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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. So, I've done this mission for every one of my characters in the level range 40-45, for Tina McIntyre. It's Part Seven: Shut down the time accelerators. 5 glowies to click, the text reads: "You begin to deavtivate the device." As most should know, the letter V should be replaced with a C. I can't believe I've done this mission 30+times and never noticed it before.
  2. I don't think this is a typo, but not sure where else to report it. The Performance Shifter set - the End Mod IO - can be slotted at level 7. (I slotted this in my fire tank's consume at level 16, as I'd just taken it to test this) But - the rest of the IOs in that set require level 17 to slot. The description from within the AH does state level 7 requirement, so it's not wrong...but I found it odd that only one of the set can be slotted at level 7 and the rest at 17. (Tried to slot the rech/acc to test, but it wouldn't) So..not 100% certain this is an error, but pretty sure none of them should be slottable until 17. So consider me an exploiter in this case!
  3. I cannot stress enough how much I agree with and appreciate this wisdom. It's not to say you wouldn't be worthless on a team, but you'll have more confidence in what you can do and can't. Even if you're a "Support" character, you should still (eventually) have attacks that are slotted, even if they're in your secondary.
  4. What a fantastic question! We should always strive to improve, in game and in real life. Unfortunately, "better" is relative to where you're at now. And we can't measure improvement without metrics. Some would tell you "just have fun"...and leave it at that. Fun is subjective. Your fun may bore me to tears, and vice-versa. So, first - what AT and powersets is the character that you want to improve? What factors are more important? Damage per second? (DPS) Surivivability ( combination of layered defenses and resistances) Leveling speed? Your powersets and AT, depending on what they are, will strongly influence the answers to the above question, and may also bring more questions. My best advice is to download MidsReborn. It needs an update last I checked, as it doesn't have the newer IOs that came out last patch. However, if you're not rich in influence (200m or more) then there will be a limit to how awesome you can make your character. So...how much influence do you have budgeting to spend on your build? But - suppose being kitted out with the better enhancements isn't part of improving your character? If not - we need to get some direction. Want to be a better badge hound? Download VidiotMaps and the new patch. Both Vidiot Maps and MidsReborn are found on this forum, under the tools & utilities section. Want to have the answer to 90% of your questions without using the help channel? Google search "Paragon Wiki" and bookmark it. You will probably use it every day. I know I do. Sometimes to answer a question for someone else, sometimes to determine what zone the next mission is in. It varies. Tell us what you're looking to improve - level, AT, powersets, and we can be more helpful.
  5. You're right. I thought 12m was a fair amount and it would have bought it just as easily. That's why I feel bad. If they paid 70M by mistake, I don't think I'd offer to return it, lol. Darn low-ballers.
  6. You're entitled to your opinion. I never said anything about min-max. I suppose that's my fault for using poor word choices. When you state, " ...because a blaster should be death walking not death napping.", it told me that while you may not be min-maxed, (but fine tuned!) you at least understand what a blaster is and how it's played. And you're certainly correct - the player, despite quality of build - can slow things down by trying to be an individual instead of part of a team. I've seen all through the spectrum on this. Some exceptional, some really lousy. You say your stalker doesn't need it. I don't know your stalker. I've got a dual blades/reflexes. He doesn't need it either. But, he has it. Faster recharge is the ability to use the longer recharge attacks that dish out more damage more often - at least in theory. Depending on the build, some would have to invest other slots or set bonuses towards endurance recovery to make up for the increased use of endurance that hasten brings. And, with criticals, the faster recharge attacks can certainly make up for some slower recharging more damaging attacks. It all depends. "These tools allow us to go outside the box". Interestingly put. What's wrong with that? Nothing! There's more than one way to do things, and more than one right way, too. But, I stand by my original statement. If you have the resources to get the stuff and you're not using them, you're not performing as capably as you can. Slotting Combat Jump or Hover with an LotG 7.5% is just a no-brainer. While it's true that most builds wouldn't even notice an improvement in that tiny bit of recharge, they add up. Even more of a no-brainer are the 3% def and the 5% resist IOs. There's a reason those are so expensive. People know they're helpful. It just makes sense to use them if you can get them. It doesn't make sense to not use them if you can get them under any circumstance that I can think of. Some builds might be super tight and not have the slot for it because they're thinking about some other set bonus. But for the most part, if you're not using them (and you can afford them) you're making a mistake. Just my opinion, do it your way.
