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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 14 hours ago, Meknomancer said:


    As to set slotting that all depends on the player. If you look at other builds on other AT's posted by various players you'll soon start to notice they slot in a particular way with specific goals in mind. For example @Hyperstrike builds tanks, irrelevant of the AT it will be built for maximum defence and resists. You'd be able to jump into the centre of a mob and survive and click attacks til they die. There won't be a single extra chance for damage or much recharge but you won't die. On the other hand @Nemu will build to maximise the primary and secondary in the opposite way with a very specific goal in mind, tons of recharge, tons of extra damage and just enough survivability (provided you know your primary+secondary extremely well and the enemies your facing, where to position yourself and which ones to take out first) to murder mobs at speed and look cool doing it...and not die. Build like a tank and you'll feel very safe have a 'clean' build (by clean i mean you'll have a ton of set bonuses, like 2 pages long, usually every power fully slotted) but you'll have 0 recharge in the build and do very little damage. Build a 'dirty' build (very few set bonuses but tons of extra recharge and extra chance to damage pieces) and you'll have a much higher dps toon. 



    I am very impressed by this paragraph, so much so that I didn't want to let it go with just a "like".  Very wise.

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  2. On 11/22/2022 at 5:42 PM, Zect said:



    I think people generally do not have a sense of scale regarding the market, in the same way that sci-fi writers do not have a sense of scale when writing about space. 50 B may seem a lot to some players, but the amount of goods that passes through the AH each day is likely in the dozens of trillions at least. Considering other features of the Homecoming AH like fungible items and easy availability of convertors, and it should be clear that attempting to effect drastic changes in market prices for any length of time is extremely difficult, especially if you only have 50 billion to work with.


    (As someone who did market manipulation on live, and continues to do so on Homecoming, I nevertheless think this is a very good thing; the AH here may be less useful for extorting money out of other players, but as a market it's vastly more useful for everyone. The HC market is a great improvement over the one on live.)



    This is a really good point -- you can't forget the market is (probably) a lot bigger than you are.  But at the same time, remember that there are only a few thousand active players at this point, so a few outsized actions can have repercussions.  A few months ago, I decided to sell off most of my stash of purple recipes that I had been accumulating on the cheap.  Probably about three thousand more or less.  So I needed to pick up about 10k rare salvage, and not being a complete idiot, put in gradually increasing bids rather than buy it nao at 1mm a piece.  If I didn't get filled overnight, I would increase my bid a bit and try again.  Rare salvage prices went higher.  Was that *because* of my increased demand?  Not really, but other people who are buying lots probably noticed they weren't getting filled either and they bid higher as well and so prices increased.  Then I crafted and again, not being a complete idiot, sold off thousands of purples relatively slowly.  Under 100 a day.  The worst thing I could have done would be to sell them all at 1 inf.  The second worst thing would have been to offer them all at once at a given price.  Again, other people noticed and gradually started dropping their offer prices.  And again, we ask, was that *because* of me?  Probably not, but people notice they aren't selling at their old prices and relist.  And frankly, maybe this has nothing to do with me at all!  But I notice when flows are greater or less than usual, and I have to assume that others are doing the same thing.

    • Like 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Yeah. Those have been... overdue for a change. I don't know how hard it is to update the list they pull from, or if some have specific lists, but... yeah. Question is what to update them to.



    Scrub The Onion website for titles.

    • Like 1
  4. Unfortunately, I'm going to call this contest short.  I'm simply not going to have the time or interest to do it in the way I had envisioned, and rather than do a half-assed job I'm going to call it a draw.  Everyone who had left their global in the thread with their pick will be getting a generous participation prize.  


    I hope to occasionally drop in every once in a while and drop some deep thoughts on various scrapper primaries and secondaries, but they are all winners.  Just like you all!  Well except for you there in the corner.


    Happy hunting!

  5. Market PvP(lol) tactic, and a sound one.  For the cost of 250k, someone just hid the last prices.


    Given that most/all sellers of brain storm ideas are selling at sell-it-nao prices, hiding the price keeps someone like me from seeing what the highest outstanding bid is and beating it by 1 inf.


