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Everything posted by Trickshooter

  1. I don't know if your request is possible, but just wanted to try and clear up some confusion here. The KB-to-KD stuff is a whole different mechanic from what you're asking for, I think. Knockback is not actually being replaced with Knockdown. Knockdown already is Knockback. Knockback uses magnitude, like mezzes, and Knockdown occurs when the KB mag is less than mag 1. Unlike mezzes though, Knockback enhancements affect magnitude (as opposed to duration like on other status effects), and so the way the KB-to-KD IOs work is by granting something like -9999% Knockback. That lowers the Knockback the power does below mag 1 and prevents it from ever getting above 1. Interestingly (though unrelated to your statement), Knockup also functions differently depending on magnitude, but is always considered Knockup. Knockup less than mag 1 causes the target to backflip and doesn't trigger ragdoll physics (seen in Air Superiority), while Knockup with mag 1 or higher sends the target flying up in a horizontal position and will trigger ragdoll physics.
  2. Yes to OP and yes to this suggestion, as well.
  3. Is there data even in the game still? I could've sworn all references to the Primalist were removed from the piggs. The Shapeshift powers didn't make you werewolves/werecats, your model just changed to a wolf or panther.
  4. I want to say they've always been pretty much immune to Slows. Makes me with City of Data was still up.
  5. Not a bug, Arachnos Soldiers only get one costume slot for their uniform.
  6. Primary and Secondary really only determine the level that powers become available. It's the archetype modifiers that determine how much better the same effect is between them. Basically, the same power on two or more ATs tends to be exactly the same for its base effects (the effects that aren't specific to the AT, like those coded in for AT Inherent powers). Those base effects are then multiplied by the appropriate modifiers for the different ATs, which then determines the strength for each of them. So even though Controllers and Dominators share the same Primaries, on average, outside of Domination, Controller's control powers will last 25% longer than Dominators because of their higher control modifiers. However, Dominators have higher damage modifiers, so if those same powers do any damage, they will do more damage on average when used by Dominators than Controllers, outside of Containment. Having said that, the two are really very different playstyles, regardless of their shared Primaries. Dominators are more of a damage dealing AT, while Controllers tend to be more of a support AT. There are outlier builds, of course, mostly on the Controller side.
  7. This is a joke, please don't be offended! First, have to ignore Envenom and Radiation Infection; these are not tier 1 debuffs for 3/4 of the ATs with TA. Not that TA's tier 2 is any better, but... Second, if Entangling Arrow caused 50%/62.5% Slow and -Recharge, then yes, it would be pretty comparable to other tier 1 debuffs. It's only not if we ignore every other aspect of the power. EA recharges in 4 seconds, compared to Infrigidate at 15s, Corrosive Enzymes at 16s, Sonic Siphon at 16s (doesn't stack, actually), and Time Crawl at 15s. It means Entangling Arrow can be on 3 enemies, while each of the others is on 1. Twilight Grasp is just flat out better, though. I'd be fine adding other effects to Entangling Arrow, I already said that. If anything is added though, I would expect to see the recharge time doubled or more so it lined up with the other ST tier 1 debuffs. I'm selfish, but I just don't want a buffing power in Trick Arrow. Ultimately, it's not going to be up to me, but I want the king of debuffs I was promised. The thing with Flash Arrow is... it should have never been in the set. It works perfectly fine compared to other -Perception powers (better actually, because it's -ToHit is unresistable by AVs), but these powers are not real debuffs. But the fact is, we have Flash Arrow and it works as well as it should for the type of power it is, and there are plenty of people who love. Believe me, I argued with them for 19 issues. Nobody has heard "TA is great and you're stupid" more than me. If we're going to buff the set, let's focus on the other powers. If anything were to change with Flash Arrow, I would say at least move it up the tiers to where 'meh' powers usually are and move a more 'bread and butter' type power like Glue Arrow to the tier 2 spot. Don't even get me started on Tactical Arrow... I would like to see another debuff added to Glue Arrow, though I'm not sure what. Definitely not a control, though. Controllers are already the most successful with the set. By that, I mean, let's not buff the set with effects that both make it even better as a Controller secondary than a Defender primary AND do not equally improve the set as a Corruptor secondary the same amount it does as a Controller secondary. Really, it just needs to at least be comparable to other support set ST holds. I used to think it's 18s recharge was because it had a debuff attached, but then Time Stop came along... Time, in general, has always felt like some dev somewhere was rebuilding TA from the ground up, then like 2/3s of the way there, changed their mind and renamed the idea Time Manipulation and then filled it out with more time powers. If that's the direction AoE controls are going, I can live with it. But frankly, I feel like the SCoRE devs really made the AoE Controls in the new Blaster secondaries way too good and if anything should change, it's them.
  8. ...which is why it seems wrong that they're showing up automagically on characters who never went to First Ward and sticking around even when those characters hit 50. Your character hasn't done First Ward... yet! At some point in their future, they might go back in time and at that point they'll technically have done the First Ward story before they spoke to Mistress Maria, at least from her perspective! ;D Hellewise's "arc" is technically a 29-50 contact, which is why she won't go away until you go and do her arc. Mistress Maria should drop off at level 40, but I'm not in game to check.