  7. If you bought a glad armor 3% on April 10th - you show me the screen shot, I'll refund your loot. 120Million inf...ouchie!
  8. You can play well for what's in your build, sure. But, if you have the resources to play with 45% s/l defense, max HP, and you do not get them and use them - you are not playing well. You're playing half-hearted. You're not invested. You're just goofing off - which is fine - but don't think for a minute you're playing well. And the truth is - if a player has the time to read the forums, everyone is capable of having the resources to make the most of their build. That's not to say they must. Or that they're of inferior character if they don't. It's to say if you want to play well, you're kidding yourself if you think you are without making the most of your opportunities. It's totally up to each player how they want to play. Fun is subjective, I'll stipulate to that. But the notion that you can casually dismiss a good idea because it's just a choice doesn't sit right with me. There's a lot of the players who want to do things better, faster, stronger. They want to be super. The original suggestion has no down side, if taken up, other than the price of lotg 7.5% will come down because there will be another option.
  9. Uh,,,when it comes down to it, IOs are not required either. Nor are any enhancements. If someone posts about the rising costs of enhancements, do you chime in that enhancements aren't required? Perma____ IS a requirement if you want to play well. And if you don't want to play well, then why are you playing at all? For fun? What fun is not playing to the best you're capable of? I'm sure there are a number who think about the math and the time that has to be spent tweaking a build and say, "No thanks! If I wanted to do math, I'd just" .....or words to that effect. I get it. Making a min/max build isn't for everyone. But - it's already about choice, as you say, so why not make it a choice? I don't really want to see other LotG 7.5% equivalents come out, because then the ones I have will drop in value. But, I think them dropping in value would be good for most of the player base. Seems like a win-win to me.
  10. I had no idea this wasn't on Ouro. I am almost positive I did this as a level 50 without issue. It never occurred to me a disconnect or client crash could have cost me the badges. So, yeah, put it on ouro!
  11. This doesn't make sense to me. Your average team (not talking about above average teams) can barely handle the mobs now. Most tanks can barely handle what they aggro because the players behind them aren't very good at tanking. I'm not saying that they stink..but there are nuances to tanking that a tanker should know before they gather a large mob. It takes some experience and some common sense. Not everyone has a good supply of both. If the team is that fast at killing, then it's nothing for the tank to leave before the mob is completely dead and move on. The only way removing the aggro cap makes sense is if the AoE target cap is also removed for blasters/brutes/scrappers, etc. That would bring about even more power creep. Unless there are some reasons why..I say no.
  12. So..this is probably more just my issue..but maybe others have it. I just recently goofed - to the tune of 140 threads, an uncommon salvage and 8 emp merits. In my hybrid slot, I had a t-3. I had one uncommon, 140 threads and a few more, plenty of emp merits. So, I proceeded to burn the threads and 8 emps for a rare to complete my 2nd t-3 on hybrid. Still would have 40 threads and enough emps to make the t-4. But - no sooner did I craft my second t-3...I see that I already had a second t-3 crafted. No idea when I did it, but there it was. Now I have 3 t-3s. A waste! Is there a way to make these that are crafted stand out a little more than they do? The one that's slotted, I can see very clearly. The one that wasn't...I didn't even notice it until I crafted the third one. If it's just me, I'll go get my eyes checked. But if I'm not the only one, I sure would like these to stand out a bit more.
