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Everything posted by Trickshooter

  1. Just a thing to keep in mind, it's possible to summon a different pet based on whether Domination is active or not. Dark's AoE Hold works this way, already. So it would be possible to make both Blind's Sleep AoE and Spectral Terror benefit from Domination, as well. Possibly also make a version of Phantom Army with stronger Taunts while in Domination? The two big issues with Illusion for Dominators (to me, anyway) are: A) Dominators are more damage-focused ATs than Controllers, so do they need Group Invisibility? And B) Dominators definitely don't need Spectral Wounds. Make new Domination-only pets and solve those two issues and it would be a fine Dominator set. Though, I believe the original dev stance was that if Illusions was ever going to be proliferated to a Villain AT, it would have been Masterminds.
  2. The set bonuses say they improve Healing, not that they act as global Heal Enhancements. They grant Heal Strength, which is only one of the attributes of a Heal Enhancement, the others being Regeneration, MaxHP and Absorb. Like Vanden said, this is not really a bug; these set bonuses are acting as advertised, though I understand how it might seem like it doesn't make sense. Admittedly, all of this could use better documentation in-game. Ultimately, though, your issue is more of a quality of life thing, and would probably be better in the Suggestions forum.
  3. I wish I could find a video of the original Kinetic Melee sounds. Right before the set went Live, they changed them all to the racecar melee sounds we have now and I'll never understand why.
  4. Based on the history of their Paragonwiki page, they've been spawning in Atlas Park (and Galaxy City while it was around) since at least mid-2007.
  5. I don't know about the +Range, because I honestly didn't know that was a thing on Blaster snipes. If I had to guess, maybe it was originally added as a way to improve snipes, and now it's unnecessary so it was removed? Either a bug or a missing patch note, I guess. Regarding Fast/Slow snipe, you're misunderstanding the patch notes, I think. If you've been out of combat for 8 seconds, your snipe will be the higher-damage slow version; if you've been in combat in the last 8 seconds, your snipe will be the lower-damage fast version. +ToHit now just increases the base damage of the fast version. The Experienced Marksman proc makes it so that your snipe will always be the fast version, even out of combat.
  6. For clarity, both powers roll a tohit check when activated, but only Dark Consumption’s is reported because it doesn’t have entities that are autohit. For Dark Consumption, if that roll is successful, all effects of the power happen at once. If it fails, none happen. For Consume, if that hidden roll is successful, all effects of the power happen at once. If it fails, then only the Res(Recovery) is granted. Consume is set up this way so that a fiery aura player will always at least get the debuff protection. They otherwise function effectively the same.
  7. I can only guess, but that message might be automatically generated when a power has an EntsAutoHit valued assigned. So in this case, Consume does have Foe listed as being autohit by the power, so the game would think that this message is appropriate, but each effect except the Res(Recovery) is individually flagged to only occur if you succeed a ToHit check.
  8. It technically is, but each effect is still flagged with a tohit check.
  9. Probably a long standing bug. Similar issues have happened before with other melee sets that don't have Build Up except for the Stalker version. Probably a left over flag from the power that was changed in to Build Up.
  10. Just to rule this out, have you slotted it with Accuracy? It's not autohit like the other EndDrain/EndGain powers.
  11. Can verify for the OP that yes, Crane Kick is bugged in this sense. The effect area is limited to a single target instead of a sphere like other Tanker single target attacks with Gauntlet.
  12. You're not breaking the Law of 5 with other sets also giving 3.13% Fire/Cold Defense, are you?
  13. Yes, pretty much any power where you select where to place it or where it leaves a patch underneath you uses a psuedopet.
  14. Rain of Arrows doesn't have the 15.5% Accuracy bonus of the other Archery powers. It only has base accuracy. It used to say it had a 60% Accuracy bonus, but what actually had that bonus was the already-autohit power that summoned the Rain of Arrows pet. This was corrected by the SCORE folks, I believe. For the rest of your post, you are correct that tick rate of your toggles is part of the problem. Unfortunately, it's a limitation of the game engine. Pseudopets only inherit buffs for the remaining duration that's on you. For toggles that tick every 0.5s or 0.75s, that means at best they're only inheriting the buff for that short amount of time. So working as intended, but annoying.
  15. How did I pretend MM poison doesn't exist? I included MM values in all my suggestions. Is it because I didn't say Venomous Gas/Noxious Gas? Either way I'd have no changes. This suggestion was about adding AoE splashing to the single-target skills in Poison. Since Noxious Gas is already an AoE, any changes to it were outside the scope of my post. Edit: To be fair, I did include a Neurotoxic Breath suggestion, which also was outside of the splashing suggestion. You can disagree with my ideas, but you don't have to have an attitude about it. I'm a player just like you and I'm open to discussion and compromises.
  16. The base values for Noxious Gas are: -20% Damage -30% Resistance -20% Defense -10% ToHit 0.2% Chance for a Mag1000 Hold every 0.5 seconds for 45 seconds Since it's a GrantPower effect, those values will scale with Henchman mods, but I'm not home to check what those are, so I can't tell you the final values. Paragonwiki says they function at about 75% strength for tier 1 henchman, 100% for tier 2, and 125% for tier 3, but again, I can't verify that from work. Defender's Venomous Gas values are: -18.75% Damage -25% Resistance -12.5% Defense -12.5% ToHit
  17. I think part of the problem here might be that mobs don't know to activate powers until aggro'd. The intent might be to make controls more useful, but it would probably just improve builds that have some kind of ranged AoE nuke who could kill a spawn before they can activate their resistances.
  18. To the best of my knowledge, it's been that way for a long time. I don't know if it was there at launch, but I can find references to it as far back as 2006.
  19. Well, like I said Critter pseudo-toggles do try to mimic actual toggles and will suppress when mezzed. That's why using a Hold/Stun/Sleep on a Tsoo Sorcerer will end Hurricane, for example. But actual toggles, unfortunately I don't think the AI was ever smart enough to use.
  20. If it's a set bonus, then it's a buff to global recharge. Edit: It's worded this way because Pines substitutes "Strength" with "Enhancement," because that's more how players understand Strength buffs.
  21. Critters use endurance. I think it used to be said that they have discounted endurance costs, but I haven't verified that lately. I think it's more likely that they just attack more conservatively than players do. What they don't have is toggles. They have clicks that pretend to be toggles, but they won't turn off if they run out of endurance like a normal toggle would.
  22. There are EndDrain modifiers, and Defenders and Corruptors mods are higher than Blasters, but strangely all of Elec Blast doesn't use them. The Elec Blast end drain effects all use the Ones tables, so the end drain values stay the same for all ATs.
  23. All the Elec Blast attacks have -Recovery, but about half of them are only a chance to occur.
  24. Yes, please! Alkaloid and Antidote aren't particularly slow to animate, but the travel time of the projectile really makes them feel like they're always too little, too late.
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