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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. I should be the one who's sorry. When I stated, "the smarter players", I should have stated something more like, "The more experienced" or "the more informed". Not my intention to suggest anyone was lacking in intellectual ability.
  2. Hmm....I wonder if I could worm hole some npcs into my SG base....
  3. I completely understand people shouldn't be rude to each other. But - if I call someone stupid in game...it's completely meaningless and reflects more on my immaturity than the other person's intellect. It's not like I can sell that opinion for any money. It's not like I actually know the person in real life. The game is just a bunch of pixels. Completely meaningless. If the opinion of some clown behind an avatar whom you've never met has an impact on your feelings, I'm really sorry about that - because they shouldn't. Why would anyone let the comments of a random stranger impact their day? That doesn't make sense to me. In person, sure, I can see that. They're people we probably deal with regularly. But in game? Nah. You just /gignore and the problem is solved.
  4. Any four ATs/Powersets will suffice. Seriously. But - here's where I think you're missing something. Warburg Nukes. Shivans from Bloody Bay HVAC (Heavy) from Vanguard Merits Envenomed Dagger (from P2W) Team Inspirations Not saying you NEED to have all of these, or any of these, but they can take an "almost got 'im" to "barely got 'im!". The nukes are simply OP. The Heavy will certainly do a LOT of damage. The Shivan dishes out serious debuffs. The Envenomed Dagger will drop the regen, practically flooring it. Team inspirations are an incredible tool that most forget about. You have to be within 20 feet for them to work for teammates, but if you have an alt with surplus threads, they can be invaluable. Imagine the damage your HVAC will dish out with a Super Team Red! Enough of them, and they will trivialize the battle. Heck - an Ultimate! A quick level shift can improve your defense, your accuracy and your damage output. These are why team composition doesn't make much of a difference anymore. All these things have trivial costs or tasks to obtain. And, if you're truly lazy but have 10M inf -- get yourself a Summon Pet from P2W. The extra DPS will certainly help.
  5. The truth is ...it doesn't matter really what anyone says/writes to you in a forum or in player chat. They don't know you personally, so it's not a personal attack. Surely, there's time to spend doing something more meaningful, isn't there? Some people aren't happy unless they are complaining about something - whether it be something HC added, or didn't add, that the player knew full well about before they even made their first character or, soon thereafter. Some people have such low self-esteem, they can only go about their day unless they belittle someone else - whether it be cleverly worded or not. These people do us all a favor by letting us know they're not open to teaming with us. This is why the /gignore feature is a thing. Use it, and move forward in your day.
  6. Anecdotally, I've "added Note" to certain players when teaming with them, and have also made notes on players who just say really inflammatory things in any channel, allowed or not. But when I switch, I'll do the right click and I'll see it says "Edit Note", and I'll see the star rating, but I won't see the note that was made by an alt. So I've adapted - 1 star - player has opinions which make it clear I wouldn't want to spend any amount of time with them, lest we spend it all debating, or worse, arguing. 2 stars - a new player who has much to learn before being trusted on a MoTF or MoIncarnate Trial, but worth teaming with for other things. 3 stars - really solid player, to be teamed with whenever convenient for both parties. 4 stars - Truly exceptional to the point where I feel carried along instead of the other way around. 5 starts - someone who I had high respect for back in live and continue to be amazed at in-game knowledge, skills & abilities.
  7. I got as many winter's gifts as I could, then converted them all to Blessing of the Zephyr KB procs when they were selling routinely for 3m or more. Maybe 6 months ago? I got one yesterday for 1.8m, so those days are probably over. Still, given that rare salvage is now selling for a patient price of 425k or so, probably still worth it, unless the rng just despises you while converting. They will get a little more valuable during the winter months. Newer players who don't read the forums, or don't visit them until it's too late will want those badges but lack the canes and feel like they're running out of time pursuing them. But they'll likely never sell for much.
  8. I've always done the Cavern of Transcendence trial set to -1/8, and bring a lot of phenomenal lucks. I think it took me 4 runs to get those igneous bosses.
  9. True enough - but if it's your first time, determining that you exit through that door to the left of the entrance (as you're trying to leave) - and what way to go from there, it's helpful.