  13. Thus far, I've only got three people on ignore. One - I've never encountered on a team, but I see his commentary on Excelsior chat. From the names of his characters, and his comments, I am convinced that this person is stoned out of their gourd and/or a serial rapist. Obviously, it's unfair for me to pass judgement that harsh on someone simply for comments made - but the names with the comments are just so gross, I don't want to think about it. Another person was someone I'd done several leagues/teams with - who no longer plays. No sense getting into it - but I just got tired of seeing messages spamming throughout the day for folks to join his sg after I read/experienced bad behavior towards another teammate during an ITF. Lastly, was a person who'd just sent me a tell asking me to PL them, as if it was the most normal, reasonable thing in the world to ask someone you'd never teamed with or spoken with before. At the time, it was just ...offensive. Anyone who'd just send tells to anyone else with no introduction for something like that is just not someone I want to know. So, to sum up - to get on my list - be unknown to me and ask me for influence or a PL out of the blue, or be very gross, or be very critical of new players without offering any solution or advice to them, nor recognizing the possibility of being completely in error about your own understanding of the game. (you kind of had to be there)
  14. It's not a secret that I am quite lazy when it comes to costumes. I have probably only 5 costumes across 50+ characters. The female characters have 3 costumes. The colors might change, tho. I've got one tank with a unique look, the blasters have two looks, same as the brutes. Controllers/Corruptors/Defenders will look pretty much the same as the blasters or brutes, depending on the gender of the character. While I have a couple of characters that are the same powersets - the builds are not the same. I have picked up various habits with builds as I've played. They used to be about as much defense/recharge as I could get, but I did an experiment with my blasters and learned that max HP with a decent amount of defense (25-35%) is a lot more survivable than 200Hp less than max and 45% defense. So, the change in builds is reflected in this new philosophy. Mind you - it's anecdotal - but my last blaster had no defeats until level 50, Vet level 1, in a hami raid. Silly tanks weren't keeping aggro enough...but then, I shouldn't be stepping in the midst of a Monster scrum to use inferno without taking some lucks first. Had a second defeat when some idiot on a Keyes badge run couldn't stop hitting AM - killed the whole league. I don't consider that my fault, but defeat is defeat. Still, for a blaster to go 50 levels with my increasing difficulty settings every 10 levels from level 15 undefeated, I think that's a testament to the build.
  15. I did, but they wiped my characters off. It's easy enough to replace them - but that's time spent I could have been actually playing. Further, the last time I was on, I couldn't test anything because they had disabled the ability to make incarnate components unless you already had the threads from live copied over - which I didn't/don't.
  16. Not reading through 6 pages, (so far) but I am looking forward to seeing how this pans out! It's a real gift for those that still use SOs in later levels, but the real fun will be actually having competent characters with the right enhancements instead of those useless TO/DOs - that I have never used because they're so useless, relative to SOs. A really nice QOL update, if it proceeds. My question is - for folks like me that might just have End Mod and recharge SOs -- will it update those and ignore my IOs?
  17. You're likely correct. I hadn't thought about that.
  18. Never underestimate the greedy farmer with a lot of free time. I have an alt account with 3 spines/fire brutes. Sadly, I had no idea that patrol xp had an impact on inf - farms were the only place they played, once I got them all their passive accolades. Candidly, I've always been more focused on recipe drops than earned influence for running a map. A cheap recipe with a few converters would net as much or more than one of the missions (of 5) in a comic con map. And for the curious - I have one on each server in case one server goes over the threshold to allow for multi-boxing.
  19. Ukase

    PvP recipes!

    It was strange. Earlier, except for Jav. Volley, (Targeted AoE) ALL of the recipes in the last 5 section had sold for 8-9M. Now, they seem to be back to "normal", the 4-6 range I was used to seeing. Guess I just figured someone was up to some shenanigans. Or maybe they realized that at 8-9M, it was still cheaper to buy craft and convert than to pay 12M. <shrug>
  20. Ukase

    PvP recipes!

    An observation - and maybe a prediction. No idea how accurate it will be. I suspect that the price of PvPIOs is going to get much higher. Why? Because I noticed someone buying the recipes for almost twice as much as what they have been selling for in the past month or so. 8M for a recipe and the Crafted IO isn't selling for much more than that. I've no doubt someone is buying these, crafting and converting them to the main 3 procs, which are routinely selling for 11-15M, maybe more when supplies are scarce. With the salvage costs of about 600k to 800k, and if they use level 10 recipes, negligible crafting costs. after the fees of a 12M sale, they're only making 1 to 4M per sale. It adds up, but some players won't invest in a margin that small, so fewer PvP IOs on sale. The price will rise. I might stop crafting my pvp recipe drops and selling them just to save me some time and the salvage.
