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American Decoy

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About American Decoy

  • Birthday February 9

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  1. Smoked coffee is not my taste. Tried it once. The "green" coffee beans are roasted in a pan over the open flames. I have to do it outside due to the high volume of expelled bean skins--chaff-- and smoke. I put two cups of beans into the pan over the hot fire and continually stir it until it is roasted to my preference. Don't let it burn. It takes about 30 minutes to get dark roast. There are many videos online about roasting coffee at home. Then I cool and separate the beans form the chaff by dumping them back and forth, pan to stainless steel colander. A good breezy day helps. Two cups of unroasted beans will last about one month. I drink 1/2-a-pot per day. About 3 years ago I found that I can get excellent beans by the pound for the same price as roasted coffee by the ounce. I get the beans from Primos Coffee Co. – Raw Unroasted Coffee Beans. For the past year, I have been flavoring the roasted beans with a shot or two of Balcones Rumble Whisky while they are cooling. Wait a day or two for the alcohol to evaporate, then grind and brew. Balcones has stopped making Rumble. I have two bottles. 😞
  2. When I turned 62 last month, my sons conspired with my wife to get me a wood pellet grill. Years and decades ago, I used to grill often. I find now that I really like cooking in cast iron. It keeps the flavors and moisture in the meat better than drying it out over the open fire. Besides, I am too damn old to change my ways. 😉 That was last month. Now I am buying accessories, tools, and food for my Pit Boss. It is my White Elephant. Right now, I am cooking "wood-fired" pizza. Tomorrow, I am planning an 18th century meat pie on the grill. I had my eggs and sausages on the grill. I even roast my coffee beans over the fire.
  3. People fought each other for food preservation resources. The Pemmican War is an interesting example of the need to preserve food, a method of preservation, and the extreme measures to acquire those resources.
  4. Usually, I email a 100 million INF to a new character to get a few START items. Currently, I have about 20 storage emails of a billion INF each lying around while I figure an INF storage method that I am comfortable with using. I have plenty of INF lying around. I got lazy and did not send an email with a smaller amount. This did encourage me to spend a day in the market. It is nice to know that the GMs are able and willing to help. I will instead take the minor INF loss as a personal learning event. I am sharing the experience.
  5. Tell me I didn't just create a new character. Claim 999,999,999 inf email. And delete it to reroll it? /e facepalm
  6. Mastermind - Controller, Illusion Control/Storm Summoning
  7. I am dusting off an old build. Any suggestions on this SJ/WP Brute? A Street Fighter Data
  8. THIS! The flipper is essentially the extra garage storage space for the market.
  9. As a sad aside, I miss playing with Luna.
  10. I am currently stashing my cash in the email system. I have about 18 billion and 24 characters, with most of the inf in emails. What is the best way to stash your cash? Most of my alts are youngsters. Do I have to worry about under 50-character banks getting deleted?
  11. Welcome Home!
  12. The recipes and salvage I get from game play. But crafting rare enhancements to sell is usually a loosing deal. I convert uncommon enhancements into rare enhancements. And again, even crafting uncommon enhancements can be expensive. Big secret, don't tell any one, but you can buy ready-made uncommon enhancements from the market at a lower price than you can craft them, in many cases. The trick is setting up easy systems to buy, convert, and sell the enhancements quickly in large amounts without pushing the market's sell-points too far from your buy/sell goals. The CoH market is PvP. PvP and co-op PvE.
  13. Ok. I do not know how to export Mids files anymore.
  14. For my son, and you. This is the Tri-form PB build that I am working up: 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