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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 2 hours ago, tidge said:

    Disclaimer: I have never played Dark as an armor, neither have I played a Dark Melee. What follows is based (mostly) off of my experience with Bio armor's DNA Siphon.


    Something I didn’t realize about DNA siphon at first is that it provides a fair amount of endurance even without the Theft of Essence proc.  So all my builds had the proc and I was crowing about how good the proc was until I tried it without the proc and it wasn’t much difference.


    if you are not fighting big crowds, the Theft proc is useful.  Once I get to x8, I’m getting full blue bars without it, so I’d use the slot for something else.

  2. 3 hours ago, Nyghtmaire said:

    Serious question after reading this thread (as well as the various market related threads here in General): it seems that the view is that there is no good time to buy a Winter Pack without the sale. Is this accurate? I don’t see the costs of various Winter IOs 25m+ yet.

    Is the consensus that Winter Packs are not useful for marketeering at this time at the current price? Rather, only valuable to the individual player for an IO and some assorted ephemera AND a more general antagonism to marketing.


    I ran two test cases last year around this time and gave some details in this thread here:  



    I think the upshot is that you should expect to get 1.2 ATO/WO per pack, and that for the most part selling those generally convers the cost of the pack and everything else in the pack is profit, but there's not a ton of profit there.  Interestingly enough, when Winter Packs were on sale (either at 10mm or 15mm), the prices of the WOs in the aftermarket tended to move down to about 60-80% of the cost of the pack.  


    My completely unproven theory is that if they raised the price of Hero packs to 25mm, the prices of ATOs would move into the 20mm range, which I frankly think is a pretty good place for them.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    I will not be selling major again for a while.  So I can say my niches lol.  I convert all 25+ to rare, then roll until i get defense, resist, or end mod.  With goals of Unbreakable Guard (4of the 6 are good) Luck of the gambler global or Performance Shifter proc.  Below 25 uncommon. More fluid depends on level etc. Kismet Global, resist global defense, heal for procs end or health etc.  kinda varies on level of i/o and luck


    Hmm, so you say you are mass farming the market?

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Seriously, the market is FUBAR.


    I just struggled through placing about (guestimate) 400 I/Os on the market.  One of the ones I converted to was old reliable Performance Shifter +End, which I sold probably 100-150 at 3.5-4 mil.  Idid this in about a week, grindy but steady.


    The last one has been sitting on the market for 3 days.  Prices on the item are 2m, 2.1m, 7m, 2m, 2m.....




    If you listed it under 2mm, then I'd put in a bug ticket.  Otherwise, you clearly are not the lowest offer.

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  5. 1 hour ago, TheZag said:



    Should it get an attack?  Teleport limbs to leave your targets torso writhing in pain on the floor,  unable to do anything as they bleed out.  Im sure someone more creative than me could come up with something but as far as the teleport pool goes,  it seems like it has everything it needs.


    Teleport internal organs out of your enemy’s body.  Instant kill, but only for tanks.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    PS - Commons are now fluctuating wildly between 20 and 3030 influence.

    right now, someone’s announcement screen is lighting up with “You have bought Luck Charm” and “You have sold Luck Charm”.  

  7. Now, it's started to get interesting.


    If you're watching the number of items for sale, from yesterday to today there are about 100,000 additional pieces of common salvage being offered and about 25,000 additional pieces of uncommon salvage being offered (rare salvage roughly the same).


    So, someone or someones spent their holiday clicking and dragging about 12,500 stacks of 10x salvage.  Ho ho ho indeed.


    So what does this mean?  I didn't bother to check out at what price I thought they were offering at.


    If you think that the price of common and uncommon salvage are too high, then by all means dump your stashes into these bids!  In the short term, it's easier for one person to keep up consistent bids for thousands of pieces.  But in the long run, supply from simply playing the game will vastly outweigh the potential demand for crafting purposes.  In my opinion, that is.

  8. Combat Teleport is a great power!


    Automatically adds 7% to hit out of the box.  That's more than Focused Accuracy or Targeting Drone and there's no endurance drain.  Use powexeclocation 0:2 combat teleport and you are basically popping an Insight.


