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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 39 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

    Well, @Yomo Kimyata said, "I can tell you exactly what's going on in rare salvage, and it has nothing to do with a shadowy cabal manipulating prices.  Well mostly nothing."


    We're still waiting for elaboration.


    On 10/16/2022 at 7:44 PM, brasilgringo said:


    Do tell. recently it looks to me like manipulation is afoot in yellows and rares ..


    23 hours ago, robopop said:


    @Yomo Kimyata, please don't leave us hanging. Inquiring minds want to know. What is (mostly) going on with rare salvage?


    I've been taking a break, but if you say my name three times, it summons me back from the dark realm.


    I believe that the issue with salvage (and you can see it now in common, uncommon, as well as rare) is that the sell-it-nao supply has dropped significantly.  I don't know if this is because farmer activity has dropped or if people have been spending most of their time on the beta server, but there simply is not as much salvage coming into the system and sold at 5 inf on a daily basis as there used to be in the recent past.  So there is a bid-offer gap (which I've noted many times) that is as wide as it has ever been in salvage.


    As a result, I see two things happening.  People who are used to buy-it-nao are reaching in order to get their salvage nao.  If there is a print at 1mm, does that mean that the next available piece of salvage was offered at 1mm?  Almost certainly not.  The second thing is that buy-it-soon(tm) people (like me) who are used to putting in bids and having them fill overnight are not getting filled.  So they pull their bids and put in higher bids, so we get upward creep.


    I do not think people are buying significant blocks of salvage at one price then listing them higher.  First of all, the number on offer doesn't support it, and I generally do monitor that at various points during the day.  Maybe a few hundred here or there.  Second, it hardly worth it to do it in bulk, since there is always a risk someone will underoffer you.  I mean if you can't be bothered to drag and drop a thousand salvage for a few mm profit, why would you expect someone else would be?


    I think that this is just a case of supply and demand working its way out, and because of the blind bid system where trades generally print at a level (sometimes much) higher than the offer, people find it easier to blame a Shadowy Cabal (which is one of my SG names, by the way) to explain something they don't understand.


    Maybe I'm wrong?  But anything that would get people to start farming AE for tickets would amuse me to no end, so maybe I'm simply trying to hoodwink you all.


    Anyway, back to my slumber.  Enjoy your hover blaster battle axe ninjas!

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Funny you omitted my 2nd source.  I'll ignore your personal attack...


    The one you edited in?


    Listen, if you need to look up a word, you probably shouldn't be willing to die on that hill of its definition or usage because I promise it only makes you look silly.


    My attempt to make peace via DM was thwarted!


    Anyway, back to OP.  There's no problem with the system.  The problem is that the sellers right now sell at 5 inf instead of offering at, say 600k.  The solution is to go out and farm rares, however you see fit.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  3. 1 minute ago, biostem said:

    That is merely 1 definition.  It used to refer to charging *any* interest.  Regardless, I agree, from a moral standpoint, that charging an exorbitant amount is wrong...


    That is *literally* the only definition after the year 1746.  According to the OED.


    Are you Kang?  Are you in the wrong timeline?



  4. 2 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Umm... charging interest for lending money is NOT a crime, but you can take a landlord to court for upping the rent beyond some locally-decided-upon amount, and even then, there are numerous protection in place to protect tenants, which include outright stays on eviction, (all depending upon the area you live in, of course).


    Um, usury is by definition a crime.  It is *literally* defined as charging a rate of interest that is *illegally* too high.  How high is "too high" is up to the courts, but I think it's currently in the 25-30% range.



  5. 12 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    I'll see your 90 day return policy and do ya one more....


    Price gouging policy: implementation of AH code that limits listing an item for sale above 25% increase over it's 3 year average price on the AH. The 3 year mark will roll as years past, but this is an inflation control measure to maintain homeostasis of the market economy while still allowing marketeers the ability to fluctuate pricing based on market trends.


