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Everything posted by RickmanUK

  1. For the character I'm playing the most recently? Arachnos PR Agent:
  2. RickmanUK


    I don't remember posting here... But eh. I was on Union, Member of the NHU on the Blue side and EVIL (Not the other one) on Redside. Rickman was the main character.. and Tao'Grim. Don't suspect many/any to remember me, but eh... Currently running around on Everlasting because RP seems alive there as Arachnos PR Agent.
  3. *Active Vibration and near earthquakes from the UK* YES! YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!!
  4. Oh no.... It's Nemesis again! *Gets out the Breeding Pair of Rust Monsters* Lunch time!
  5. "Stuff is Coming!" Me: "OH NO! RUN!"
  6. Take your time and take care of yourself. I might not know you directly/well, but I'd rather you safe and happy than hurt and worried. There's a lot going on at the moment, so do what you need to keep yourself sane!
  7. Just a Random Selection...
  8. Donated what I could (Which isn't much but eh)
  9. If I had ANY Clue about how I could help.. I'd jump in and Volunteer, but about the only thing I'd be good with is Worldbuilding and missions/ideas.
  10. Homecoming Includes City of Heroes, City of Villains and the Going Rogue Expansion. To head too the Isles as a New Character, Select the "Freedom" on the character creator, then make your character, When you get too the option at the end to Enter the Tutorial Outbreak is the Core Hero one, Breakout is the Base Villain one, Galaxy City is the one that gives you a choice in the middle of it. If you Choose the Breakout or Side with Arachnos on the Galaxy City Tutorial your'll end up on Mercy Island and starting your Career in Villainy.
  11. Just read though the whole Thread (more or less) and had ideas to add/prob/suggest. The Greek have a concept of "Arete" or "Excellence" which ties very much into constantly striving for better (perfection isn't a thing to be obtained, it is to be strived for) it would also be where my mind takes me for them going into Incarnate threats (Maybe) a small portion of them finding/tapping into that "Excellence" of eternity/power and running with it. Could probably be a power of some type. More power types/weapons is always a good way of diversifying them and adding Female members is a good idea, although I'd say they probably be much more likely to be higher up members, since women competing with men in the field of combat makes them a lot tougher and "Meaner" and it's harder for them to reach the same "Strength", which would mean they'd tap into the "superpower" side of things quicker IMO. As to them Recruiting... I can see them getting members Red side from several of the impoverished groups... say the Scrapyarders and dockworkers. Maybe even the Luddites, if they tap into the ideas of "Getting strong enough to Defend yourself", Maybe a couple of them show up and get the process started and that's where the Red side come in, wanting to stop the various groups from getting a fair shot at things and bringing themselves into conflict with the Warriors.
  12. Love the Art, Shame I can't draw for anything... (Wrist problems when holding a pencil/Stylus)
  13. I love Walk-up and "Meet and Greet" RP and I love open world RP where yeah we're traveling and fighting etc... and not just to go to the next scene. Club and Pub RP I have found isn't my strong suit or even something I enjoy too much... I can handle it, but.. It's just not something I can do all the time.
  14. Borrowing a Term from Game Development and Engineering.. KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. In RP this would basically mean... You might have a 20 page backstory with 200 years of growth... But if that's not relative to the situation you are in... Keeping it simple and clean for those you are playing with is better than complicating it unnecessarily. In Building a Character, this basically means you don't need that 20 page backstory and 200 years of history unless you feel they are going to be used in your RP. Keeping it simple and down to 1-2 pages can lead to so much more growth and chances to change that it's potentially better for you and those your playing with. Also don't be afraid to use the Setting to build your characters up, there is plenty there to use and borrow from to make an interesting character. On the same token, don't be afraid to make things up on the fly if they work for you as long as they make sense within the limits of the Setting your in. (Hopefully these make sense)
  15. To me it depends on the Intention of the character. "Dark and Edgy" is fine for a concept and fine to play as/though. If it's used as an excuse to do things that are generally over the top and "EVIL!" then.. maybe just think of an actual reason why a less edgy person would do this thing... and consider if you want to play though it properly with the consequences or if you jut want it because it's "Cool". I tend to respect the former more than the latter. Edgelords tend to be used as an excuse. Like playing as a Chaotic Neutral in DnD. There is nothing wrong with the ascetic and that, there can be something wrong with playing them for the wrong reasons. Edit to Clarify: If your playing an Edgelord to explore the Darker side of things and look into the consequences of those actions.. Then your all good. If your playing them to be a douchebag... You can be a douchebag as anyone/anything.
  16. Wishlist for "Official" Servers -Continued Stories -Updated Storylines to smooth them out -Scaling Contacts to match your level (I know Ouroburos etc does similar, but that feels like it pulls us from the world) -More Supergroup content (Base Items etc) -Possibly Updates too the Model for characters (Fingers please if possible) -More Badges (Possibly more categories of them) -More Costume Sets and possibly more "Plain Clothes" or NPC outfits Otherwise I'm more than happy to just play whats here. I really did miss this
  17. For Fear of Reviving the Dead... I propose that the Trolls of Praetorium are actually Undercover Resistance Members who use a "Temporary" Superadine drug that turns them into the "Typical" version we see in the Hollows, Giving them a chance against the Powers Division at least for a short period (Would stand well against the PPD as they could Appear, wreck shit and "Vanish" as the drug wears off becoming normal citizens) In the unenhanced form, they'd probably be fine/normally intelligent, in the drug form... Normal trolls. Could even have it be "New" and they haven't had any side effects yet.
  18. Nice to know what's happening, also nice to know the stance on Streaming.
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