  9. If you don't want to leave it at 100%, that's fine, but it should at least make it so you can reach the settings that have gone off screen. Installing the game on both mine and my boyfriends laptops caused this problem, where setting the game resolution to my monitor resolution resulted in the game being oversized and menus being off screen. Setting app scaling back to 100% fixed it.
  10. Preach! I wouldn't want to remove Entangling Arrow. If its debuffs were returned to their original scale 5, it would be pretty comparable to other tier 1 debuffs, especially since it recharges in 1/4 the amount of time they do. If Entangling Arrow was still seen as a problem for the set overall after that, I would rather add some additional effects and increase the recharge, as opposed to just removing it.
  11. Night Ward's level range goes up to level 40. Both these contacts are there to lead you there, story-wise, from First Ward. Hellewise's arc teaches you to use the Carnie paths to teleport back and forth between First Ward and Night Ward. Mistress Maria introduces you to Montague Castanella in Night Ward, the start of the Night Ward story line. She will stay a contact for you until you outlevel Night Ward at level 40.
  12. J'utilise google translate, alors pardonnez-moi si c'est difficile à comprendre. Mon ami a eu un problème similaire. Vérifiez si l'échelle de votre application Windows a changé. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur l'écran de votre bureau et choisissez "Paramètres d'affichage". Votre échelle de mise en page est-elle réglée à plus de 100%?
  13. Rikti War Zone and Dark Astoria both also have level 50 story arcs and repeatable missions. You could also swap to redside and do Grandville arcs.
  14. A lot of people getting very deep in to the mechanics of why someone might say No Warshades and why they're wrong, but honestly I think Vanden is right. I think it's just becoming an in-game meme.
  15. Unrealized or abandoned effect. Almost every power with a crash mentions Unrelenting, but this effect was never actually added or referenced anywhere besides these power summaries. It's very likely the idea was given up on before Issue 24 even hit the beta server, but someone forgot to remove the reference to it.
  16. They're only mad at Emperor Cole and Praetoria; since there is no 40-50 Praetorian zone, they're absent for that level range. They only come to Dark Astoria because they're following Diabolique.
  17. How many powers are entirely without sets? I'm sure there's more, but at least these: Any Placate power Any version of Power Boost Any version of Conserve Power Concealment/Phase Shift Leadership/Assault Leaping/Acrobatics Medicine/Field Medic Speed/Burnout Speed/Hasten Teleport/Long Range Teleport Cold Domination/Benumb Dark Miasma/Black Hole Darkness Affinity/Black Hole Empathy/Clear Mind Empathy/Ressurect Force Field/Detention Field Field Force Field/Force Bubble Kinetics/Fulcrum Shift Kinetics/Siphon Power Nature Affinity/Corrosive Enzymes Radiation Emission/Enervating Field Sonic Resonance/Clarity Sonic Resonance/Disruption Field Sonic Resonance/Sonic Cage Sonic Resonance/Sonic Siphon Thermal Radiation/Heat Exhaustion Trick Arrow/Disruption Arrow Pain Domination/Enforced Morale Poison/Noxious Gas
  18. This isn't really related to the functions of AE or any of the discourse around how people use AE. If I could wish for something for AE, it would be that the buildings were removed from zones who's aesthetic doesn't really go with the modern appearance of the AE buildings. I would limit the AE buildings to Atlas, Steel, Talos and PI Hero-side, and then Mercy (for parity), Port Oakes, Cap and St. Martial Villain-side. I also really wonder why anyone would build an AE building in the RWZ. I think it would make more sense as like part of the training area in the Vanguard base.
  19. The thing with some NPC parts is that the devs sort of... cheated to get some of them to work. If they knew a part was never going to be used on a player, they really only had to make it work in any situation that particular NPC would be in. Didn't always work out, though. For example, the Cabal have that weird... spiny butt flap thing. It's rigged to their hat costume node (or whatever it's called), so whenever they look up (like when they use Snow Storm or Lightning Storm) it clips right through their stomachs. The reason that happens is because that piece was originally designed for the Coven, the witches from the Halloween events. The Coven only have Dark Blast/Dark Melee powers, so they never use an animation that makes their heads look up.
  20. It does not round up, but also triggering an insta-snipe is changing soon, so might want to hold off on planning around this.
  21. They've just selected "Help me!" or "Helper" after creating a character. Changes your name either Yellow or Purple, but I forget which is which.
  22. Is it "Find Meredith and the Shadowed Paths"? If you look at the vidiotmaps map on Paragonwiki, I think she's on the Shadowed Path somewhere near History Plaque #1: https://paragonwiki.com/w/images//e/e6/First_Ward_VidiotMap.png
  23. I don't think so. Since they're still in Praetoria, I think some missions have dialogue options and different mission objectives based on your choices, but I think ultimately the story is the same. I can't say that 100% for sure though, I can't remember if I've actually run a villain through them.
  24. Going to need more details to offer any help. Who gave you the mission? And what's the mission name? There's an early mission teaching you about the Carnies' Shadowed Path areas where you just have to speak to an NPC who is only visible when on the Shadowed Path. Is that the mission you're on? Or are you talking about the mission that teaches you how to get to Night Ward from First Ward? Where you have to enter the Carnies Shadowed Path areas and then a temporary power bar opens above your normal power bars with a teleport to Night Ward?
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