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Lunar Ronin

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Lunar Ronin last won the day on March 8 2024

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  1. There's also a Homecoming specific sub-Reddit created years ago but never used, and Homecoming is now the only major City of Heroes server without a presence on Bluesky. I suspect that it's a combination of people just being too busy, and word of mouth being "enough."
  2. People have a lot of assumptions on how the game works. They assume that because their level ten character is on an invasion team in Steel Canyon, invasions must not care about character level... when the invasions are occurring because of the level 25+ characters on the team.
  3. I'd like to propose a new badge: Wingman/Wingwoman. To obtain this badge, you need to spend ten hours under the effect of Group Fly, (either your own or someone else's).
  4. This was a side effect of SCoRE's/the secret server's/Homecoming's changes to let people build outside of the SG base. Loss of pet pathing was deemed as acceptable collateral damage.
  5. Best elevator to take:
  6. To help avoid getting shot by snipers and such while flying around. But, again, as soon as you do an attack, *poof* the defense goes.
  7. Except all of that only applies when you're not in combat. As soon as you're in combat, that all goes away.
  8. It's really high past time that Homecoming got an instanced Hamidon raid, which would also solve this issue, (among others).
  9. It's not as quick (takes about twice as long now), nor as easy as it was four years ago, but yes it's still viable.
  10. If wishes were horses, I would have dearly liked to have seen the level 40+ Neo Tokyo cyberpunk zone Paragon Studios wanted to end Praetoria with. Alas.
  11. I am all for post level 20 gold side content. I have asked a couple of times for a co-op level 25+ TF in First Ward. I'm not quite sold on additional content below level 20 though, considering how much there already is. Also, just so you are aware, Praetorian characters can join Incarnate trials. They just have to be formed in a zone that they access to, which is the kicker. They're ran in Pocket D on Indomitable and in Echo Plaza on Reunion, so no problem on either of those shards. It's Excelsior and Everlasting that are the issues.
  12. Galaxy City was destroyed. Before I started playing two decades ago, I read that City of Heroes had two starting zones: Atlas Park and Galaxy City. I also read that Atlas Park was much more crowded with people than Galaxy City. So even with my very first character twenty years ago, I started in Galaxy City both because crowds suck and Galaxy City sounds a lot cooler than Atlas Park. Now, I never start a character blue side if I can help it as that means starting in Atlas Park. Being able to outlevel contacts. No, the Ouroboros Flashback system isn't a fix, it's a hack. The Procs Per Minute system. It's obviously broken and greatly imbalances the game. Blue side is boring and monotonous. "Face roll on your keyboard" boring. There's no challenge playing blue side whatsoever (at least not until you get to content made in Issue 8 and later), and it has too many zones compared to red and gold sides. Mastermind minion and lieutenant henchmen are still below the PC's level outside of Incarnate content.
  13. TFs = Task Forces. Hero-side group content, up to eight players. SFs = Strike Forces. Villain-side group content, up to eight players. ATs = Archetypes. What most other MMOGs call classes. Blaster, Mastermind, Brute, etc.
  14. Necro/Time Mastermind will be a fine first character. However, just be aware that in City of Heroes buffs and debuffs are much more important than healing, outside of advanced mode TFs and SFs which only about four ATs are welcome to partake in anyhoo.
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