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Black Talon

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  1. Interesting subject, Jacktar; unlike the previous posters, who have used a very sensible mathematical metric of some sort to figure out what "half-way" is, I'm going to go off pure personal observation. From my perspective, "half-way" is level 32 - you've a) hit the selection peak for both the primary power and secondary sets, b) are going to be able to refresh the complete enhancement selection (presuming upgrades haven't figured into it), and c) are at the point where you're now filling out the enhancement lists at a full three slots per level, and at two levels sequentially, for that matter. Still a hell of a lot to go - a load of selection yet to come, and the Epic/Patron powers are still three levels off - but having a full range of powers and slotting available, rather than the comparatively paltry bits available in the 20s, makes things a heck of lot more open and effective, and is my point for an alt reaching "maturity".
  2. Techwright, your inquiry and considerations here are things that I can much appreciate. While, yes, we all want a comic book superheroes/villains game where there's going to be issues like a character's personal determination and willpower that will make a difference in a fight, a game is different from a story and requires some kind of numeric balancing mechanism. I remember, Back In The Day, that my SS/EB Defender - at level 5-6 - would use Gale on a boss during a Team scrap. The first application accomplished nothing except visual effects, and I'd have teammates asking, "What the hell are you doing?", and with the second app - right after recharge, while the first app's duration was still in effect - the boss would get tossed up against the wall and now be vulnerable to gang pummelling. I'd explain the mag effects to the team after the mission was done, and while it's not in the, "I just tried harder because my friends were in danger," category, I think the mag effects are about as close as a numerical system can come to simulating that. Of course, with Homecoming, the mag effects have changed somewhat - bosses now get hurled by a single application of Gale - but the basic concept still remains in effect.
  3. Grats on that - makes me think about my main, who would have over $600 million at this point if he wasn't The Rich Uncle with a bunch of Idiot Nephews who are calling up constantly for "a bit of help" after they hit 50 and need to pick up that load of IOs. Sigh. Maybe one day they'll hit it big and be able to give Rich Uncle his Beemer back...an overly common situation for the community here, I would suspect...
  4. Upon visiting one of my alts' SG bases, I noted that there had been some changes which I had absolutely not made. Among these were changing various levels in the base - this was put back to the previous arrangement through simple level adjustment - but one alt's SG meeting table had been deleted. The items that had been placed at its sides were unaltered, but with nothing now in the space that had occupied it previously. Looking through the various menus to replace it seemed to show that the particular choice made before was no longer available; it was a very large, squarish SG table with the planet's hologram in the centre. The only one that seemed to duplicate this last part was in the "Tables" menu, with "large SG table", although this version is circular and way smaller than the one I'd put in previously. Anyone have any idea what happened here? I've looked through every menu that might be applicable for "Tech" and nothing approaching the first SG table seemed to be present. Has this been deleted for copyright reasons or something like that? If someone knows how to get the original square table back, would very much appreciate being told how to do so.
  5. The linked article gives some details regarding an underground tunnel system below Brown University. While caverns of the "natural" (i.e., what we'll see endless examples of in Paragon City) type aren't covered, the man-made versions would certainly suffice for a number of underground adventures - including, I would presume, the Abandoned Sewer System. Please note that one of these cavern entrances is purported to be the inspiration for the entrance to the Batcave in the 1960s Batman series. That alone should qualify all this as Paragon City-official territory. https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/rhode-island/underground-brown-university-ri/
  6. A very interesting issue, mistagoat. For myself, I typically take anywhere from three months (that's been about the quickest rise, with that alt played almost exclusively) to a couple of years, for guys who were just side-items and, finally, got played on a somewhat regular basis. Part of the reason that things have remained relatively slow is because, when teaming pre-47, I typically shut off xp to avoid out-levelling contacts. Just the cash acquired is certainly nice, plus having the record of having completed Task/Strike Force X. And the biggest reward: getting to work and make stupid jokes with teammates that I will, in the best of all possible worlds, get to work with again at some point.
  7. A while back I decided to replicate an alt I had, Back In The Day, who was a Dark Melee/Dark Armor Brute (blueside), and realized that, under the current mathematical arrangements, he had some advantages (and disadvantages, to be sure) that none of my other power-sets did. Now, at level 50 with a full set of IOs (How did I pay for those? IO, IO, it's off to scrap we go...), he's just about the only guy who can take on the Carnie bosses, and Sappers, to a large extent, without fear of being End-drained at a moment's notice. One of the trade-offs for this has been that I have to allot a considerable amount of time for him to do the end-of-mission boss scraps; even with Soul Drain (when he activates that, I think of the Coming to America Soul Glo commercial - wish I could have that on auto-play when the button get hit), he takes an inordinately long time to put the punks into the cement. Other melee-oriented types I've got have a specific three-power combination in the boss scraps; rinse and repeat, because those three attacks have the highest DPS available and anything else simply is going to fall into the category of diminishing returns. The Brute...well, after Soul Drain, he's gonna be hitting the three basic attacks in a row, then Touch of Fear, then Midnight Grasp, all for DPS and the purpose of wearing down buddy's chances of hitting on the riposte. And will hit Siphon Life both for the regen and damage effects, should buddy get a few choice hits in. And after Soul Drain recharges, go through the routine again. Dark Melee/Dark Armor definitely has its advantages (at End 110, that's for g--dammed sure), but I would advise that there's a learning curve with the power-sets that many others avoid. Take your time, be prepared for a lot of ER visits in the lower (pre-30) levels, and be assured that the forces of Darkness will rise...