    With just the basic slot, you can put in a 50+5 to hit IO to get over 9% to hit.  You can mule a stealth, or a +4 knockback protection, or a 20% slow resist.  You can even get an 11% chance to trigger a Gaussians proc, which is good for 100% damage and +40% to hit for 5 1/4 seconds.


    It's good stuff.


    What does this have to do with the original post?  Dunno.  But it's a great power if you have one slot and one power pool open.

    • Like 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    and the little girl saw the spider

    while drinking her cider

    and picked it up

    and ate it down
    now the spider is inside her


    It wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!

    She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.

    But I don't know why she swallowed the fly.

    • Haha 2
  10. 22 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:



    Flies don't like it.  It hurts their sensitive wings.


    Said the fly, "Let us flee!"

    "Let us fly!" said the flea

    So they flew through a flaw in the flue

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, momentarygrace said:

    General question I've wondered, apologies if it's a dumb (or ignorant) one - how do you know what the seeded prices for salvage are?



    They've told us in threads, but I can't remember exactly where.  Common, uncommon, rare salvage were seeded with ten million pieces at 10,000; 100,000; and 1,000,000 respectively.  Functionally, it's like someone's character owns them and is listing them for sale at that price.


    I would presume that if, for some reason, people bought all ten million pieces of seeded salvage that the devs would put another ten million for sale.

    • Like 2
  12. 36 minutes ago, tidge said:



    (*2) Driving up the price of common salvage past the seed point (and holding it there) would almost certainly just encourage players (who crave specific common salvage) to farm Inf, which will have the side effect of farming common salvage as well.




    Unless you take out all the seeded salvage at 10k, and I mean every last one of those ten million of them, you're not going to be able to drive prices *higher* than 10k.  Well, at least only for the period of time in which the hamster wheel that is the /AH needs to process those sales.  It's essentially a big spreadsheet.

  13. I do have to give this person some credit (and I do think it is one person, and they may even be reading this forum.  It’s not me, but I wouldn’t tell you even if it were, so take that with a grain of salt.). 

    They’ve taken down over 300k of listed commons that were all listed at over 1,000 ( I’m guessing).  It takes about 3-4 minutes for the AH to process buying or selling 1000 items.  (Don’t believe me?  Try bidding on 100x10 lots at 10k, or try selling 100x10 lots at 1.). Add in the amount of time it takes to bid 100x10 and the amount of time it takes to pull them off the AH and vendor or delete them.  Probably north of 5 minutes but let’s call it 5.  Then they did it 300 times.  Now that is commitment to a bit.


    I doubt they were actually using the salvage to craft, but imagine the time suck if they did!?!


    So you get a golf clap from me.  Nicely done.


    • Like 1
  14. 20 hours ago, Ukase said:

    For whatever reason, you return to the game after a departure, and you still have your stockpiles of inf. But where will you turn for the very rare or the avalanche that you need? You may certainly exchange merits for them...if you had some before you left. And suddenly, you look to the AH and ...there's no inventory! Other players came along and bought them, and nobody replenished the supply. After all, it's a ghost-town, right? 


    Don't cry for me, Sergeant Tina!  Thanks to fungibility, pooling, merits, and converters, even if I were the only Yomo in Yomoville, I'd be able to come up with everything I needed with the sole exception of HOs/DSOs (and even then, I'd probably be able to fast solo my way through a LOT of Aeon SFs, but that would be wicked tedious).  In fact, being alone would make it much easier to transform items through the /AH (like setting levels or swapping between attuned/non-attuned). 


    On 12/22/2022 at 8:02 PM, Snarky said:


    now i see it in the few regular money making i/o  it consists of this phenomenon  try to buy one of these "pretty good" I/Os at 3 million.  No luck.  Try to sell one at 4 million.  no luck.  Bids show they are selling for 2 million.  but you can never buy one at that price.  There is still a little profit in the same old I/os but the profit is lower.  and the games are written all over the bid history.


