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Everything posted by Thrax

  1. Dark melee has to hit debuff. Just look for secondary effects and that will be the ones that can take different sets.
  2. I’ll keep trying but cannot get mids to load it.
  3. sweet. Thanks. I’ll check it out. Mine is super new still. Have a very experienced bio scrap but still getting the hang on tank. Seeing when to flip different modes. Scrapping its offensive 99.99% of the time.
  4. How’d you build it? Inv/elect?? Elec/ss? I’m tor sure at all.
  5. I just rolled bio/rad, wanna share that one?
  6. I’ve just rolled bio/titan weapons. The aoes still buffed on tanks?
  7. Beam rifle/rad. also doubt fire is the best dps for every class. For sure not scrapper.
  8. I’d get melee def to 45 or bit above. Then S/l resist to cap. Rest on resist whatever should be fine. Energy is the next big one after s/l and think it’s the toughest to get on dark anyway. Still have the awesome heal if need be.
  9. One is a cutter and the other plays with dead things.
  10. I know the leaping one does too. I never procced the shield charge or lightning Rod cause I wanted them up more often and wanted the plus recharge.
  11. Thrax

    Battle Axe!

    Just feels weird only ever using one hand and other one always empty. Like katana though.
  12. Thrax

    Battle Axe!

    Yeah. Might be cooler with shield. Could never get into bs/wm/or axe. Did a wm tank but it was a contempt homage and thing.
  13. Thrax

    Battle Axe!

    I did battle axe/ice. Pull into slow aura. It was fun enough but found axe still blah.
  14. Proc the hell out of the leap. It’s like a blaster nova.
  15. I’ve got a build for it as well. It’s sturdy too. Just gotta watch cascading defense debuffs in ITF but aside from that it’s super sturdy.
  16. Thrax

    No mids export

    It works. I just did new on on scrap forums.
  17. I always have it on auto and it lasts for two minutes. Never get stunned.
  18. How are you getting held on sr? Didn’t watch videos but feared should be the only thing to worry about.
  19. I’m messing with proc in eagles claw while leveling now. Still just 40. Seems good. I’m leaning toward ec-sk-cs-sk and doing the same with dt when in mobs. I’m sure cak is better I just don’t like either animation. I also like the stacking stuns from ec and cs. May forgo hasten and throw in crane kick instead of second sk. I do love kicking the shit out of stuff and it go flying.
  20. Oh it’s for sure first world problem. Just unsure how I was suppose to know. Need to read up might be missing stuff on other powers.
  21. So every power you need to check a different site to see what it does?
  22. Where does it say EC boosts crit rate? I am by no means doubting you, just how is one supposed to know this. Only thing I can see is it says plus special but doesn’t even say what they is.
  23. I’ve got a proc’d out build in mids still working on.
  24. Eagles claw that bad? Seems to be doing well enough leveling after crit chance. And the stacked stun with cobra strike seems good. Guess that isn’t what I asked though either.
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