  21. I completely agree with you. Never said you did. But - we have 1000 slots. And, if you want your character to be as good as you play, you want the better IOs. Depending on your AT, that typically means: 1 Gladiator's Armor 3% def (all) & Teleportation protection - about 11M currently, but I've seen them sell as high as 15m. Smarter players will buy a lower cost PvP IO recipe, craft and convert. Even if it takes 30 converters, a 5M recipe, plus crafting costs of less than 1m, you come out much cheaper. 1 Panacea +hit points/recovery - another 12 m 1 Shield Wall 5% res (all) - another 12M Numina +recovery/hit points - 4M, Miracle +end -4 M, Perf shifter +end (currently going for 6M because of the new end mod IOs) 1 set of Winter-Os for the melee attacks, that's 100m, more if you go for the winter packs to gain them that way. 1 set of Overwhelming Force - which you can do 5-6 Summer BB's, but after you've done that a hundred times for your first 20 alts..I'd rather buy 'em straight out. At 15M each - 10M if I'm fortunate, patient and bidding intelligently - that's 50-60M. Purples are called for with most dominator builds aiming for perma dom. Those are 100M per set, easily. You can certainly bring the cost down to 90M by getting recipes and crafting, converting as necessary. Or you could be a sucker and use merits, but nobody sane does that. Better off using merits to get converters - which is another thread all by itself. Melee characters tend to have armor - either resist or defense focused - and those cost about 4-5M for each IO. Usually 3-4 armor powers, so that's about 60-80 Million there. It adds up, as we all know. Depending on your AT and powersets, a solid build is going to cost at least 200M. More than likely double that. A very resourceful player could probably get my with prodigious use of converters & reward merits at half that cost, it just depends on how much time they want to spend playing for converters instead of playing for fun. (the same thing for the lucky few of us) No; there's no rule that says we need the best our inf can buy. But there's also not a rule that says you should get the cheapest Training Origin enhancements either. Some believe that common IOs or even SOs are good enough. They can be, if you team frequently to cover up the holes in your build. I think half the player base solos for their own reasons half the time. So, yeah, they need the better builds. At a minimum, they want them. The folks with time on their hands - like me - can read the market forum, soak up the tips & tricks and do those things themselves - like I have. Now I have four level 4 characters who are waiting in Ouroboros for the Chronologist badge and I'll start playing one of them in a day or so, staggering the play time, giving me 10 days to get to 50 and t-4 it. Plenty of time for me. Not nearly enough time for most because they don't play as much as I do. Ultimately it doesn't matter to me. I've got over 80 Billion. I'm just trying to be helpful.
  22. There is so much truth in this! One of my globals, who has stopped playing around Christmas time, was what I call a younger guy; we'd played back in live from time to time. But since I work remotely, I can easily log in, place some bids - get some work done - check back in, etc., whereas he could only come on at about 9pm Central. He'd try to make it to the hive, but more often than not, just couldn't get in. So - there I am - in the hive, I'm earning 160 merits in a relatively short time, but he's only getting in on round 2, if at all. So, as a week goes by, because of our different schedules, I've got over 1000 reward merits and he's got maybe 400-560. Let's not fool ourselves - free time is a huge variable in the influence disparity between the "haves" and the "have-nots". I don't have access to the data - and even if I did, I wouldn't know where to find it - but it would be a curious thing to see how many folks have influence in excess of 100Billion more than 50 Billion More than 10 Billion More than 5 Billion More than 1 Billion I suspect everyone with only 1 level 50 would have somewhat less than 10 billion, depending on whether they farm or use the market. Folks with multiple 50s might have more - because the wealth accumulated is a function of time, as well as efficiency at gaining xp - whether farming or teams of 8 running normal content. So - if the goal is to make the "average" player be able to afford the good stuff - how do we define "average"? How many hours a day/week do they play? This is the kind of thinking that kept me out of the good schools.
  23. Well..if you have a friend or an alt account that has these badges, you can get those badges at level 1. Level doesn't matter if you're sidekicked.
  24. My thoughts are that we're very fortunate to play on a server where making inf is far easier than it was on live, if you're inclined to do so. Whether it be the market, or just doing a kill most ITF - however you play - you can make scads of influence. But there was, and still remains a backlash over the removal of the double inf when exemplared. So, here's my suggestion: We all know that a level 50 incarnate still has all their powers at level 45. So why not allow for the double inf when exemplared for all characters that are 44 or below? These are the levels that really need the influence anyway, particularly if it's their first character. If you're level 45-50, no more double inf. It just makes more sense to me than an across the spectrum change. Any player that has a 50 is aware that inf is no longer an issue. First characters may be an exception, as they may not have been kitting out their characters as they leveled and feel a big obstacle to come up with the millions required to deck out their new 50. But still, this would be a better solution than the one that we've just been saddled with. At least, I think so.
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