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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. This is a bit off. I'm not sure if this is a typo, or something else. With the level IOs, shown below, it's clear this IO isn't available to a player to slot in a character until level 18. Yet, with the attuned version - the text says you can slot it at level 7. And you can, but only with three of the set. The other three state they require level 17. As you can see below with the leveled IOs, they require you to be 18. (before you can slot a level 21) Shouldn't they all have the same level requirement?
  2. Ukase

    Shame on you!

    So, I've experienced this, but since the latest patch, I see a system message that says, "Please wait a moment", and the claim button is disabled. Then, after this moment is passed, the claim item becomes enabled, and I can proceed. I am as guilty as the next player when it comes to clicking repeatedly to claim converters, boosters, catalysts, etc. If only there were a "claim all" button or something like that. Until one such type claim button is implemented, I think we're just going to have to go slower with the clicking.
  3. Ukase

    Shame on you!

    So, I've experienced this, but since the latest patch, I see a system message that says, "Please wait a moment", and the claim button is disabled. Then, after this moment is passed, the claim item becomes enabled, and I can proceed. I am as guilty as the next player when it comes to clicking repeatedly to claim converters, boosters, catalysts, etc. If only there were a "claim all" button or something like that. Until one such type claim button is implemented, I think we're just going to have to go slower with the clicking.
  4. I'm guessing you've never bought large inspirations before. I'm what you would call a bid creeper. I try to buy the larges at 10k. Yellows, blues...maybe oranges, I can get. Purples, Reds, Greens? Never. (unless I place a patient bid from the night before) Usually, I'm on a new 50 about to join a tf or trial and I would rather have the inspirations and not need them, then need them and not have them. So, depending on the character, I endeavor to fill my tray with the insps that my character is likely to need the most. For buy it now prices, I almost always have to spend 75K or more.
  5. While the answers you've gotten aren't incorrect, I think each of us does pretty much the same thing, but with different thresholds for a few variables. Some deal in salvage, others deal in flipping - as in buying one item cheap, and reposting it at a higher price - and some deal in taking trash and turning it into gold with the use of converters. Some farm. Farming isn't marketing, but farming is a great complement to it, as the drops give you the materials that your marketer would have to purchase. All depends on how you want to do things. With multiple accounts, you can have several afk-farmers raking in small loot, or you can use each to cover different niches and rake in more loot. One thing I want to make clear: the auction house doesn't care what AT you are. You can buy/sell as easily as any other AT. With regard to HOs...the math says, or it used to say - take the merits. But with the newer types of "special enhancements" from Dr. Aeon, I think if you find a good group of speeders, you can run this a few times in an hour and increase your odds of getting one of those super expensive D-syncs. Some 53's have sold for 2 billion, if you can believe that. And that SF you can do on your own schedule. My preferred niches are level 10 pvp IO recipes. Buy them, craft them, convert and sell them. Fairly good margins in that space. You mention Winter Packs. You get on average 1.2 IOs per pack. To overcome the trash packs that don't have any IOs, you need to buy in bulk. Like at least 10 at a time. If you can't, well, the risk is there, as you've discovered. But, there's a way to increase your profits on the Winter-Os you do get - catalyze them. The superiors sell for about 8-10M more, and a catalyst if you have to buy one will only cost about 2M.
  6. So, I highlighted a couple of things in your post. It's not "about" 3 inspirations. It's specifically 3. The only time you don't get three is if you have certain inspirations disabled at the p2w, or you didn't have room for 3 in inventory. The cool down for Inner Inspiration is 30 minutes, not an hour. I do appreciate your trying to be helpful, but details do matter when it comes to resources. If a player were to log off for an hour and then return and repeat this process, your helpful advice would have limited his new get rich scheme by half. And yes, that's me trying to be silly. Did it work?