    Of course, this only lasts until the next person sells.  Right now they are just over 25k on the board.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Luminara said:



    But that's the thing, they aren't making an effort to satisfy me.  Or @Bill Z Bubba, or @Troo, or @Snarky, or any individual or group of individuals with a high post count or rep.  They're trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people.  Sometimes that means some of us don't get what we want.  Sometimes it means some of us have something taken away.  But it also means others do get what they want, or gain something.  That's life.



    I hear you, but I do not believe in the slightest they are trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people.


    I believe they are trying to do things they want, and they are putting in a small amount of effort to listen to people.  And I get it -- 90% of the suggestions board on this site is:  "Someone else got something and I want that plus a bonus".  The hardest part about managing ANY group activity is weeding out the folks who want to get special treatment.


    But I can't even pretend that the volunteer devs on this project are trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people.  That's what I would do, personally, and that's one of my greatest beefs with the Homecoming team.  But the truth is that they work on projects that they want, for reasons that they want it.  And that's their right because this Homecoming is their game.  It's not mine.  It's not PK's.  It's not a meritocracy.  It's an "I'm in chargeocracy" and honestly that's understandable.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Perfidy said:

    Poor Yomo. (Figuratively)
    You can choose the precise piece of salvage. It's not efficient, not in the least. It costs 540 tickets for any specific rare salvage you want. They even have an easy way to find the specific one, if you know if it's arcane or tech, and/or what level range it normally drops in - 1-24, 25-40, 41-50. 

    There was a time when they made threads a currency to exchange for AE tickets, with a particularly unfavorable exchange rate, given what the super insps might sell for on the weekend. But, it might be worth a crappy exchange if someone despises the idea of farming and has more tickets than sense or more tickets than patience. 


    Ah, maybe I was thinking of an earlier time, or a completely different venue.  Thank you.


    I think the thread thing was something that bit them in the ass.  "Oh, I, as a dev, personally want to be able to get all my incarnates extremely quickly.  But I want to feel I earned it!  Let's make incarnate threads really easy to get, either directly or through giving away empyrean merits."


    People farm both incarnate threads and empyrean merits.




    "Hmm, I think they are being childish, but let's face it, I also want more lollies."

  8. On 11/2/2022 at 10:14 PM, Antarticaa said:

    I usually play corruptors, blasters, even sentinels and healers.  A friend challenged me to play a scrapper, and I will but I understand they are so squishy.  I've loved the firepower of blasters and using range.  Now I'll have to get up close and wail away.  What builds would you suggest for one who would like to play a scrapper and will play her. I 'm just open to combo suggestions.


    Don't play what you don't want to play is my advice, but here are a few rambling thoughts:


    Scrappers are relatively squishy in comparison to brutes and tanks for a number of reasons, this is true.  If spending most of your time in close combat concerns you, start focus on a defense-based secondary and look to soft-cap your melee defense.  a % of defense works the same on a scrapper as it does on a tank.  Ninjitsu, Shield Defense, Super Reflexes are all positional defense, and are probably going to be a little easier to learn.  Energy, Ice, Stone are damage-typed defenses and may be a little bit more difficult but I find them to be overall better sets.  As previously mentioned, there are four primary sets that have a (very effective) +melee defense power.  Personally, I like layered protection.  Defense, resistance, healing, knockdown, mez are all good ways to keep alive, and I try to avoid builds that are all in on only one of those.


    Ask yourself how you will be playing, and at what difficulty.  If you are teamed up all the time, then the only thing other people will expect of you is that you are going to go medieval on mobs.  If you want to be soloing +4/x8 TFs, you'll probably want to spend most of your attention on protection rather than maximizing offense.  Pick any primary that interests you -- they all work -- but if you want more bang for the buck look at sets with good AoE powers.


    And if you like range, try the ridiculous new version of Battle Axe.  I've built a hover-blasting scrapper that floats just out of range and throws axes in near perfect safety.  It was poor testing and planning by the devs, but they are going to do whatever they want to do.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Zect said:

    It amuses me how, even after all these years, market manipulation still gets blamed for everything, and how the remedy is to cut off one's nose to spite one's face by forgoing a much higher income stream to farm AE tickets, just to stick it to the purported marketeer.


