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Ironblade last won the day on April 4 2023

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About Ironblade

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Increasing the enemy level increases XP and influence but not the quantity or quality of drops. A minion will drop the same loot whether he's your level or three higher. Increasing team size *WILL* increase loot - indirectly. Increasing the team size will give you bosses, elite bosses, archvillains and these drop better loot. FYI, if you are set to NOT fight archvillains solo and you do a mission that would normally have an AV, he will be an 'elite boss' instead. Personal opinion: Don't focus on this. To the extent you're interested in 'loot', focus on missions/story arcs/task forces that give 'reward merits'. These are a type of currency that let you buy rare items. They can also be used to buy salvage items like 'enhancement converters' which can be sold. You're just not going to get a lot of value from random drops unless you're clearing large numbers of enemies quickly and you can't do that at low-mid level. On a side note - doing story arcs gives you reward merits AND conveys lore to you. Conundrum: The newer story arcs have much better writing and sometimes better game mechanics - *BUT* - some older arcs convey important lore. For example, The Hollows arcs have a few really tedious missions but give you background on Frostfire, who shows up later on and has an interesting overall story. I think there are a number of story arcs definitely worth doing at least once: all of The Hollows, all of Striga Isle, Mathew Habashy, Twinshot, Laura Lockhart. At higher level, there's Indigo, Crimson, Unai Kemen, Tina MacIntyre, Maria Jenkins, all of the Rikti War Zone.
  2. I just made a rad/rad corr named Mr. Greenbeams. His bio says, "Without radiation, life itself would be impossible. Am I right?"
  3. Star ratings and player notes are personal. In fact, the note text is stored on your own computer so you won't see it if you play your account from someone else's computer. No one else can see if you one-starred someone or added a note calling them an idiot.
  4. I mostly agree but I think the circumstances of a particular character would shuffle those priorities. Case in point - my invuln tank with +360% regen. It's amazing.
  5. But if you're doing a concept character named 'La Fanciulla', a soldier just doesn't work.
  6. I've had this happen and I have exactly zero problem with it. I'm not going to make any decisions but I have no problem with being the person calling the contact.
  7. I'll typically have 3 slots in Stamina by level 15 or so, with three endmod enhancements. Eventually, the slots will contain two endmod and one Performance Shifter +END. At level 50, three endmod would be partly wasted due to diminishing returns. The +END proc works differently and is relatively cheap. Most of my characters have one or more +recovery enhancements (not cheap) and additional recovery from set bonuses. Pausing to recover END is unacceptable to me (unless I get drained by a Sapper, or something like that).
  8. Nope. I used it for a while back on live because it seemed like a good idea. Some months later, I realized I had not consulted a log even once so I turned if off and deleted the logs.
  9. Sure, but I don't regard it as a mistake. I've never seen the reaction you described. If I did, I would regard it as a jackass revealing their true nature and inviting themself to my ignore list. 🙂
  10. After I get my Alpha to tier 3, I craft tier 3's for both Lore and Destiny and wait for them to unlock. Once those are tier 3, then I got back and do Interface and Judgement to T3. Then Hybrid. Then I focus on getting T4 on Destiny, Alpha and Hybrid as I think those are the most useful. Also, my characters will generally have Barrier, Clarion AND Incandescence so I'm ready for anything. Eventually, everything will be tier 4.
  11. From a science definition, a mutant is someone with a new characteristic that their parents did not possess and which is genetic so it can be passed on to their children.
  12. The title system is a terrible temptation. I constantly think about making a character named Baby Seal and then displaying the day job title from Pocket D - 'Clubber'.
  13. I haven't seen any problem with /bindloadfile. Every time I create a new character, I load a bindfile that has 58 lines of commands and it's been working fine. Then, if I edit the file, one of the keybinds in the file reloads the same file that it's part of. That has worked fine also. I think where you might be having a problem is having multiple commands in a single line. In theory, that's not a problem. In practice, I always struggle to get these to work. I think the parser is extremely particular about the order in which different types of commands are listed. For example, I use a universal keybind to enter a supergroup base no matter which shard I'm playing on. I have multiples of the command enterbasefrompasscode set up in a single bind - six commands for six different bases - and it works just fine. The chat window shows five error messages and then loads the correct base. But when I try to do different commands in a single line, like activating a power and speaking text, it seems that I never can get it to work on the first try. It's possible that some patch cleaned up the parser and slightly altered its function so that it's either wonky now, or working the way it was always supposed to.
  14. This game is a lot less grindy than many other MMO's. I mean, it's not like we have to grind high level raids and then compete for the best drops. Everyone can get 'high end gear' and they can do it by running low level task forces exclusively - if they want. Also, you don't really need high end gear. You can slot common IO's at level 25 and be done forever and you can do any content in the game. You just won't be able to solo high level content or be the main tank on 'Master of' attempts.
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