  7. I have. I've teamed with you.
  8. I used to do this. But then I realized it was better for me to store enhancements. Salvage is cheap. Enhancements are more time consuming to craft, so it can pay to keep the ones I use routinely on most builds in stock. With the /vault, most characters have plenty of room to keep 5 of each salvage in their respective tier. (Level 41-50 characters carry the salvage for that level, same with 25-40 & 1-24)
  9. In relative terms, the inf earned is trivial. You'd have to do a lot of volume sales to make it worth your while. It's far more profitable to actually use the salvage than to sell it. The problem with this market pvp is the player perpetrating this scheme is making things harder for marketers - which is completely fine - but it's also making crafting more difficult for newer players with a lower knowledge base and fewer reserves on other characters to assist. And it is truly annoying to have an understanding that "the normal" price of uncommon salvage is generally around 1,111. The reason for that price is because if you sell it to the vendor, you'll make 1k. Folks like to sell if for at least 1,111 because of the 10% fee they get charged. The HC devs have been kind enough to seed the uncommon at a price of 100k. A marketer can still profit at that price. Really, the only folks that are significantly impacted are newer players. That said, knowing what I know - I will burn 1000 brain storm ideas before I spend over 2k on an uncommon salvage. When I need uncommons, it's a waste to use brain storm ideas, but I'll do it anyway. I'll also farm for tickets just to spend the tickets on uncommons and sell them for 1,111. I would certainly like this marketer to stop this nonsense, but folks are going to do what they're going to do. But - my question is - what are they going to do with all the cheap salvage I sell? 1,000s of uncommon salvage upon thousands. Easy enough to stash stacks of 10, with 200 AH slots, you can hold about 2282 or so, depending on your crafting & selling badges, & whether you spend the vg merits on holding 10 more salvage. I can't imagine crafting enough to use that much uncommon salvage, so they must be re-listing it. Gee. 2282*10k = 22.8 million per character, per "cycle". I can sell some IOs and make a lot more than that. I'm not impressed. I'm just annoyed, because I would rather not burn brain storm ideas nor do I wish to farm for tickets. But I'm only going to sell salvage, not buy it at a price over 2k. I say 2k because it's fair. A vendor pays 1k, I'll pay 2x because you took the trouble to put it in the AH. You win, I win. 10k? No. Then it's just me losing. Even if I can pay 100k and still profit. It ain't how much inf I make, it's how much I save. Every inf I save multiplies to the bottom line.
  10. I think you're trying to reach @STiTcH. Spelling counts!
  11. First - here's the policy, cut and pasted from the Code of Conduct: ***************************** We allow a basic level of multiboxing on the Homecoming servers outside of peak times. These rules apply on a shard-by-shard basis (by ‘shard’ we mean Torchbearer, Excelsior, etc). If there are less than 1500 people logged in to a shard you may play with up to three accounts at once. If there are more than 1500 people logged into a shard you may only play with a single account. If you are caught multiboxing when there are between 1500 and 1600 players logged in to a shard, you will be warned and expected to log off immediately. If you ignore requests to do so your accounts will receive a 24h ban. If you are caught multiboxing repeatedly with more than 1600 players logged in to a shard, all of your accounts will receive immediate permanent bans. It is your responsibility to monitor server status and current player count if you wish to multibox. You can do this both on our website and in the #live-shards channel on our Discord. An exception to this rule is Hamidon raid zones (The Hive, The Abyss) which have a limited population cap. No multiboxing is allowed in these zones. Breaking this rule may result in all of your characters being removed from the zone and short-term suspensions being issued for repeat offenders Please note that this policy does not apply to groups of players simply playing from the same home/network. It only applies to individuals playing multiple accounts on their own. ****************************************** Yep. The rules are fairly clear. You can have multiple accounts. Not even sure if there's an actual limit, but you can only have 3 accounts on a given shard/server at one time, unless the population on that server exceeds 1500. If that is the case, you can only have one. So, if you're crazy/greedy enough, I suppose you could have 3 afk farmers going on each server. Now, if you are trying my method of crafting all your drops, converting and selling - then I promise you, you will get tired of crafting and converting very quickly. Particularly if you forgo the actual playing of other content outside of AE. At least, that's the way my brain thinks. There were days when I crafted and converted 210 IOs, and I wish I could tell you it was fairly quick. I would try to craft and convert a good portion of them while I was just monitoring the afk farm character. Literally, just converting away while burn remains on auto. Finish that farmer's IOs, then tab out to the next farmer. You do that enough times, and then suddenly you realize it's really not that much fun. It IS nice to see the sales and collect the influence, but after a time, it's just not worth the effort anymore. The only thing I use the 4th account for now is to hold the inf that the other three accounts cannot hold in their email - until I make more characters. I wasn't going to make "inf-holder 12345" just to hold the inf. I'm not terribly creative, but I do want to make characters to play them.
  12. On Praetor Duncan's first mission in Dark Astoria, I thought it might be interesting to see if I could teleport Duncan to the waypoint. I couldn't - got an invalid target message. No worries, left the character with teleport at that spot. Proceeded to escort Duncan to the waypoint on the map. Left my third account idle at the door/manhole cover. When the mission ended, all three characters exited. The two that were by Duncan and Diabolique - their missions completed. The one idle by the door - that character's mission did not complete. And yes, all three characters had Collaborative Missions enabled. My guess is if your character isn't by Duncan at completion (or maybe Diabolique, or maybe both) then you won't get credit for completing it. Given the nature of the bug, (if it's a bug), it will take me another week or so to try and replicate it. I offer this as more of an FYI than anything else.