    As someone who actually did and does market manipulation, both on Live and here, I can tell you that manipulating the salvage market is not all that easy, nor all that profitable. Rare salvage on HC is a high volume and fast-moving market, it strongly resists attempts to move the needle. And even if I could buy at 500k and sell at 700k, that's still only a profit of 1.3 million per 10-stack. That's peanuts.


    The real reason is probably some imbalance in the ratio at which salvage to recipes drop, due to all the ToT EB's being farmed, (either dropping more recipes or less salvage than standard, or dropping more orange and purple recipes than normal) causing demand for rare salvage to rise higher than normal. You may have noted purples dropped in price lately.




    I swear, I had to check to make sure that one of my alternate personalities didn't write this.


    Except for the AE ticket thing.  Farming tickets is clearly the future of this game!

  10. The only way I would not vehemently oppose this if they made it so that you could add certain items to the Character Items menu and then be able to pull them off the menu on any character linked to your account.  Character Items is already kind of an exploit, but you don't really notice how exploitable it is until you open a bunch of packs.


    But it's kind of a moot point, since I highly doubt something like this would ever be implemented.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. On 10/26/2022 at 10:48 AM, Perfidy said:

    You could try AE tickets if you need a specific one, (And level 50 with the spare threads), but even then the inspirations from Luna would probably make that a bad deal the exchange is so bad. 


    Just seeing this in print from someone other than me makes me giddy.  Ticket farming!  Something for the devs to nerf in 27:6!


    But I don't think it gives you a specific one?  IIRC you can choose type (magic or tech) and level (low, middle, or high) but not a specific one.

  12. It's just you.  Not saying that there is anything wrong with you, but the system appears to be working as intended.


    Since this is a player-based economy, you can only buy an item if someone else has put it up for sale.  This is a relatively rarely used item that has a tremendous supply (I get it all the time when I'm playing rare roulette).  I never bother listing it because 1. if I sell-it-nao I'll get a crummy price.  If I sell ten of them I'll get even worse prices.  and 2. There's not enough demand for me to list one or more at what you may think are reasonable prices.  If I made and listed ten at 2mm each, how long would it take for me to sell them?  A week?  A month?  Not worth it. and 3. I'd rather spend my time and effort on making and selling things that are more profitable and also more in demand.  


    If, in fact, 20mm was the lowest price that one of the ten was listed at, I could understand someone thinking "Well, in order for this to be worth my time, I'll just list this at 20mm and check back next year."  That's not how I operate, but I can see it.


    It's not about what's reasonable value, unfortunately.  If it were, then Force Feedback +recharges would be at 5mm, because those things are gold!


    In the future, you could try putting in a bid that you think is higher than the other outstanding bids (it looks like someone is bidding 1mm, so anything higher than that) and wait until someone comes in and sells-it-nao so you will be first in line.  But if you want it now, you have to buy what's available at the price it is available.  Alternately, as mentioned above, there are plenty of ways to make this with converters with high probability and low cost.


    Happy hunting!

    • Confused 1
  13. If the problem is that new players cannot afford SOs right off the bat, a simple solution appears to me that they should remove SOs from vendors until the player has reached a high enough level to be able to afford them.  Something like, I don't know, level 22 or something like that.


    Then we could add some sort of enhancements that people could use at a low level, but make them less powerful and less expensive.  Then people could use them while they were training to a high enough level.  I'm not sure what we should call them though.


    Also, a really low-effort. low-programming time way to help people is to add a new message to the loading screen tips that says to email @Yomo in game for 20mm start-up capital.

    • Haha 3
  14. 12 minutes ago, Cutter said:

    To add a little more on some of the incarnate interactions, I pair Cloak/Invoke/OG with Control Radial hybrid and Spectral Core interface. Cloak & Invoke get the Unspeakable Terror +stun proc, and OG has the Razzle Dazzle +immob proc.


    This setup effectively means fears, immobs and stuns are stacking on everything everywhere. Combined with Vigor Radial alpha increasing fear duration (as well as helping with end and acc) the net result is a large swath of enemies under some kind of soft control pretty much from go.

    Spectral has a higher % rate, but Cognitive is far more amusing in my book.


    Although Fear counts as “control” with respect to a lot of things (including Control Core Hybrid), it does not count for the extra damage for a controller’s inherent ability.