  8. This is standard procedure for zones where the "challenge level" has been exceeded. At your level, the only zone where you can find police scanner stuff is Peregrine Island. All others are going to give the simple feedback, "Events here seem to be beneath your notice", e.g., nothing more than cats stuck in trees. All best as you continue your voyage through the best superhero MMPOG ever released, and just watch out for those Malta punks and their Sappers hanging around Portal Corp...
  9. Zombra, have to chime in with your sentiments here the big one-ten. The whole "Incarnate" issue - while I acknowledge and celebrate the spirit of innovation and attempt to give this game an achievement level past 50 - has been a non-starter on my part. I'm perfectly happy with my crew of 50s, fully outfitted with IOs - and yes, it did take a while, but I did finally get around to doing that (a billion or so bucks later - ugh) - running around and giving the Forces of Evil a sharp swat upside the back of the head. I keep thinking that, maybe, one day, I'll get around to giving the Incarnate thing a try - and perhaps it will be as rewarding as getting all those purple and red IO sets were, I will accede to that possibility - but for right now...it's an academic point. The various Incarnate rewards sit in each character's tray, quiescent and docile, with the ongoing question hanging around them, "When you gonna use us...?"
  10. Haven't gone through the entire thread yet - but I will, boss, I will! - but I do have to give GM Crumpet (and is there anything more terrifying than a name that makes you want to invite someone in for an English breakfast?) commentary my full marks. CoH, in its original and current iteration, was crafted for people who value the journey more than reaching the destination. Back in '04 - '05 and hit 50? Might as well go into semi-retirement and just pick up the occasional badge while working on Alt X. Toward the end of the run, back in 2010 - 12 or thereabouts, the Devs did put some serious work into trying to construct an endgame, with IOs and the AE system. Post '19, we've seen some potentially huge expansions with the Incarnate system, and the Ides of March bad guy upgrades. Yet the truth of the matter is that the joy should still be in the 1 - 50 journey, and the dozens of souvenirs that can be put in the catalogue and run through during the quiet moments. Those who are anticipating some kind of deification after the 50 is hit...you're barking up the wrong tree. Best of luck in locating a more suitable set-up, and meanwhile, we'll be sticking it out here and working toward the day when Countess Crey can be confronted in her subterranean lair, mere hours from fleeing the country forever...
  11. I find it more than slightly coincidental that Snarky's face was featured prominently within the screenshot. Snarky present? Questions about how long things have been extant and yet perhaps "undead" due to lack of knowledge or familiarity with the subject? Well, now. YOU be the judge.
  12. Interesting point; and I have, on occasion, decided to use Unstoppable (or powers that accomplish the like) rather than give Villains X the thrill of watching another alt make their way to the ER. One of the problems, from my experience, has been forgetting that I've hit the power to begin with, or lost track of how long it's been running. The, "Aw, crap," moment kicks in and I've got time for one tremulously uttered, "I'll be back," before the, "Down I go," moment. Overall, yes, I would prefer to hit the Unstoppable button, as long as I can get my head in gear enough to make sure I'm keeping track of the timing.
  13. As per always, passing on every heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the Homecoming team. Without you, ladies and gentlemen, we would have been left with nothing but screenshots, Google images and the occasional YouTube video. This game provides me with a reason to stay awake on Saturday afternoons, after the work-week and the volunteer work is done. Hoping very much we get to pass on our appreciations in person some day, be it at a gaming convention or the like. Until then, know that you have everyone here watching your backs, and that the monthly funding call will be answered, and fulfilled, in perpetuity. All best always.
  14. My hopes that this individual, and his/her/its works will be excised at the earliest available juncture, but just wanted to bring in a quick point of personal recollection. Over twenty years ago, on trekrpg.net, there was an individual called Red Quacker. The person - if I might use that title - engaged in the same sort of I-want-to-stir-the-hornets'-nest attention-getting tactics that this one does. This individual became a subject of site-wide bemusement, and, finally, boredom - because you can only stir the hornets' nest for so long before they've all taken off. Temnix will inspire his (presuming "his") share of head-shaking amusement, then disregard, and will, hopefully, zip out when "he" realizes that no one's paying attention anymore. As a quick by-the-way, on trekrpg.net, Red Quacker's account and posts were ultimately deleted. For the best, really, although there were the occasional, "Whatever happened to...?" posts over the years.
  15. Am well familiar with City of Zeroes - followed it pretty closely Back In The Day - but had absolutely no indication this existed. Thank you very much for having made this available, Zombra, and, like CoZ, it points out some absolutely true yet much beloved "fools' paradise" aspects of City of Heroes. Any more from this particular animator, please let us know.
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