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Everything posted by warlyx

  1. let Null the Gnull convert all the KB to KD ....and u can nerf buff KB to your hearts content , KB powers are -1 slot by default and that sucks
  2. uhm i see , but why not mix mind and epic /fire? its because mind use sleep a lot , and of course dmg and dots break the control? i have seen one of your videos , but its not the playstyle i want sadly and yeah sometimes its feel why im play this combo on dom and not blaster? in my case because i love Control powers , and because while blaster are fun , is just that , dmg and nothing more. I prefer a bit less dmg and bring something to the table. yeah mind has soo many CC , confuse , holds , sleeps , with fast cast / recast , and invis to be able to create chaos on the shadows 😉 ( + who doesnt like finishing those pesky missions of kill 1 boss or click 1 terminal fast ?) superspeed is a good altenative i guess 😛 hmmm guess gonna give dark/fire a try , i wanted a ranged DOM that can solo at 50 (maybe farm even if slow, but i guess i can create a farmer char) , and on teams when CC isnt much needed dont feel useless and help on dmg.
  3. gaaahhh cant decide what dom to play so many good options pros/cons? i want to be able to solo , maybe farm ?, prefer ranged and avoid melee attacks (outside pbaoe attacks ) leveled a mind/psi but lacks dmg (still low lvl ) guess is a late bloomer
  4. yeah teleport should learn a thing from jaunt (same goes for Mystic fly ) and yeah Jaunt nerf was unnecessary no hover , and CD was good , but far from OP
  5. was about to post this let the spells originate from the caster , losing 1 jump is ok , soloing is a bit confusing with this set teaming guess u target enemies for dmg powers and target friends to cast EAf powers p.d the powerset is interesting im a huge fan of "chain" spells , if only elec blaster had this system (Zapp chaining or Lighting bolt jumping from 1 to another enemy ! ....unlimited power!)
  6. or what about new zones for the game? 😛 awesome base btw love the design
  7. gez for unknow reasons my w10 freeze the window once i renamed , took 2 tries....hope i can mute that psionic dart 😛 doh figured it category is the folder and folder the subfolder 😄 worked ^_^
  8. changes to KB to KU would be lovely , the AT is starved for slots already and forcing 1 slot for KB sucks more dmg ! , solo buff of some sort buuuuuut.....triform would make PB OP can tank , dps .......guess what? tons of others AT do tons of dmg and can tank with easy. the AT could be tons of fun if properly managed , or can stay the same played by a few ppl that dont even make it to 50 or don play it at all once at 50 we need more AT variety ...is not that PB , Corr , VEATS or any support cant do endgame / leveling content , but a COH full of brutes isnt fun , or a game that 80% of the population is 3 AT while the others are 2% , 5% ....
  9. warlyx


    thanks for posting a build! no KB to KD slotted for Explosive arrow? i hate the knockback as reward :
  10. warlyx


    is viable going fire/fire / fire? wanted to try a full dps dom with some CC since its a dom after all! fire/psi/fire? , fire/dark/X? any advice is welcome
  11. devices has some DMG powers (time bomb hits like a truck , trip mine too , the drone helps) , however u are forced to be on melee to drop mines/bomb , +tohit toggle , stealth toggle TA , has some nice passives -20% rech , +def +jump + fly , -res -def aoe arrow , oil sick + explosive arrow hard to decide :S
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