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Everything posted by Tankshock

  1. I did. I'm pretty experienced, been playing since day 1. Never seen this before.
  2. I just claimed 18 purples from the AH, and they are nowhere in my inventory. Any idea what might have happened? Thanks!
  3. I think calling range a disadvantage that needs to be overcome is a misunderstanding of what Sentinels are. By all means, if you love staying far away and blasting, have a gas. But Sentinels do not need this at all to be effective, and building for it will usually create inefficiencies. It's not hard to have soft-capped defenses with some resistance, as well as full mez protection. With the right build, stuff will be arrested way before you are at risk, especially in today's game. I'm curious, if you are maximizing range it seems as though you are negating a Sentinel's advantages over Blaster and might as well go for Blaster and the better damage. What do you like about a max range Sent that I'm missing? Thanks!
  4. After the penultimate mish, you get a huge xp bonus and merits. That may have actually dinged me to 16, which normally wouldn't matter because you get to finish an arc. But the final mish does another level check, so no joy.
  5. Word of wisdom: The final mission for Chance McKnight can be leveled out of. I went all the way thru Responsibility, figured it was safe to hit 15 once I got McKnight's arc, then found out the hard way that for some reason the final mission does a level check. 😞
  6. Tankshock

    TW advice

    I need insight on whether to go WP or Ninjitsu. (I need a low f/x secondary). I'm leaning towards Ninjitsu for the cool factor and movement. Will I regret the clicks? Thanks!
  7. This is an interesting question. Some AT's will do better at -1/x8 while others do +2/x0. My instincts/experience says that the x8 AT with bosses turned off will be faster. I'd also ignore the 1st 20 levels, as the time difference is largely inconsequential compared to how you will handle the last 10-20 levels without teaming. I'm assuming you'll have procs. In addition to the AOE scutes, I'd include a Plant dom, confuse on almost every mob greatly accelerates solo mission clearing. Also, Fire/Fire tank. And of course, MM's - Thug, Demon, Bot with various secondaries. Fire/Kin controller will fly thru the last 15 levels. A Fire Sentinel.
  8. Good to know. Unfortunately, that isn't possible with this build. Next time. ;)
  9. Hi, anyone know where these are listed? Thanks!
  10. OP is likely a troll, but why do an update when it's running so smoothly?
  11. K, thanks for confirming I'm not crazy. You're right, 30 minutes barely worth it, build specific. For 5 minutes, Stephanie is on her own.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember it as 30. So annoying, I just forgot to turn the original off and it burned out. I'm getting old. :(
  13. When did the echo of this get reduced from 30 minutes to 5? Ugh.
  14. I'm finding this only procs once for Shield Charge, no matter how many mobs it hits. Anyone else got it in an AoE and find the same thing? I'm using the Superior version, which should stack 6 times.
  15. I remember that! It was fun, but the changes were for the better.
  16. How do people sell these? Don't they have to be slotted to upgrade? Unslotters and level 50 mules?
  17. Nice. Still, it does kind of look like the designers didn't fully understand the set mechanics. Personally, I want a 6-proc ATO. ;)
  18. That can take ATO's? Nice to know they designed a set just for Thugs. ;)
  19. Yeah, it womps. I remember having a bind during live that didn't, but for now I just trust my veteran skills to click. Everything is a QoL improvement over the last 7 years. ;)
  20. Tankshock

    MM ATO's

    Why does Command have so much recharge? The pets still ignore recharge from it, correct? Were the devs just taunting us by putting recharge into four(4) of the enhancements?
  21. Other way around - 18 bids, 946 for sale. Pretty sure "display error" is the correct answer.
  22. Respectfully disagree. If anything, why play a scrapper when you can get close to that in protections and much better aoe, which is king in teams? I'm not really suggesting people shouldn't play scrappers. But I feel confident you haven't fully wrapped your brain around sents, or their playstyle doesn't match your preferences.
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