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  1. Truly the best gaming community I've ever been a part of. I've been playing this game my entire adult life when i think about, and now 20 years later i'm sharing this game with my 7 year old. Incredible job to the people putting in so much time and effort, thank you so much.
  2. I'm late to this topic but damn that is sad. Played a lot with him during my time in Hero and Have A Nice Day. We often coordinated a lot of PvE and base raid stuff with Earthguard. Marut was such a nice guy, had some great talks with im over teamspeak.
  3. ET is the best power in the set, if energy needs anything I would say a bigger radius for whirling hands of wider cone for power crash because the aoe is the the only lacking hard in energy. Arguments that the aoe should be lackluster are well noted as it’s a single target powerhouse set. Power crash even with energy focus is very underwhelming, none of this had to do with lightning rod except maybe show where things would need to fit in if they were worth considering at all.
  4. Text input would be cool, don’t think a filter would be problematic and like any person dressed up like wolverine, Superman etc players will report and action will be taken. I’d assume a profanity/word filter would be applied here.
  5. Sure would be nice to respec out of mandatory picks that are useless.
  6. Reminds me of bio armor but nicer looking.
  7. Or just add additional body types like monsters etc. vahzilok have great templates
  8. A proper block function (like Facebook) where neither party sees each other’s post would be great.
  9. Would be nice to skip boxing or kick to get tough. It’s cool they’ve added some stacking with the powers and cross punch, but that’s a big investment to go from subpar to mediocre.
  10. Thanks my daughter didn’t want hers anymore I’ll tell her to log in and do that. sorry to burst your bubble (to the guy liking my op because he loves me so much) 😛
  11. In summary - this proposed change will - enable more combinations of powers across the board - comes at the cost of power selections - allows more pool dependent thematic choice - may marginally improve improve player performance, depending on factors such as AT, primary and secondary choices as some are more power selection/slot heavy than others. Addtional thoughts on the subject - I don’t believe any pool power should feel mandatory - you still have to make hard choices, i choose fun/character creation over perceived difficulty of this change which is really derivative of ones choice as many other factors in this game have already enabled power creep. - game does not have a new reward system after filling out IO’s and incarnate abilities which are quite simple to do. There’s no challenge to farming for emperyian merits (by increasing by vet levels). - There is no task force or trial that is too difficult for any team of 8 of appropriate level and shifting. adding a little more versatility in builds will add more fun than the perceived challenge of a little easier choice in my opinion this change would quiet many other pool related requests as it will benefit all and allow enough flexibility for something new at the same time not be a free for all. I don’t care how you like to play, don’t care how you build, if your a nice person and want to run some missions, cool. No judgement if you role play your whole way through. Do what is fun for you. All I ask is that you respect others if they want to play differently. Min/maxers don’t need this change, they just want to continue to play with a little more spice, at least that’s what I want to do on my power builds. I have some cool concept toons that would love this and won’t be anywhere near overpowered, as they are built for just something unique. this is my last post putting forth arguments on this subject. Thank you to those who had a spirited debate and kept it clean.
  12. It’s easy to do, build the build without that pool and leave leave out selections that will be used in the other pool. Get your totals, then get the total of just that extra pool and add it up.
  13. Thank you from actually putting some thought in. Some character builds will have improvement more noticeable than others. Rare iOS are easy these days. No more 100 mil recipes and enhancements these days etc. fully iOd in your example how much better will your open pool concept be in reality?
  14. I’m not advocating for limitless play. I’m arguing for opening more than 4 pools.
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