  10. Well, I say go for the goal. A few tips: On Excelsior, some nights, if the raid leader is feeling spry, he'll run hami more than 4 times. Just depends on his mood, and if enough people stick around. 80 for the first run, 40 merits each additional run. No reason you can't expect 160 merits for the usual 3 runs x 3 days, 480 merits. If you really want to push the envelope, you can try for some raids on Torchbearer which run an hour earlier than Excelsior, where they do things (somehow) far more efficiently and quickly than Excelsior. Theoretically, you could get 960 merits in three days with just hami raids on those two servers. Some SSA arcs are better than others, as far as efficiency goes. If you have Reveal power from p2w, you can do the first SSA out of Skyway (Theoden) in less than 10 minutes, running at 1/0. Possibly less than 5 minutes if you really try and become familiar with it. Wavelength's SSA from Pandora's Box part 1 is also pretty quick; a little bit of travel between missions, but they're super easy. (Hero side assumption) Apex/Tin, as mentioned are a fairly fast 80 merits, 40 each. On the right team, this will take longer to form than to actually complete. I've been on solid teams that have done this in less than 15 minutes (each) without any true effort to speed through them. I've also been on teams that did Apex in 9 minutes, and Tin in 11 minutes and change. But those teammates of mine often make specific builds just to speed through for the fastest time possible. If you're really desperate - you can dual box one of the shard tfs, and simply have one alt email hero merits (50 reward merits at a time) to the alt that wants the 1500 merits. If it were me - honestly - I wouldn't do any of those things. I'd buy winter packs and hero packs and open them until I had the 1500 merits, and then I'd catalyze the ATOs/Winter-Os and sell them until I recouped my influence. The actual recouping might take a few days - superior ATOs at the going prices don't sell that fast. Make them cheaper and they still don't sell that fast. The smarter players realize that they can buy their own winter packs. But, there's still plenty of lazier players who can't be bothered.
  11. I will also use them in any mission with an ally I can't buff/heal. For example, I'll use them in Provost Marchand's arc, as often the missions are a bit too difficult for the allies to survive without some help.
  12. So much this. I have been bidding...well...nobody asked about that, but let's just say that while I like to farm every now and then, and I do see the merits in afk farming, except for those that do it just for the enjoyment, the rest should consider using the market. I think with the player base there's enough inf to go around. Thus far, anecdotally, I can tell you over 50 PvP procs sell in less than a given hour, at 10M or more...who needs a farm? All of us likely did at one point - cuz it takes a fair amount of inf to get those 50 recipes to convert into procs. Just keep at it - a second account will do wonders for your revenue stream - even if they just sit in there and do nothing. (or spam speed boost on auto if you need/want that.)
  13. Short version: Can we please not have the detectives or any other contact be assigned as a waypoint upon entering a zone? Why: This happens to me routinely. I try to only have one mission at one time, so when I use mission tp I don't get carted to the wrong place. Invariably, when I don't use mission tp and get sent to a zone for a mission and use my sg base to get to that zone, instead of seeing the waypoint for the mission, I get the zone's detective. It's mostly me not paying attention - but I almost always proceed to the detective's location instead of the mission door.
  14. I have that bookmarked, too. But, since they have a spot for suggestions, I'm suggesting that missions be more clear in their objectives so we don't have to tab out and check.
  15. If you played CoH back in live - or even now - odds are, you're familiar with Paragon Wiki. I have it bookmarked, but as excellent of a source as it is, there's information that's incomplete for one reason or another. There are countless missions that will have one vague mission objective, "Check out Nemesis Base", for example. I zip through, click the glowie...no boss that I saw, so just clobber the goons in the last room...then, look on Paragon Wiki and there's no information there, either. It would be WONDERFUL is each mission would say "Defeat All" if the mission is a defeat all.
  16. We've all most likely seen the default warning for the fees that are going to be charged when posting something for sale, but there doesn't seem to be a warning on bidding high inf amounts on a given item or items. Some of the better "ebil marketers" have posted such typos with extra trailing zeros and offered refunds, but most of the time, the folks that make these errors aren't reading the forums regularly enough to catch the offer, nor are they thinking of making a screenshot to verify they're the ones who overbid. In help channel, after I read a few folks who'd made these errors, I thought I'd come here and make the suggestion. I've overpaid on stuff...like paying 45million for something, when I thought I was bidding on a Micro Hami-O. I think the warning should pop up when you're offering more than 2x of the average of the last 5 sold. A warning of some kind. I once got 80Million for a scrapper ATO. I once got 120 Million for a Glad Armor 3% Def(all) I got 12 million for a perf shifter +endurance IO...(I don't feel bad about that - whomever did that was clearly trying to place a lowball bid!) I'm unclear if the 8M I got for a Preventative Medicine was a leading zero or just a generous/impatient bidder. There were only 10 or so for sale, so who knows.
  17. As often as I do that on accident...lol. The thing is - the folks that need the inf aren't really using the market, are they? I know some guys just unload everything for 1 inf because they can't stand using it. I always figured the folks that sell stuff on the market are already loaded. Guess I'm wrong? I guess they can't all be "rich" with inf. I've often been tempted to buy up all the LotG recipes and IOs...and the red fortunes and reactive defenses - IOs and recipes. Wouldn't even resell them until the price was back at 7m for an lotg 7.5%. But I think there are dev forces at work in that instance driving the prices down for some reason. Don't want to kick that hornet's nest. I've often thought about buying all the recipes in the AH...and just selling them to the vendor. All kinds of whacky things I've thought of - but while the results might be interesting, I'd rather not fiddle with other peoples fun.