    Someone (and I suspect a SG or Cartel...has discovered how to mass farm the market and they are putting the F to U  (and me)  



    To your first point, you're trying to buy low and sell high.  So is everyone else!  You need more patience and perhaps need to keep an eye on that niche.


    To your second point, mass farming the market is easy -- always has been.  But there's not enough demand from end users to justify it.  I mean, you can buy a hundred Cleaving Blows a day and turn them all into LotG +rechs.  It's probably not particularly efficient (and you're far better off cracking them into a wide variety of goods) but picking up a few hundred thousand converters isn't all that difficult (although tedious).


    Let me give you a concrete example that might address some of your concerns.


    Sudden Acceleration KB to KD.  Some people find these very useful (personally, I generally use the Avalanche proc or the OF proc, but if you are dealing with something like Lightning Clap which doesn't take melee aoE or universal damage it works).  Last 5 history probably shows something with a low of about 2mm and a high of 5-6mm.  The low is from someone making one of these and selling it at 5 inf and hitting the highest outstanding bid.  Maybe that is a flipper; maybe it's just someone trying to buy it on the cheap, but the trade prints because someone wanted to sell it nao.  The high is probably either someone reaching for it, because there aren't a lot for sale, so they bought it nao.  Why aren't there a lot for sale?  Because I don't really care enough about it to put a bunch for sale, and if I am going to put a bunch for sale, it will be at some ridiculous high price because I'm not doing this just to make you feel better.


    Why doesn't someone else put a bunch up for sale at low prices?  I mean, it's ridiculously easy to make them.  Buy a bunch of Kinetic Crash recipes at level 21 (or any level 21-49, I use 26).  Convert once by KB and you either have a Sudden Acceleration or a Force Feedback.  You've got a 1/12 chance of it being a SA proc.  If it's a different SA, you can convert in set until you get the proc (on average, that will take 5 conversions or 15 converters), or you can just convert by rare to something else.  If it's a FF and it's a proc, you can sell it.  If it's a FF and not a proc you can convert by KB again and have a 50-50 shot of getting an SA.  Or you can rare roulette it.  The point is, it costs under 100k to buy the recipe, salvage, and craft it, and then on average maybe 1mm to convert it into this item.  You could make a thousand a day and list them at 1mm and still probably make a tiny profit.  (Well, on the ones you sell.  I'd guess you could probably expect to sell maybe 10-20 a day to end users.)  Me?  I don't really need a profit at all anymore, but I'm sure as Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo not going to work for a tiny one.  So it's a liquidity issue, a buy/sell it nao issue, and a "I really don't understand converters or the /AH process, or I just don't care" issue.

  15. 10 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

    There's just more people trying to sell more things. It has driven prices down, and cut profits by about 33% over the last 6 months, but 66% profit is still worth doing. You just have to refrain from being greedy. Set a steady pace and stick to it even if your stuff sells out in 2 hours. There's still room for everyone if you leave room for them, and then the prices won't shrink down even further. Otherwise, if you don't leave room for others, then your profit will plummet and you'll kill your own success, and everyone else's, just by being overzealous. 


    Since there may be more people crafting and selling more things, there is less salvage available and higher demand, which has driven salvage prices up.  But in all honesty, I just think there are less people selling salvage. I actually make more inf selling my salvage and recipes to the Store rather than offering them up in the auction house... and it's easier and takes less time to sell it than auction it. That said, every week I empty one of my alt's salvage and recipes into the auction house and sell all salvage for 100 inf and all recipes for 1,000 inf... yep, common, uncommon, and rare alike. I just dump it. So some people are getting things really, really cheap. I don't make very much inf doing this, but I think of it as a kind of community service... helping out the less fortunate or the new players.


    The probable reason you see things sold for 2 mil but you can never buy IOs for that price is probably because you're trying to buy it NOW instead of placing a bid and waiting a few days. Many people place bids and wait for someone to dump the IOs  into the auction house on the cheap.   It's one argument for planning out your builds ahead of time so you can place low bids for the items you need before you actually need them.