    • Haha 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:


    As I understand Terrorize - it keeps them from moving, but they can return fire if they are attacked.  Even if they return fire they still don't run around - sort of a low-key immobilize in that respect.  LMK if that is right, or there is some mechanic surrounding mob resistance, rank, or purple patch that lets them move while under the effect.



    IIRC, the dynamics of Terrorize is that they cower in place unless they are damaged or otherwise affected.  Then they either make an attack or run away a short distance before cowering again.  So I guess that it's more accurate to say that Fear is a weird hybrid of immobilize, stun, AND sleep.  Regardless, they should stay in the immediate area, although probably not right next to you.


    In practice with CoF and OP is that while both Fear and Stun can be in play at the same time, the movement from Stun seems to overwrite that of Fear (probably because the effect is applied more in my build).  So in play I get a big group of enemies that initially cower, then stand up and wander aimlessly for a few seconds in Stun mode, then go back to cower mode.

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  16. Specifically this combo, I've only played at length on my fear stalker (Dark/Dark/Body).


    It works pretty much as expected.  Cloak of Fear is a mag 2 Fear with an 8 foot radius, meaning it will affect minions only by itself.  It also has a -to hit effect which affects all opponents.  It needs a lot of help with accuracy and with endurance reduction.  Invoke Panic is a mag 3 fear with a 20 foot radius, which means it will affect minions and lts by itself.  There is no -to hit effect.  It also has below normal accuracy, and with a 60 second base recharge can be up pretty often.


    Mix them together, and you can get a mag 5 fear that will take down bosses (or AVs with the purple triangles down).  Now, keep in mind that Fear is kind of an odd bird, mez-wise.  It's sort of a combination of stun and immobilize.  Just by standing there and Invoking Panic whenever it comes up will pretty much can keep up to 10 targets "mostly" out of action.  But it requires a lot of investment in accuracy/to hit and in endurance reduction, because this is a hungry hungry hippo.


    On another note, and I may write more about this on another thread, there is a lot of synergy between Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom, thanks to procs.  Unspeakable Terror proc in Cloak of Fear adds % for mag 2 stun which makes Oppressive Gloom more effective.  Absolute Amazement proc in Oppressive Gloom adds % for -to hit which makes Cloak of Fear more effective.


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  17. The Windfall (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Windfall) power covers a lot of this.  However, the Windfall power AFAIK currently only drops from Hero/Vigilante Packs, at approximately a 5% chance to drop from any given pack.


    I wouldn't really care if the Powers That Be figured out a way to periodically distribute this power, like if you log in on the first Tuesday of the month you get one charge.


    I would, however, object if the power were, say made available for purchase, unless the price was appropriately high.

  18. 43 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I did not see the set Kinetic Combat listed.  I personally do not use or like them but they were THE quick and dirty way to get S/L defense on melee builds back in the day.  Sure a lot of peeps still build that way.


    Open your eyes, blood sucker!


    Useful sets:

    Kinetic Combat (Melee):  Oh yeah!  You want to 4-slot it (skip the KB proc) for the S/L and melee defense, but a touch of F/C resistance and some health doesn’t hurt at all.  Sometimes I’ll ride this pony all the way to level 50, but generally I’ll add a slot or two to frankenslot it.  2-4mm/piece.

    • Haha 1
  19. On 10/25/2022 at 3:27 AM, MistressOhm said:

    Players:  Please let us use mini-me avatars in gameplay!


    Devs: Fine, but we're doubling the size of their hitboxes.


    Also Devs:  Unless you're a tanker, in which case we are making your hitbox one square pixel.  And since we haven't done this in awhile, let's double the range of all your powers.

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  20. On 10/13/2022 at 6:57 PM, Nostromo21 said:

    Awesome guide, thanks Yomo, even in 2022 for this grumpy old bastard gamer! 😄

    I notice you still talk about travel powers as if they are only available from level 14, but HC changed that to level 4...? Just a minor observation mate ;).

    You can get travel powers earlier, but you can’t slot a Celerity et al Stealth IO until 12.  The bottleneck is not when you can get the travel power; it is that the four main travel sets don’t start until 15.


    Grumpy old bastards unite!

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