  18. I have doled out over 1/2 a billion on MSR kill shots. I hosted a frostfire mission and offered inf for the kill shot ...but, I ended up getting the kill shot, with a Fireball AoE. Wasn't even aiming at him. The problem for me with MSRs - they are terribly repetitive and boring after you've done them for a while. I was going to give some inf away at hami raids - but most of those folks have refused the offer, they have plenty. And the system log rarely verified who got the kill shot. I'd have to take a third party's word for it - which made me a bit uneasy.
  19. All the characters in my SG have at least 1 billion inf. It's a membership requirement. (they're all my alts)
  20. Well, since I see several 50+3's in your signature, I strongly suspect that while you may not have vast sums, you have plenty.
  21. Imagine you have Billions and billions that you know you'll never be able to spend. What are the ways you would choose to give it away?
  22. Yes, I suppose it could be, it would depend on how they played out the nerf. An across the board -10% defense nerf would leave some of the non-IO folks at -10%. If they go at it and only nerf those with IO sets..then that's herding people away from the invention system. If they make the soft cap the hard cap for defense...then a lot of the end game content simply won't be possible for very many groups. It's a messy can of worms that needs to stay in a sealed container.
  23. I used to farm because I thought it was fun. Seeing the purple lettering flash across the screen when I was struggling...that was pretty fun, got my endorphins fired up. Now that I'm what I would think is one of the richest players in the game at well over 100 billion, I'm at a point where if I keep farming, I'll have more and more stuff to craft and convert and sell. The amount of effort to craft, convert and sell is a fixed amount of effort for me. I'd craft and convert for 10 minutes in the morning, and 10 minutes in the evening - and let the rest, if any, carry to the next day. Now that the prices have dropped...my inf will go even further, so I see no reason to spend my time doing this. If the players want cheap LoTG, let some other sucker lose 2m inf every time they sell one, because it's obvious people were willing and able to pay 7-8m. Want to let it go for 5m, knock yourselves out. But I'm not playing that game. It's not enough to be worth the time. So, despite having 3 accounts and a very worthy spines/fire brute on each account - the only purpose they now serve is to occasionally help alts with Vamp Slayer, Werewolves, Freaks and Fakes for the accolades. So - my thoughts now - I don't really enjoy farming. It's repetitive, and boring. That's why I set the brute farmers up for afk farming. Two accounts could farm while my main account would actually play. Now, I just play with any one of the three accounts while the other two are logged off. Fact is, I've even been playing on Rebirth because there's no more challenge to this version of CoH. Fully stocked sg base, all the badges, the only thing I've not yet done is play every AT/Powerset combo. Working on that. On rebirth - it's almost exactly like live, so it's a lot more grindier. Nobody farms there because there's nobody to buy what you're selling.
  24. I looked at the poll....none of the options represent my thoughts. Defenses are fine as they are.. my characters die plenty! ------ This isn't at all true for any of my alts, regardless of squish. Defenses are too low.. My characters die too much! --- This certainly isn't true for ANY of my characters. Not even my dominator which is the worst AT I've ever played. (some of you love 'em - I either build them wrong, or the playstyle just doesn't suit me. I'm glad you love 'em. They're good for holds with perma-dom, but damage is weak. Could've just been the one I made, though) Defenses are too high.. they should be nerfed ---- With only a few exceptions, most of my characters are at about 35-40% s/l defense OR 35-40% ranged or melee defense, depending on the character's AT. That's not too high, nor should they be nerfed. Defenses are too high.. enemy accuracy should be improved - I don't agree with this. Mobs are too easily killed/controlled/debuffed for defense to really matter --- I see this on some teams - but that is the whole point - to crush the npcs. But I also see the opposite. PUGs, or Pick-up groups (random folks who haven't likely teamed up together before) can be uber, or they can be stinky. There are some players who only use Common IOs, because they don't understand the invention system. Some aren't even aware that monitoring defense and other combat attributes is even a thing we can do! So, if you were to be king for a day, nerf our defense - then THOSE people who already don't have any defense to speak of ...they are really going to be hurting. Why can't we just leave well enough alone. If we really want to make this game harder - we stop allowing converters to be tradeable or sellable, and reduce the reward merit to converter ratio from 1:3 to 10:1. If I recall, 10-1 was how it was in live. 1 converter for 10 reward merits. That'll make you really think about flipping IOs for profit, that's for sure, especially since you'll have to do a lot more weekly tfs to get a lot fewer converters. Then - the uber builds won't be so easily gotten, and it would level the playing field for most. Of course, you do that, a lot of people would rage quit and play on another server, I suspect. So, again, leave well enough alone.
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