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Everything posted by Skele101

  1. There is no issue with that. This is not theoretical. It works. I got Empath within the last week. Feel free to argue whether or not it SHOULD work, but understand that it actually DOES work. Alright, I believe you. No need to get upset.
  2. My pleasure :D
  3. I also had no issues as well. My recommendation is to revisit and actually leave the pop ups open for a short time, like a couple of seconds as you move away. If you close the window too fast it might not register the opening.
  4. There's only one issue with that unfortunately. The badges only register hit points restored so they would need to be damaged first. I tried to get the badge by taking the "aid other" power in medicine and heal Positron and it wasn't registering. I've found success by chasing around Masterminds and healing their pets lol
  5. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,1395.0.html and https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,1319.0.html
  6. We'll make our OWN Wiki, with Black Jack and Hookers!
  7. It actually says: "Yep we sent someone ALLLLL the way down into this abandoned sewer, jam packed with dangerous cults and aliens just to hang this plaque. Why? Cause we're actually crazy here in the City Historical Society! SOMEONE STOP US! WE'RE MAD WITH POWER! WE'LL EVEN HANG PLAQUES IN ACTIVE WAR ZONES WE DON'T CARE!"
  8. Don't thank me, thank Blondeshell. And moving the badges gives the Echos a reason to be there and a new place to explore. Besides it's not that difficult to get all the Echo badges. It's that final inside the shield badge that's the real drag. :P
  9. I will stand on the hill of Grav/FF Controller. I hope you like pushing people around for 4 levels and doing minimal damage cause that's what you get.
  10. Alright I'm making a companion piece for these maps. THANK YOU!! So Numbers will align with these for those who wish to follow along. Rikti War Zone: - Accolade: "They Are Still Among Us" 1- Vanguard Operative- Inside Vanguard Base In front of Borea. (388, -1188, -2418) 2- Trespasser- In front of the Crey building. (979.1 2.3 -737.9) 3- Lifesaver- Right in front of the boarded up hospital doors. (-425.5 15.3 -207.3) 4- Base Jumper- Inside the front door behind the receptionist's desk. Careful of the guns. (3434.7 0.4 511.7) 5- Homewrecker- Inside a shelter set up by Crey, in the center surrounded by tables. (3566.0 0.3 -761.3) 6- Luscious- Off to the left of the HUGE cave entrance in the Devouring Earth area. (4242.9 -24.1 -1861.5) 7- Junkyard Dog- In a park just around the corner from the vanguard base. You'll know you're in the right place what you see broken tanks. (1474.0 0.7 -3722.2) 8- Unabashed- So this SHOULD be in the center of the Rikti ship BUT! I haven't got here yet.... sorry. Echo Rikti Crash Site (Ouroboros, portal behind building): - Accolade: "Crash Landed" 1- Ace- On the out stretched Fist of a giant statue. (1359.1 293.7 -273.7) 2- Powerful - In the middle section of the power plant. Hug the East fence. (276.3 84.5 -744.9) 3- Under Fire- So there was a bunch of mobs right where the badge is but the info in the wiki is accurate, just not the picture. (1629, 0, -1047) 4- Scarred- This one was harder to find, but only because it doesn't match the wiki and this picture wasn't uploaded until after I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off... sooo... I look less impressive. It's on a collapsed overpass bridge (you know the ones) next to a destroyed building. (3216.0 -136.8 -3198.1) 168 yrds SW of the Sunken Road marker. 5- Asunder- In the center of a ruined military base courtyard. (3970.0 34.2 -3848.5) 6- Eyewitness- On the tippy top NW corner of the broken building, literally on the wall. Good Luck non-flying badge hunters. (820.1 471.3 -4605.5) 7- Communications Specialist- On the top of the building on the North side of the Northern most radio tower. (959.9 171.5 -1174.1) 8- Shielded- How close can you get to the North side of this ship's shield without touching it? This badge will tell you. (2933.4 -10.2 -6250.3) So in the end: Badges located- 13 of 14 Accolade's achieved- 1 of 2 Patience- 0
  11. Gotta catch em all?
  12. I must have been mistaken (probably thinking about the team teleport temporary power or something), if there’s no charges on the Mission Teleport Power then that the real one. The only one you can earn is the Pocket D one as you described.
  13. Fun little practice: Chell (Portal 2) Zangief (Street Fighter) Carmen Sandiego (video games not the most recent version or the very old version with the scarf)
  14. Yep I did this with my first room in Live, I was on a team too and by the time I made it halfway across the Hollows the team had defeated Frostfire and I had done nothing to help. <geezer voice>, you young-ins don't know how good you got it. Back when I first started when we were defeated in the Hollows we had to go to the Hospital in Atlas Park, and then run all the way back to Hollows, thru 2 ft of Hellions, going uphill both ways, without a major travel power, then through 20 ft deep trenches of trolls and igneous. Darn whippersnappers It’s funny cause of you go through the cisterns in the North it totally is uphill both ways.
  15. I feel like everything that could be said has been said but just my two cents: There are three things I like about COH. The first is badges. I feel like that’s pretty obvious. The second is lore, City of Heroes has such a deep lore, it dives all the way back to the 1700’s and the world feels loved in. There has been battles fought on these very streets, you believe in the people walking around Brickstown love here, of course there’s more natural scenery here the Devouring Earth are just beyond this dividing wall. I never got that feeling from CO. All it made me do was miss Clockwork, and Hellions. Lastly, the character creator is more in-depth than most give it credit. I have often just seen what I can do with the pieces and then make my powers match. I’ve gone and made characters I normally wouldn’t just because I have the option to make changes. Like was I chomping at the bit to make a Beam rifle Blaster? No but I did! Why? Cause I found a cool look I liked before I even settled on the powers. The costume selection for CO left much to be desired, I was never struck with the inspiration to try one thing or another. So ya, still mostly feels but meh, I’m glad I got my game and badges back!
  16. Yep I did this with my first toon in Live, I was on a team too and by the time I made it halfway across the Hollows the team had defeated Frostfire and I had done nothing to help.
  17. Who didn’t? Besides newcomers
  18. There must be another way to get the Mission Teleportation Power because the version in the P2W vendor has charges.
  19. I may have to wait till 50 based on what you’ve said. I really appreciate you confirming this. Thank you!
  20. Do you need to be 50 to have it on the list? I'm only 34 atm. And I would really appreciate the help if you're free on Excelsior later.
  21. In Issue 25 Pirate was changed to just defeat 100 spectral ghosts, its a defeat badge. It's possible that with that change the Accolade's requirements were also adjusted but because the wiki isn't up to date (still on Issue 24) we don't have the info on how to achieve it.
  22. Oh that’s a good one.
  23. I’m building characters as I’m prone to do and I decide you know, this character would look great with a hat, but to my chagrin the hat I wanted had hair. Not only that but hair I couldn’t recolour. (It was the steampunk hat for those wondering) Or if you put on the Santa hat you have that awkward no hair look. So if I could make a change I would change hats to have the option for short hair, long hair, and no hair with hats. If you could make a change for costume maker what would it be?
  24. Day ?: Still no luck, I shifted my alignment to Rogue and even waited the 7 days just to be sure but Pilgrim still wont divulge his quest to me. Not sure if there is something else I can try. If I find anything I'll post it.
  25. It is accurate, but it is complicated because the spot is kind of innocuous. Usually there's enemy clockwork in the area and its looks like any other back alley. The containers are going to be the giveaway.
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