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  1. This is the only thing that really matters in an AE arc (or for that matter in any book, game, movie or any other work of fiction) for me. I very much agree with @Police Woman's list of 5 criteria, but for me, the other 4 are really the means for getting to the end goal - with the end goal being the 3rd bullet point as quoted above.
  2. Found it! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, @Skyhawke For others reading this later on (including, quite possibly, my forgetful future self): You have to be inside the shed with the bar in it. On the mini-map, click the icon marked P2W vendor and go there. Get inside the bar by jumping over the counter and standing behind the NPCs named Last-Minute Gift Shop (who for some reason is not shown on the mini-map) and P2W Winter Operative, and presto! the day job icon below your health/stamina bar will show a Shop Keeper day job badge. 🙂
  3. QFT. I started out as a blaster player and only much later began to make melee chars, and IMHO the learning-by-failing that you get as a new (and in my own case unskilled) player on a glass cannon AT is the best tutorial you can get in CoH. But yeah, it can be a rough ride. For someone who has limited playtime (not that the OP mentioned this, but possibly relevant for other newb readers) it might not be a worth the additional time commitment, in which case a melee character is a wiser choice. On a related note, a Stalker is a good compromise. Not quite as sturdy as a brute/scrapper/tanker but plenty sturdy enough, and the DPS is oh-so-satisfying. But then again, I am the guy who answers "stalker or widow" to every question on this forum, regardless what the question was.
  4. Is there a way to get the Shopkeeper day job badge in the Winter Forest? I seem to remember reading something about that a few months ago - in a forum post here about how pure Praetorian chars can get the Pilot, Commuter and Shopkeeper badges - but now I cannot seem to find that post. Any help will be much appreciated, T.I.A.
  5. At the risk of preaching to the choir, I agree with the sentiment that on a struggling team, a Controller makes more of a (positive) difference than a defender. But on a well-functioning team - whether the well-functioning is due to the right mix of AT's or to the players' skill level - a Defender adds the most value to the team.
  6. Full disclosure: I only came up with this because I was envious of @Octogoat's invention of the word "diansplaining".
  7. I used to do this as well, because it makes way more sense, mathematically as well as in actual in-game performance. But now that I have received the opposite advice from someone who played Apple II games in 1977, I will of course respec all my characters to comply with Diantane's instructions! In fact, I would like to introduce a new word: "dian-speccing", which is when we all change our builds to follow Dian's words of wisdom.
  8. At the risk of sounding like a fanboi, this quote ia kind of the most important point. As long as the people who run our game still have the time and the desire to actually play the game, I feel confident that they will keep running it. Whether one likes their philosophy for Homecoming or not, it is surely better than not having a Homecoming to play on at all.
  9. This statement makes me question your credentials as a top scientist in COHology. A true scientist would have expressed that as "Ice/Cold has been determined within a statistically acceptable margin of error to be very structurally cohesive. " As for my own scientific credentials, I do not have a Ph.D. in CoH per your requirements, but I do sometimes sweep floors, which I assume makes me like the cleaning crew guy in Good Will Hunting - cleverer than the scientists at the institute even though all he does is sweep said institute's floors. Are those credentials sufficient to post in your thread?
  10. Here is my take on a patriotic American look for a superhero. Maybe you can take some inspiration from that. Looking at it again, though, I realize that it needs some more stars in various places to convey the American look.
  11. IIRC you can use this bind which answers "Accept" to the dialog box, which in turn closes the box: /bind Y "dialog_yes$$dialog_answer Accept"
  12. Perhaps the tasks can be combined. What would be more Silver Age bizarre than *gasp* a Regen char who is not gimped? [To be continued...] [...Continued] But of course, the subsequent week's patch reverts Regen back to its previous form. 😉
  13. Must be the tier 9 power in our long-awaited Carp Melee powerset.
  14. Surely you meant to have a comma between the second and third words, right? Many English classrooms have posters with "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma" to emphasise the difference grammar can make 🙂
  15. The only FP members I have seen people ragging on in in-game chat (i.e. in team/league chat or in General) are: - Statesman, because of the Jack Emmert connection - Manticore, because (a) his character is a douchebag who tries too hard, and (b) his relationship with Sister Psyche is played out as cringey ERP which we as players were forced to watch. It is like being a TTRPG player where the DM's girlfriend is one of the players and he can't separate his RL relationship from the game. - Synapse, but only because of his tedious TF, not because of anything to do with his personality.
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