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GM Manga

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Manga

  1. Download this instead: https://launchcat.powermad.net/launchcat.zip (it will handle all of the HC Launcher setup for you)
  2. I have started a beta cycle for the next generation of LaunchCat (click the underline to download it). This new version is lighter weight built in .NET Maui for MacOS only without any baggage from the Unity game engine. It also fixes a couple of bugs in previous versions - but it may have new ones, which is why it's in beta! It also requires at least MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) to run, but Wine 9.0 now requires that as well, so they're perfectly aligned.
  3. I have started a beta cycle for the next generation of LaunchCat (click the underline to download it). This new version is lighter weight built in .NET Maui for MacOS only without any baggage from the Unity game engine. It also fixes a couple of bugs in previous versions - but it may have new ones, which is why it's in beta! It also requires at least MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) to run, but Wine 9.0 now requires that as well, so they're perfectly aligned.
  4. Wine is not infected, it was sourced directly from WineHQ. It's a false positive.
  5. If anything strange happens with LaunchCat, the best place to start is rename the coh folder inside Applications and launch LaunchCat again. Rebooting first helps sometimes, too.
  6. Beta has concluded! There are now full signed and unsigned versions of LaunchCat available.
  7. New version was released yesterday that improves the self-update mechanism. If you have trouble with it self-updating, use the link above to re-download LaunchCat.
  8. New version was released yesterday that improves the self-update mechanism. If you have trouble with it self-updating, use the link above to re-download LaunchCat.
  9. I added a new Mac tool to the arsenal of Mac tools at the Homecoming for Mac site. It's a new beta tool called LaunchCat (you can download it by clicking the name). LaunchCat replaces the Homecoming for Mac installer, and downloading all of the necessary pieces to launch the HC Launcher after it's installed. Therefore it can be fully signed with Apple Developer ID, leading to less complaints and workarounds on modern MacOS systems. It is also capable of keeping Wine, and itself, up to date. There is also an unsigned version for older MacOS systems that don't support Developer ID: LaunchCat (Unsigned)
  10. I added a new Mac tool to the arsenal of Mac tools at the Homecoming for Mac site. It's a new beta tool called LaunchCat (you can download it by clicking the name). LaunchCat replaces the Applescript applet and the Homecoming for Mac installer by downloading all of the necessary pieces to launch the HC Launcher after it's installed. Therefore it can be fully signed with Apple Developer ID, leading to less complaints and workarounds on modern MacOS systems. It is also capable of keeping Wine, and itself, up to date. There is also an unsigned version for older MacOS systems that don't support Developer ID, but that will be made available once the first stage of Beta completes. Try it out and see if it works better for you!
  11. Go to the Security panel in Settings (the MacOS Settings), and select Open Anyway.
  12. I updated the post at the top of this thread with newer and simpler instructions.
  13. Open the Security settings panel and click "Open Anyway". That happens because the package includes Wine, which can't be signed without building it from source code.
  14. I'm migrating away from eekstudio.com because unfortunately someone else has that name copyrighted.
  15. Little known fact about that installer, it does try to repair permissions to the best of its ability. So sometimes a reinstall helps.
  16. Re-download the Mac Installer: https://islandrum.powermad.net/mac-installer.zip It has a fix for that.
  17. Island Rum does work, but the Homecoming Launcher is preferred. Anyone attempting a Mac install should start here: https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip
  18. First, consider migrating to the Homecoming Launcher for Mac: https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip If you would rather keep using Island Rum, though, I've removed the certificate from the pre-Catalina version. You might have to re-download it: https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/islandrum-mac.zip
  19. 1. Make sure you have the newest Mac Installer from https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip 2. If you Get Info on your CoH folder, what do the permissions look like?
  20. Anyone who is still seeing alerts similar to either of these, you have permission issues! I have altered the Mac Installer so it now attempts to fix this permissions issue as well. You can download it here: https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip
  21. Bear with me if you're having difficulties - there are a few instances where permissions issues have stopped the installation, and I'm still trying to work out a reliable way to overcome it. Once I do that I'm going to attempt to build it right into the Installer. I also work full time though (not for Homecoming - that would be awesome, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way), and sometimes two jobs in one week. So if there are long gaps in my reponses or fixes, that's probably why.
  22. Don't use those garbage cleanup utilities. The only thing the HC Launcher and Island Rum create are everything inside the /Applications/coh folder, /Applications/Island Rum.app, /Applications/Launch CoH.app, and the ~/.privatewine folder. XQuartz is installed too as part of the process, but don't worry about removing that, as you can reinstall right over it, and it doesn't really have settings.
  23. If you get one of these, try moving the /Applications/coh folder somewhere else and then running the installer. Let it create what it needs to, and then let the HC Launcher install and download what it needs. After that, copy your extra files back (costumes, etc).
  24. Any of you having trouble with an M1 Mac and Island Rum, try using the Mac Launcher Installer: https://islandrum.eekstudio.com/mac-installer.zip The installer cleans up before install so that it can do its own clean install. It also attempts to fix permissions issues. The only thing it doesn't do is it's not signed, so you might have to go to the Security panel and approve it for opening. Since Homecoming is going to eventually gently herd everyone away from the legacy patchers, it makes more sense to improve and support the Launcher Installer.
  25. @WanderingAries PM me, and I can talk you through replacing the Wine client with Wine-devel, and we'll see if that exhibits different behavior. If that test doesn't work out, then it might just be something we have to wait for the Wine or XQuartz team to get around to fixing (the Wine-devel test would see if they're already working on it!).
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