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Everything posted by Trickshooter

  1. If you look at your Reputation Activity, you can see how many you gave out. Looks like 10 total today possibly, depending on when the server defines a new day.
  2. Not all of the smileys give +1, just FYI. I got 2 Sads today and did not get +1 from them.
  3. Hm... mine just went up 1, so maybe it IS the Like button, but only when you give a Like? I tested earlier giving someone a Thanks and that didn't seem to change it. Or maybe there's just a delay.
  4. Well, I know it was specifically changed because changes to pet recharge rates made them very stupid, but I can't tell you firsthand how. I honestly never played a pet class before the change was made in Issue 14. But anyway, that's why kelly is suggesting that a new line is added to all powers that grant +recharge in the MM secondaries that instead grants +Damage to MM pets only, to make up for the recharge buffs that they're not actually benefiting from.
  5. Just for clarity, how does one earn Reputation/"The Artist Formerly Known as Inf"? I thought it would be the Like/Reaction button, but doesn't seem to be the case.
  6. Mechanically, the way pet powers are set up, there is no difference between any source of recharge. All their powers are simply flagged to disallow any changes to recharge strength. It would be tons of work to change that.
  7. Yes, I hope you didn't think I was originally saying it wasn't. I was just trying to point out that what you were posting about was more of a symptom, and the real bug was that Umbral Beast can't accept Fear Enhancements. Fixing that would resolve the symptom.
  8. Setting up a power to accept an enhancement type and setting up a power to accept a set category are two different things that have to be manually set. Flagging one does not flag the other. That's why Umbral Beast says it can accept Fear IOs, but can't be slotted with Fear, and similarly why it can be slotted with Immobilize, but can't accept Immobilize IOs. Flagging a power to accept a set category kind of just "unlocks" the sets within that category for a power, but that itself does not make them slottable. Those sets are still considered an enhancement type, and if the power can't accept that type, then those sets can't be slotted. So someone flagged Umbral Beast (the power) to accept Fear IO sets because they saw that Umbral Beast (the pet) had a Fear power, but those sets are still considered Fear Enhancements (even the pieces that don't enhance Fear), which Umbral Beast (the power) isn't flagged to accept.
  9. I realize that Fear is listed as an accepted IO Set Category, but please notice that neither screen lists Enhance Fear as Allowed Enhancements. As I said in my post, the power says it accepts Fear Set IOs because Terrifying Roar will happily inherit Fear boosts slotted in to Umbral Beast (the power), but the real bug is that you can't actually slot Fear in to Umbral Beast.
  10. This, or an Electric/Psy Dominator (Drain Psyche is usually used for -Regen, but also has a strong -Recovery debuff that will stack with several sources of -Recovery from Electric Control). Drain Psyche's -Recovery is also affected by EndMod enhancements, so potentially 30s of -1000% Recovery if slotted.
  11. This should really be in the generic Bug Reports forum as it's not specific to the beta build. This was actually around on Live. Umbra Beast (the power) says it accepts Fear IO sets because Umbra Beast (the pet) has Terrifying Roar, which can inherit Fear Enhancements from Umbra Beast (the power). The reason those sets can't actually be slotted though, is likely because Umbra Beast (the power) doesn't itself actually accept Fear Enhancements.
  12. Awesome, thank you! Do you mean the level 1-20 story arcs for Praetorians that lead up to their alignment decision? I don't think those are available in Flashback, though I'm not in game to check. The Homecoming Devs added the story-arcs to the Flashback system for both Red and Blue. It's in the consolidated patch notes. Oh, awesome! I could have sworn I read this exact thing as a request, so figured it wasn't available.
  13. Awesome, thank you! Do you mean the level 1-20 story arcs for Praetorians that lead up to their alignment decision? I don't think those are available in Flashback, though I'm not in game to check.
  14. Because the Flashback versions function like Task Forces, each story arc has a minimum level to participate, though it's unfortunately not displayed.
  15. Rikti Invasions and Zombie Apocalypses still happen, but with some restrictions now. The others are holiday-based and we will more than likely see them during the appropriate seasons. You can already fight the giant pumpkin if you want, as Eochai frequently spawns in Croatoa.
  16. They are supposed to, but it is not inherent to their Rank; it has to be manually added to their powers, just like with AVs. It should be mostly the same, except that the GM version grants 100 mag protection. I haven't verified it works like this, but even though GMs always con purple and have no visible level, I believe they do actually have a hidden level that their Resistance might scale to.
  17. The in-game numbers never show whether a power does or doesn't stack, as it's pretty much the rule at this point. Typically, only the Issue 0 legacy sets have click debuffs that stack (this is not including pseudopets in the newer sets). Probably of interest to people, the -Regen of Envenom is already self-stacking. And I don't mean with the 'main debuff+splash debuff stacking trick'; the -50% Regeneration stacks with itself with every application. Edit: And this is not something unique to Poison; most -Regen in the support sets is stackable.
  18. There are very, very few cases where the same power from two different players wouldn't stack. Two FF MMs with similar slotting, shielding each other, huddling close enough to be in each other's Dispersion Bubble, and both with Maneuvers would easily be over the Defense softcap. Your pets' Defense would be even higher. However, FF is not a set that benefits as much from having more than one user on a team. Just one of those MMs would be putting their pets and teammate at around 33% Defense to all but Psionic, in which case another support set with more varied buffs/debuffs would likely bring just as much safety, while also improving offense.
  19. Well, I think the split tends to be like... Poison's debuff values: Poison's mechanics and usability:
  20. My experience is that people are pretty split on it. People seem to like it more when it's a secondary, but I've seen a few threads in the AT forums that bring Poison up and most of the time it just leads to people debating whether it's worth choosing over any other set. Personally, I've played every support set to 50 except Nature (getting there, lvl 46) and Rad (for reasons), and while Poison is fun, it's definitely Support Hard-Mode by comparison. That aspect might appeal to some people, though.
  21. I don't think damage is something necessarily missing from a poison-themed set; not every poison is necessarily meant to kill. If anything, at least to me, thematically the set is missing a lot of -Regen.
  22. Not yet, but that would be a surprisingly long thread lol
  23. Whoops! Well, you see, the thing with pool powers is that some of them have to have all of these additional effects flagged for each AT. Specifically with one that summons a psuedopet, like Spring Attack, it likely has several damage lines, each one flagged to only occur for a specific AT. So what's likely happened here is someone missed Spring Attack getting a damage line for Sentinels.
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