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  1. if it had been +4 or something I could see announcing it but +2 is a pretty usual diff to run at
  2. If you do all of dream doc's missions (including the one where he sends you to actually do the DD trial) he'll have some dialogue that provides minimal followup; Scirocco and Mistral escape and return to grandeville, dominatrix is in custody and mis lib wants to help her, etc. We also see during the trial that supers Mot consumed aren't like, instantly devoured; they get trapped in there for a while re: manticore, there is a lot of stuff in the Lore AMAs from various years about it. It's vague and sometimes contradictory, because it's different writers talking about their ideas for a storyline that obviously never got finalized. But their idea seems to have been that Scirocco and Mistral would go hero (replacing or getting their own TFs, etc), Red Widow would take Scirocco's place in arachnos, and manticore would become something of an evil vigilante either as the head of wyvern, or trying to take arachnos down from the inside (again, it's unclear.) All the lore bible/ama stuff is hosted on the HC wiki if you want to dig through it
  3. People with superpowers could evidently survive for a while inside Mot while it consumed them, so she presumably is freed in the DD trial The idea was apparently (per ye olde lore bible) that she and scirocco would do a full face turn after DA, with manticore joining arachnos. But yanno, game shutdown
  4. It’s fine in the sense that you’ll do damage and the games easy so performance doesn’t really matter, but compared to other/similar sets (e.g. energy melee) it’s basically just worse. and if we’re honest that might be okay; DP is an example of a set that isn’t high performing but is still satisfying to play. KM by contrast is both low performance and frustrating, since its animations are long and it has pretty limited aoe. It would be nice if it got an energy focus-esque mechanic to speed some of the later attacks up a bit
  5. also, they talked about the stuff with tyrant in the lore AMA a million years ago; essentially the idea was that he'd be imprisoned on primal earth, and then during the battalion invasion get the opportunity for redemption by sacrificing himself in the final battle.
  6. I liked Dean-O Mac during his arc, but loved him when he popped up during the Mr. G arc it's neat how he progresses from a sort of annoying lackey to a character who seems like your friend
  7. Battle Maiden is captured in the Apex TF, but freed by malta because they want her nanotech weapons. You see this at the end of one of the DA story arcs, if you're curious. Diabolique gets like, disintegrated or something by dream doctor at the end of her trial. If you do Dream Doc's mission to do the DD trial, he mentions that Dominatrix was freed from Mot and that Primal Miss Lib wants to rehabilitate her, but there's no more follow up on it. It's mentioned during... I think Number Six's arc? That Shadowhunter was believed killed by the Praet devouring earth, and you meet him in night ward so that tracks, but you also meet a hamidon-converted version of him so either he got rezzed or it's a continuity error
  8. if your goal is just getting as much exp per time as possible, you want to be fighting as many mobs as possible. Many lower-level mobs will be more rewarding than a few higher-level mobs (outside of cheesy EB farms anyway); they have a harder time hitting you and you do more dps by virtue of being able to aoe more. assuming you can do -1x4, you will likely find that much faster leveling than 0/1x2; plus it's just way more fun to fight a dozen goons at a time, even if they're weak
  9. eiynp


    change is barely noticeable, really; it doesn't change the use case for sleet and while intellectually I know the value is lower, in practice you still get the fun of 'drop sleet on mobs, see bigger damage numbers' and I think it's probably good that there's more reason to think about which AT you're picking
  10. There was a contest way back when to design new billboards and this was one of the outcomes of that
  11. Idg why people are so concerned with gatekeeping the most casual possible content
  12. the psi pet is okay but it'll be disappointing if you're expecting the penny yin nexus harmonic mind is kinda laughably overpowered but if you're already not having trouble with endurance you might not need it both the cones are narrow (30 degrees) and not very well suited to a melee AT imo, but the ice one does hit substantially harder
  13. Oh right yeah, dark still, it seems like a property you could give to some lesser-used sets to get them some more shine
  14. it would nice if there were a couple more attract effects in the game; the one on axe cyclone is super fun and it could really give a other other underperforming sets some distinctive flavor (like cmon just make black hole and aoe attract already, and watch everyone start wanting a grav controller)
  15. Back-In-The-Day(tm) each hero could only have one sidekick, so it was possible to group with people well below your level in a way you can’t really do anymore. To prevent degenerate power-leveling you wouldn’t get exp from mobs more than +5 to your character (iirc) it was nothing to do with the distribution of exp within groups
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