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Everything posted by Zappalina

  1. I do it on most of everything that isn't a tank and even tanks I put a little +dmg in if it's able to fit it in the build (like leftover). I prefer PVE and running with a team there is always someone doing +def or buffs of some kind, I don't need to max out a character on defense or recharge (An exception would be on a farmer though/PvP and a few others dependent on play style & what is being played raid/pve/hard trials etc.) as long as I have a chain of damage that goes decently and the +dps helps with accomplishing goals. I like PVE teams so that isn't something needing to max out defense, but again I do understand why some people love defense and +recharge and I on characters that don't need a lot of extra defense I go the +dmg route if possible. If you have the influence to invest you could also go with multiple builds, on one character, I noticed the other day it went up to 3 but haven't been keeping track of when that happened. but that's cool, players could have a PvE build, Farming Build and a PVP or PvE hard trial/tf build.
  2. Oh, then it maybe possible that it isn't doing that at least not consistently on those level 46 DE there was a boulder and a sardonyx in PI that I mentioned above (just the sardonyx). I will check it out further the next time I have time to do that. Maybe it's possible that DE have some kind of protection as well, I do not have kb2kd in it. Thank you all for the info.
  3. They're so cute! I would love that.
  4. I used dispersion bubble on teams to keep the bad guys off of team mates and myself that were usually playing in the back due to being ranged characters, melee usually go up front into groups. I would also use it on teams where there wasn't melee on it, or not very much melee. I tested out the way dispersion bubble is now and have level 46 when I am on my lvl 50+ corrupter in PI being able to sporadically hit (DE sardonyx ranged shards) my character. The bubble also didn't knock them down/back often. I would use Force bubble in things like the LGTF in keeping the Rikti off of team mates, using it in the Miss Liberty TF to keep again the bad guys off of team mates especially inside the Tree map or the Killing the AV map or keeping the archanos repairmen off of near LR during the end, or during the spawning of the Aeon groups in the beginning or to pin bad guys in corners away from the team mates. I was talking with a friend about this who mentioned that a tank can keep the bad guys off a team, what I have found is this isn't the case in the teams I've played on and most times the tank runs ahead grabbing aggro and rarely looks back. Not everyone plays like that, but there are quite a few that do and I think that the majority does. In my opinion (and it could be wrong and you don't have to like it and I'm okay with that) the game shouldn't be geared for focus on melee, supporting melee and making sure melee lives. I feel like this change is what this was about. I think that the considerations for ranged players isn't there. I have the opinion that the focus is on let's +defense up - at higher levels incarnate powers, and builds usually have +defense built into them with ios as well. What I needed from Force bubble and had, is to keep the bad guys off of the people who don't play melee and off my character if needed which enabled me to play my ranged attack powers effectively and add to the team dps. What was received in the changes was okay, I would rather see this version having it travel with a character as teams usually going through kill bad guys so quickly. The recharge on it is okay. I would like to see the option to choose the old force bubble in the list of FF powers. My request suggestion - is offer that in the future? (soon).
  5. I have a heal/endurance and general io table I have a travel io and random over flow table - I also use it for when Iā€™m quickly crafting stuff and need somewhere to dump things until I can organize later or I've done a respec and need to stick stuff somewhere before I do the new build from a separate build table. I have a taunt/kb/stun table I have a melee table (single and aoe) I have a hold/immobilize/slow/sleep table I have a defense/resist damage table I have a ranged table (both aoe and single) I have a pet io/debuff and to hit ios table I have a purple, event io, archetype ios and upcoming build table. I don't keep everything though, and sell a bunch of recipes and I dislike for me personally doing the crafting/converting route, I'd rather get merits and craft exactly what I need from a recipe via the merit vendor or market, or purchase it already crafted off market. Because I do craft some recipes I also have storage for salvage racks 6 of them 2 each for each level of salvage rarity I put them near each other stacked. I divide them up around half way through the alphabet A-M usually goes in one and M - the end of their respective lettering goes in the next one, and generally put 3-5 of each type of salvage in depending on what I find is used more on the recipes I tend to craft repeatedly. This saves time when needed. I sometimes put one to two cata's in there if needed to boost something after purchasing them with merits on a new respec'd character, sometimes an unslotter or two in case I mess up.
  6. Once helped someone who was attempting to attach arcane beacons to tech style porters. If you use the balls of light or swirling lights, the description of what kind of porter it is, is usually in the description of the item being placed. After we fixed that they were able to have them work.