    This is true.  There is SO MUCH STUFF out there, and thanks to converters it's all topographically equivalent.  A Trap of the Hunter = a Luck of the Gambler.  Entomb = Avalanche.


    5 hours ago, nihilii said:

    All the problems you see could be explained by lack of liquidity.


    A market with less liquidity will have less items on sale at a given moment. This means more time needed for bids to fill. Things you could buy instantly before might require posting a bid and wait, if you're not willing to up your price.

    In terms of flipping, this also means the pool of items you're competing for shrinks.

    Say Bob the Evil Flipper used to buy 20 miracle +recovery per day at 4M to flip them for 5M.

    If 50 miracles are marketsold per day, Bob snatches 20 of them, and you could have a fair chance at getting up to 30 by also posting 4M bids. Volume both covers and creates inefficiencies

    If only 10 miracles are marketsold per day, and if you put the exact same bids as Bob, it's a crapshoot whether they'll end up in your pocket or his.

    FWIW, I haven't had any trouble getting items in a timely manner (24 hours) by taking the obvious "flipper" bid for any item and adding digits.


    i.e.: I see an ATO last 5 looking like this





    I put my bid at 5,111,111. Next morning, I have this ATO in my pocket.


    Never fails.


    This is true.  Your traditional market providers have gotten tired of providing liquidity, since they have enough inf to do anything.  The Buy/Sell-it-nao crowd are in charge and they are complainy!


    2 hours ago, JasperStone said:


    It's me.

    I'm the one you are looking for.


    I used to sell everything in the base that I could.

    But that stuff is ... poof gone.


    I now stored a limited about in my base and in the auction house.

    Sell the rest.

    Usually at the lowest cost possible and bid a little over.


    Well ...not anymore.


    Sell high, bid low.



    This is true.  Lots of people (or a small number of people with a huge number of things in storage) have cleaned house.  It's still happening in a lot of places.  I've come to realize that the big converter dump around 27:4 was a few big time farmers going through all their alts and dumping all their merits and emp merits.  I mean, how many unused merits do you think there are *still* in the system right now?  Millions, easily.


    2 hours ago, Snarky said:

    i get it Jasper.  in my Snarky way i am trying to say no one, or 10 of us doing (or not doing) normal activity will affect the market.


    Starting about 6 months? ago I noticed a crazy trend in the uncommon salvage.  now i am seeing stuff that makes no sense in the i/o market


    This is false.  There are certainly whales, and their actions can be outsized.  Not just because they have a lot of inf, but because they have a lot of knowledge about how things actually work.  They also probably have a lot of alts, a lot of market slots, and a lot of patience.  There are only a few thousand active players at this point, and I think it's a very safe assumption that there are probably a dozen or so who are "behind" things like the great purple accumulation or the LotG crash.  That said, humans and vampires alike tend to come up with conspiracy theories about how someone is out to get them when it's really just a dynamic system working its way out.  And never, never forget that at the end of the day, it's player demand that is driving things and that has dropped like a lead balloon in 2022.  And I, for one, am not going to be the one standing there with a big pile of useless inventory when the music stops.


    All this is based on my opinions, observations, and experiences.  I'm pretty sure that it's mostly accurate but maybe there really are meetings of the shadowy cabal and I just didn't get invited!

    • Like 4
  16. Under level 30 or so, every additional power is exciting and new.  It's like being a little kid and opening your Xmas stocking and getting toys and candy.


    Over 35 or so, every additional power is helping you round out your character, probably with additional survival skills.  It's like getting pairs of socks in your Xmas stocking.


    The question is:  are you the type of person to get mad that the socks aren't candy, or are you the type to say, "You know, I really do need a new pair of socks!"

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  17. If I have learned one thing about life on HC, it is that unless a power is the absolute best in its class, enough people will complain until the devs improve it enough so that it is now the absolute best in class.  And so the cycle continues.


    I'm looking forward to how good my broadsword/regen brute is going to be, since I anticipate that soon broadsword will get something like a 5% chance for decapitation for double damage after all bonuses on all attacks.  Unless you are a tanker, of course, in which case it's instant death for the GM you are fighting.

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