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America's Angel

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Everything posted by America's Angel

  1. Also: Gravity Control > Singularity Singularity will now slowly pull enemies towards it, allowing it to make much greater use of the Repel effect.
  2. Update: this was fixed in the 3/28/21 patch. Thread can be archived. @Jimmy
  3. Other PVP updates in this patch: Super Jump > Double Jump 10s timer should now be working properly in PVP, too. Electric Blast > Thunderous Blast PVP Damage has been changed (decreased) to reflect the new cast time. Mastermind Henchmen Summons have had their recharge times reduced: T1 Henchmen: reduced from 60s to 5s (25s in PvP) T2 Henchmen: reduced from 90s to 10s (35s in PvP) T3 Henchmen: reduced from 120s to 15s (50s in PvP)
  4. After four grueling rounds....it came down to two heroes: Laenc and Destinate. Here they are squaring off in the ruins of Ouroboros... A close fight...but eventually @Madvillain won. To become Spring Fling's PvP Fightclub Champion! Congrats to @Alouu @Seductive- and @Ridicc for rounding out the top four as PVP Fightclub Finalists! Thank you to @CR Mochi and the rest of the GMs for helping us host this epic tourney. We had a great turnout. Winners, prizes will be send out this week. To everyone else? Thank you so much for coming. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. If you're curious about how you did, you can see the final rankings, below: See the Challonge link for more fight info: https://challonge.com/pu5momb9/standings That's all from me. Take it easy, heroes.
  5. @I Dream of Greeny @El Foya - got em! Signups now closed. I won't be monitoring this thread. If you still want to join. Catch me when the event starts. (My global is @America's Angel in game)
  6. We're going live in just over 90 minutes. Make sure to keep an eye on this PVP discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/572475264995426327/812868722813042711 I'll be announcing the event/rules/etc in Pocket D in the REQUEST channel. The challonge link with the brackets will be provided both on discord and in game once the event starts.
  7. Tonight! See everyone in a few hours! :D
  8. Tonight! See everyone in a few hours! :D
  9. Tomorrow's the big day! Hope everyone has their characters and builds ready! Please send me your character names/account names by 1 hour before the event starts. (If you can do it before then, even better!)
  10. Tomorrow's the big day! Hope everyone has their characters and builds ready! Please send me your character names/account names by 1 hour before the event starts. (If you can do it before then, even better!)
  11. On Live: you hit burnout, your toggles stay on. On brainstorm: you hit burnout, your toggles detoggle and start their cooldown.
  12. Tested the ski slope on Brainstorm some more. I think it's autolowering down to the next even number. So, if you get a time that's 32.00-33.9 it records it as 32. But 31.99 is recorded as 30.
  13. Nah that's all too drastic. Just reduce the % of the dambuff rage provides to account for the 10s extra uptime. (I think it goes from 80% +dam to ~73.85% +dam?)
  14. Good call on making hurl work when hovering at ground level. Not sure why rage-stacking would have to be disabled if my suggestion was implemented?
  15. Nah. Too fiddly. Don't reinvent, tweak. If I was gonna tweak SS, I'd... Remove the -damage from the rage crash (And lower rage +dam by whatever % it needs lowering by to make DPS stay the same). Add minor damage to hand clap. Reduce hurl animation time. Doesn't need anything else.
  16. The following powers are 80ft range on Brainstorm: Pets.Blaster_AR_Snipe.Sniper_Rifle_Quick Pets.Defender_AR_Snipe.Sniper_Rifle_Quick Villain_Pets.Corruptor_AssaultRifle_Snipe.Sniper_Rifle_Quick However, other assault rifle attacks have longer range: Slug - 100ft Burst - 90ft I would suggest tweaking the AR snipes to 100ft base range for the sake of attack chains.
  17. How's this look? PRIMARIES S Tier Fire/, Ice/ A Tier Energy/, Rad/, /Beam B Tier Dark/, Psy/, Archery/, DP/, Water/ C Tier Elec/, Sonic/, AR/ SECONDARIES S Tier /Fire A Tier /Elec B Tier /Plant, /Ninja, /Energy, /Martial, /Atomic C Tier /Dark, /Sonic, /Devices, /TA, /Ice, /Temporal, /Mental
  18. Just tested it on beta. You can now get the gold medals on both ski slopes just using Flight+Evasive Manuevers+Afterburner.
  19. Updated the original post to clarify the rules for using the following powers: -Non-incarnate pets -Combat teleport Also, just a heads-up. But we'll be capping this at 32 participants. I'm wanting us to go 5 rounds, and this is the maximum number our scoring system will allow. Should be fine. I don't think there's that many fight clubbers in the game. But just wanted to mention it here to avoid disappointment. The signup deadline for sending me your character name & global name is 1 hour before the event. That's: 4pm PST // 7pm EDT // 11pm GMT
  20. This thread should have what you need:
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