  13. I'm sure I've shared this before. Please keep in mind, I no longer do this routinely because I believe I've reached that point where I have more inf than I will spend. Indeed, given the ATOs and Winter-Os and purples I have stashed, a top end build barely costs me 100M, and that's because I don't wish to use my farmer/marketer alt to sell a level 50 Unbreakable Guard and have the alt that's leveling up purchase the same IO in the attuned form. I could do that - and technically, only spend a pittance on a build some of the more impatient folks spend "a billion" on. That said, I've four accounts. Each account has a farmer. Sometimes, only two farmers are active - providing the other two alt accounts with vet levels, either for emp merits to craft incarnate parts, or vet levels for emp merits to convert to reward merits to convert into converters or boosters. I don't think I need to say that while these farmers do their thing, both the farmers and the alts get free salvage and free recipe drops. I craft what can be crafted. What can't be crafted, I wait until the next mission for those salvage drops. Occasionally, the rare salvage doesn't drop as often as I'd like. Back in the first year, I'd just run a quick ticket farm and acquire the salvage that way. It's not how much inf you make, but rather how much inf you save. Every 5M inf you save is at least one farm you don't need to run, if not more. Saving inf saves me time - but it also costs me time, too. But, most importantly, by running a ticket farm - I am keeping my inf out of the hands of the salvage flipper. I do not wish to arm my competition with seed money. But, times change, and I have more than I used to, so I don't sweat it much anymore. I will get annoyed at uncommon salvage costing over 2k, and when that happens, I'll log in alts that I play to see what they have and trade them to the crafting alt, or if they're a different tier, I'll sell them, and watch the crafting alt's bid come through. (usually - sometimes, someone outbids me, and that's fine, I still made something.) Eventually though, the 2k for uncommon goes through. I tend to waste about 24 AH slots with incarnate salvage, stored for hard times when folks do that bidding war stuff with the salvage. Back when Yomo was suggesting...okay, he was outright stating he had a zillion inf, I did set out to try and catch up. Lord only knows why. Maybe my e-peen is too small. Anyway, I reached my 500 billion goal, and figured that was good enough. Now I wish we had a bank where I could stash it and compare to other accounts (no need for globals to be displayed - not trying to embarass or boast, I'm just curious. I suspect there's at least 20 folks out there who never play the game and all they do is craft, convert and sell. And they have a trillion or more. But who can say? I can say, that I've never deleted any uncommon or rare recipe - aside from the respec recipes. I just sell those. They're worthless to me. The packs have given me more than I'll ever need, and mids almost makes a respec a thing of the past. Flipping converters, as opined by Andreah isn't a real great way to go in my opinion either. You'll always make more by using the converters. And if you don't have anything to convert - you're not playing enough. At least, that's my opinion, for all that will get you.
  14. Sure. There are a couple of folks in the SG that have taken advantage of this offer. On the AH, as you may be aware, you can only move 10 converters per trade. From character to character, the limit is 10,000 in one trade, saving you potentially 1000's of clicks. As a disclaimer, I make it very clear that actually using your converters will make you far more than selling them - if you've a general idea of what you're selling and are willing to take the time. I'm not out to take advantage, although it is an advantage for me. But, I'm willing to take the time to do all the crafting and converting. May as well "wet my beak" a little. Because a patient bid (generally overnight) will get me converters for 70k each, that's the price I offer to buy them at. Any less, I'd feel cheap and dirty. Any more, and it would be over-paying, given how I can already get them at 70k.
  15. Fair point, but the servers are down presently.
  16. @EmperorSteeleYou should be aware that I will buy converters from any Cosmic Council SG member (which you are) for 70k each, no limit to how many I will buy. So, instead of clicking in the AH 30 x 10 each, and paying a 10% fee, I give you the full amount. Granted, sometimes more inf may be made by converting to boosters or something else, for someone that's got a zillion merits and wants to liquidate them for a big pile of inf - I do have the big pile of inf. I have brutes that are recycled farmers. When they hit vet level 48, I respec the build out, drop the IOs in a bin and let the next alt get them. So, I accrue emp merits specifically to get converters. So, in a sense, they're free to me. I do this as a courtesy. (but you can bet I'll recoup the inf by actually using the converters.) I don't even actively farm anymore; but I do pl certain characters to get past certain levels (and vet levels), so there's always drops to craft, convert and sell. Same for you @Ironblade.
