it says brimstone isn't possible, guess they moved it. Anyway, here is mine. Super Thrax 2021.mxd
  7. Use it in game. Just tried it in game again. I did loose half toggles but not all. This was solo outside of teaming. Depends on what is going on and when it crashes. I've had it crash several times on teams and didn't have a single toggle drop. Likely depends on other buffs and perf shifter and panacea firing.
  8. I’ll have to check that out. I’ve got one built already. Its resist is hard capped aside teom a half or so psi. And run speed is fine in granite. I originally made him just cause I love MA and wanted to see a granite tank do eagles claw. It was worth it just for that. I’m still unsure if it is any tankier than my sr/kat tank though. Neither one of them dies.
  9. I’ve got a stone/ma that does this as well. MA helps get defense soft capped too.
  10. Unstoppable doesn’t detoggle like elude does. You still have some end. I like it now that it adds psi as well. It’s kinda handy on apex for toxic hard cap. It’s way handier than most think. Only needs the one slot, and a good slot to mule a proc.
  11. Well here is what I ended with in case anyone is curious. Electric Thrax - Stalker (Electrical Melee - Invulnerability) V8.mbd (Deleted pic that wasn’t accurate)
  12. Mine is street/sr/sj. No web stuff though as I explain I’m not as smart as other spider people so I just jump around instead.
  13. Think I’ve got one worked up. Just gotta figure out how it save it.
  14. Yeah, that is what I was saying. Took yours and modified it. Totally my mistake.
  15. Didn't notice until in game, but it had melee hybrid on. Would never take this on a dps class. Resistance's aren't as high as I thought. And s/l not at 75% without tough on which isn't slotted for being on. It is my fault for not looking closer but disappointed and will have to respec and do it rebuild. Lesson learned.
  16. Bio
  17. I went ahead and switched placing. Question though. If the chance to hid is in AS, and it fires and puts you back in hide, wouldn’t you need to wait for AS to recharge? Or just use it for next attack to crit?
  18. The file lets me save it then open. Less convenient that just clicking. But still works.
  19. Might help some? More of a pain, I know. Export through mids just gives me an error. Also, when I redo builds it seems to revert to an older saved version, so I keep renaming. I'm afraid to close at this point cause half the time it doesn't save latest version. If only I knew the person that was working on mids...
  20. Oh, I just took shadow meld for RP reasons. Barely ever actually use it, even on Hardmode. Used on hardmode stuff a few times when tank dies. I've been posting the data file. Thought that might be easier. The export on new one gives me an error, and half time when I click links to mids to load it doesn't work.
  21. Makes me think I need to respec my main again. Sav/Inv scrap. He is all but unkillable as is but mroe couldn't hurt. Uses shadow meld for vamp theme aka turning into mist. I'll have to look up tank build. Still don't have an Inv tank. Have stone and sr and they both fairly unkillable
  22. Took your build @Hyperstrike and changed it up a bit. Got hasten a lil lower, and got resistances higher with taking musculature. Melee isn't soft cappped but with everything from psi and toxic soft capped too I think it will be alright. Ageless with the ddr would likely perma hasten and add a little to the 50% ddr that Inv gets. Let me know what you think. Forum Build with my changes.mbd
  23. Yeah, that looks pretty darn good. Hasten being 20 seconds from perma and not taking musculature I don't prefer. Guess could take ageless for the recharge boost and added ddr though? Switching to musculature doesn't drop the resist much, and s/l not at all. One slot you had left over put in invincible for cyto gets e/n to soft cap.
  24. I'll check it out. Here is my first pass. Share build seems busted again but there is file. Electric Thrax - Stalker (Electrical Melee - Invulnerability).mbd
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