  7. I like the idea, which reminds me I haven't played the Faultline arcs in awhile with Penny Yin's father.
  8. ...and staves off the darkness maybe would best as ...and to stave off the darkness examples off the www https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/stave-off phrasal verb If you stave off something bad, or if you stave it off, you succeed in stopping it from happening for a while. ...a cost-saving plan intended to stave off bankruptcy.
  9. I had that happen when they had moved the base portal out of the entry room, they had to move it back temporarily for it to work again.
  10. There was rumor of Norman and Mother running around.
  11. Is there a chance that the character is older and may already have them from a previous Halloween event?
  12. Caves - every single one of them. The Croatoa missions where you have to rescue peeps from the redcaps & witches and there's ambushes Carnival missions Team wipes -(not intentional ones) I like seeing who will hold out the longest and if it's based on AT, IO's, Good game play or running away.
  13. Something is wrong with this, that raver...he looks uncomfortable. +1 Are the skuls or frat boys dragging in old couches from the dump or something? Nice to know the club can't afford decent furniture, the cement blocks are a nice touch.
  14. I would like it so when layering things/placing them inside of the floor and raising it up, and then sticking a storage item near the space where I have done that, if removing or adding items to that storage item then didn't for about a millisecond mapserver me but not actually dc me from the game just the 'mapserver' word pops up. It consistently happens with an inspiration storage bin. I'm assuming it's because it dislikes the inspirations bins that are near items that are plentiful and layered in the build, (items stacked) inside of the base.
  15. Thanks for the answers. It helps
  16. Thank you to everyone involved in resurrecting the forums that are from a game that I have enjoyed playing in the past, it's very nice to look back at them. Good & fond memories and I appreciate all the effort that went into it, from the people compiling information and their efforts or dropping links, hosting old files and also creating the new forum. šŸ’›
  17. Stone melee/Invul tanker - playing Positron 1 (exmp) On the team is a Staff melee/WP scrapper. Scrapper seems to consistently get aggro from tanker when standing right beside tanker. Not at max aggro cap usually between 5-6 bad guys. As in the bad guys ignore the tanker and go after the scrapper. Positron 1 had a lot of spectral ghosts in it with the tohit debuff powers. Is gauntlet affected by tohit debuffs? if the tanker isn't hitting does that mean that the inherent of gauntlet isn't triggering at that time? Is gauntlet intended to work like that so others can get aggro when standing right next to a tanker when the aggro cap isn't even near max? "Although many may try, few can withstand the irresistible force of the Tanker. Each time a Tanker attacks, they enrage the target, and those around it, enticing them to attack the Tanker. Each punch continues to provoke your enemies and allows the Tanker to do what he does best. In addition, the area of your AoE attacks will be buffed. Cones will become wider, spheres larger, and chains reach further away." I have a savage melee/rad scrapper that can pull aggro away from fire and ice tanker usually. At higher levels, she is slotted with taunt (or whatever they're called now) ios. Are scrappers supposed to be able to do that?
  18. My searchfu found this information via reddit please bookmark them on your browser or save them in a .doc? https://web.archive.org/web/20080212042926/https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/archives https://web.archive.org/web/20080304223147/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20040510x On the bottom of this page, it contains links: https://rendedpress.blogspot.com/2014/06/scavenging-free-d-4e-stuff-from-wotcs.html Snapshots calendar listing: https://web.archive.org/web/20000415000000*/http://wizards.com/dnd/ https://web.archive.org/web/20190718165833/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/dnd This forum below has a .zip file posted a bit down on the forum by user MaxiDuRaritry I didn't test/review that file, so I don't know what it contains access .zip files at your own risk. https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?607197-WotC-3-5E-Archive-taken-down
  19. I have self taught myself a bunch of stuff to do with tech, web design etc. and have some time here and there - Would what you're asking around linking the files together be something that would be difficult? or is it just time consuming? Are you still hosting a site somewhere? If it's something you want to pursue and can host, I'd be willing to discuss what would be needed and see if I am capable of doing with my skill set so far or if it's something I could learn over a few weeks on my own so it would be achievable or let you know if it was just not something that I could do.
  20. Since they get destroyed please resurrect them and call them "the phoenix gloves" then šŸ™‚ thanks they're so pretty.
  21. Maybe the regular Rikti feel that the Quantum Rikti (Nictus) are imposters and won't have them around, maybe it's a long held grudge because possibly they were the advanced alien species of unknown origins that converted the humans that turn into Rikti now and they are secretly angry so boom šŸ’„ pow šŸ’„ pow šŸ”« pew šŸ”« pew! ā—
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