  17. I have been one of those folks that suddenly dropped before a tf formed for numerous reasons: a gross name (like I want to see the words Teste, or Fart when I'm playing - no thanks.), a character who's obviously not capable of doing well for the challenge at hand. As an example: a build without IO set bonuses for a master run and a very low badge count, with no passive accolades and I've never seen them in game before. That doesn't mean that these folks aren't up to the challenge, but in my estimation, the odds are against it. And, since it's my time and I don't want to waste it, I'll just drop and figure I'll get with a better team later. In this case, the circumstances just happened to be where I came late to the team and really didn't have much of an opportunity to assess, and candidly, I wasn't worried about anyone's build for a non-master run. My big thought about the whole thing was: 1. Why is this guy dying all the time? (that's an exaggeration, but it seemed every other mob) 2. Huh? The dude is level 34? How...? 3. Okay - dude isn't trained up - why not? And does it really matter why not? Ignorance is no excuse. It just means you're lazy and couldn't be bothered to figure things out. I know that's harsh, particularly if they're a new player who simply joined something out of curiosity. But..I mean, you knew enough to train from level 1 to 34...why stop there? The crazy thing is if they were trained up, I'd have just 1-starred them, with a note "this dude is either stoned, asleep or just woefully inadequate as a player". Not saying I wouldn't have teamed with someone who died frequently, but I wouldn't team with them for a master run type of situation. But, seeing mid-tf that they never bothered to train, I make the note that the guy isn't trained up. The world never stopped turning over something like this. I'm just wondering if people think this is acceptable behavior. Some of you clearly do, and that's fine. But it's not okay with me. I've had challenge characters that could only slot what dropped, if they could use it. To make that challenge even harder, I never teamed with those characters because it wouldn't be fair to have other folks carry me along. I know it's not real money, but to me it's like going to a bar without bringing resources to pay for your drinks. You want to team up, great! Safety in numbers, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts - but not when you come to the table with less than what you should have. But, that's just me. My thoughts are not typical, clearly.
  18. Primarily, Excelsior. But I've got characters and bases everywhere except reunion. Reunion is where I transfer characters that I know I'll never play again, but don't delete them because just maybe, the devs may make a change to them that will make them more enjoyable.
  19. This is why I haven't done a posi with anyone ...since maybe the first month or so HC came back. It's faster to solo it.
  20. Maybe the times have changed. Back on Live - you NEVER EVER quit a task force. It's just plain rude. Granted, those were days when team composition mattered. Lose a blaster, and you lose key dps. Lose a tank and it might as well reform. Every player was important then. Now, I guess it's because we're older, smarter and can do the harder math - we can build our characters to be self-sufficient. Still, quitting a task force is a no-no in my book. Then, I'd be the jerk in action if not in attitude. Unless something severe happens in real life, you just don't quit a task force.
  21. That's fair, too. But it's not really about the unsavory experience of carrying someone along for a free ride. It's "is this acceptable?". And I do have two groups of friends (miserably enough - there are a few in each group that can't stand a few in the other group - lots of hurt feelings and such), but I wasn't sure how much I could play today, so I jumped into the first group that was doing what I needed to get done. I don't necessarily mind that it took 40 minutes, even though that is a longer than average time for a team. I do mind someone essentially being carried to this degree without any thoughts about the rest of the team. At least I finally got some use out of Vengeance. It was annoying when it wasn't recharged, though.
  22. Not necessarily so, my friend. You can slot common IOs, and they don't show up as set bonuses. And the difference between a level 30 common IO and a level 40 (presumably - no idea what their actual level was) isn't that great. The common level 50 IO is probably a bit more of a buff than the common 30 IO, but I can understand having 30's or even 25's, and waiting for 50 to slot the 50's if you're not sitting on big stacks like myself. And don't forget about the auto-upgrade feature. Granted, this would be...gosh..I dunno, if there were enhancements to upgrade, 70 SOs at level 43? (they upgrade to your level +3). I think 4 million is a fair guess? I don't have any level 40's to check at the moment. In some ways, IOs were a fantastic addition to the game, giving people something to spend surplus influence on. But, there is a divide between the player with common IOs vs SOs, and a greater one still when it's IOs with set bonuses vs SOs. And for newer players, not only is the influence a temporary barrier, but the knowledge of the invention system is another. More than one player has chosen to forgo these in favor of the simpler SO system. But the big thing I simply do not understand - even if you're going to run naked/sans enhancements - why not at least level up? At least that way, you increase your capacity to hold inspirations, salvage, etc. I can understand a couple of levels not being trained. Maybe you just finished another TF and this opportunity came up - but they had time to train before the tf started, as they were on the team before me. Maybe they didn't know what they wanted? I dunno. I just find it to be selfish or ignorant - and either way, there is no excuse. The information is available, for free. But what I think is irrelevant. What I'm curious to know - and am learning as I read, is if this practice is acceptable to others. Because I'm inherently frugal. My dad was an economist. I'd love to team up with folks untrained, unslotted to 50. That would save me a lot of inf. Maybe 5 minutes that I could spend playing instead of marketing!
  23. The team lead stated in team chat that the blaster in question wasn't trained up. That's the only way it could have happened outside of a glitch.
  24. I would've liked the time to do that - but there are still 6 other players to consider. Over discord, not a problem, but over team chat - each letter you're typing is a power that could have been activated. It would have taken us from 7/8 strength to 3/4. essentially.
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