    You kid, but this is something I am proposing in real life.  It's not going well.


    Usury is a crime, but tripling the rent you charge isn't...

  6. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    Removing Empyrean Merits in their entirety would work against the incarnate system. They existed as part of the incarnate system back on Live so players could buy the salvage they needed to make their incarnate powers without relying solely on random drops as mission/arc rewards.


    Right.  But we are not on pay to play LIVE and the devs here halted cutting e merit drops in AE *because* people claimed they needed to farm AE in order to get incarnates.


    I'm not wed to this idea, but it seems to me to be a way to remove a rationale for AFK farming without hurting anyone.

  7. 4 hours ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    Clarification: powers are not going to change the enhancement sets they accept.


    Although Cleave is a blurry line power at 40ft range, there is a reason "Targeted AoE" sets were renamed to "Ranged AoE" sets a while back. They should only go into ranged AoE attacks that accept range enhancements.


    Like Spinning Strike.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Lines said:


    Not against it, per se, but I think it may be impractical.


    It makes the dev team beholden to a plan that may project over years. Creativity can wax and wane many times over in that time. When your only incentive to create is your passion for the work, you will need to channel creativity into whatever suits you in the moment.


    For that and many other reasons, such as technical obstacles, it's precarious to promise anything. Or even to write a post that could be interpreted as promising.



    I understand your concern, but this isn't a Fortune 500 company with shareholders.  This is a pickup basketball game, or a weekly poker game.  No one is beholden to anyone, and saying, "You know, we wanted to try this, couldn't make it work, my bad," isn't gonna hurt anyone.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  9. I can tell you exactly what's going on in rare salvage, and it has nothing to do with a shadowy cabal manipulating prices.  Well mostly nothing.


    Brainstorms are great, but there are way too few of them dropping and trading compared to rares.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

    Six already apologized on a previous page.


    Ah, I finally saw it on their sixth reply to the post.


    EDIT: sixth reply after the gaslighting.  Seventh reply in total.


    • Thumbs Down 1
  11. On 10/10/2022 at 8:34 AM, Number Six said:

    I checked the moderation logs. It was not hidden by a GM. The OP deleted their own thread and it took all the replies with it.


    But way to go assuming the worst. This is exactly why the initial testing stages are done with an opt-in group. Developers have enough demands on their time and don't need to have to deal with this crap too.


    This is why we can't have nice things.


    Since no one asked me again, I'm going to say that @Ukase initial assumption was probably a pretty good assumption.  There *is* a clear trend of moderators selectively moderating threads.  That's your right.  This is your version of the game.


    Now as more information came forward, Ukase apologized.  I'm still keeping my eyes open for @Number Six's apology for their reply, listed above.  Telling people that assuming that moderators are doing things similar to what they have recently done is "why we can't have nice things" is gaslighting and deflecting blame for non-inclusive behavior to others.


    Frankly, I'd love it if we all could say, "I see why you think that.  Let me try to do better next time."  Because if this IS only us, then we need to make it all us and not us v. not us.


    My two inf.

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  12. Just spitballing here.

    Right now, if you want to try something out in incarnate land, you either go on Test or you accumulate incarnate stuff like threads or empyrean merits.


    if you allowed respecs of incarnates (like refunding 60 threads for turning in a T1 power, or 100 for a T2), then no one would need to farm for incarnate components.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. I spent a bit more time on Beta, and I stand by my previous post entirely.


    However, you had not mentioned that Pendulum took a damage hit as it moved to T5 for scrappers -- you might want to add that to the notes.  Swoop, Cleave, Whirling Axe/Axe Cyclone all maintain the same damage levels.  Even with the lower damage that it was when it was T9 it is way too overpowered in comparison to every other melee power I can think of to be available at level 8, in my not-so-humble opinion.  Its closest analogue now is Spinning Strike, which is a T7 for Street Justice which in and of itself is a very strong T7.



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