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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Just my 2 inf but it should go by whether an account has been logged in. If an account is still active a person has the ability to contact a name owner to discuss whether or not they want to release it. If an account hasn't been logged into at all in years, it's probably safe to say they aren't coming back.
  2. Biting the bullet and re-engineering the base code to allow for character name to be done by character name/global combo would avoid pissing anyone off. Before people start bitching, yeah I know it's a huge, huge job to do that. I'm just saying its an investment worth making if this game is going to last IMO and HC want to show what they can really do with the code.
  3. Re-engineering the code to allow for names to be based on character/global combo is a really worthy undertaking IMO. It's how Cryptic did it in their later games and this isn't an issue there. But you know, we need those stupid travel power changes! that's a priority!! some consideration does need to be given here for that. if an account hasn't logged in in a couple of years though, chances are pretty good they're gone for good and level 49 and below names should be released.
  4. We've already said the HC folk here work on what they want to work on, so it doesn't matter much if they ignore anyone does it? If they want to ignore me, more power to them. I'm not going to cry about it. Sorry it hurts your feelings though. Like I've said, you express yourself the way you want and I'll express myself my way.
  5. Maybe you ought to learn to read? It's their server, they can do whatever they like good or bad. They can set whatever priorities they want and I'm not demanding they change that. Not everyone is going to love every single change made here though. Sure it is. It isn't how you might have expressed the opinion, but I'm not you. Like I said before, you do you and I'll do me.
  6. No one suggested we should be dictating anything to anyone. The HC folk can work on whatever they want to. we as their community can express our approval or disapproval of any changes they make though. If they didn't want to hear any criticism, they'd have changed this forum section to "praise and affirmations only".
  7. Good I'm glad! You never get the full view when only looking at one side of the coin.
  8. Thanks man appreciate it. Super annoying to have this moved out of options menu though.
  9. Looks like the option to lock powers in tray was removed from the options menu. Is there anyway to get this back please?
  10. Ok great! I'm glad that's how it works for you. But you're you and I'm me. You do you and I'll do me and we can agree to disagree on stuff and that's ok.
  11. Yes it's called a difference of opinion. it happens. people disagree and that's a healthy thing. Hey, don't have a different opinion! It's WRONG!
  12. Don't read many Green Lantern comics do you? lol
  13. Hang on back up. I never said people shouldn't like it and shouldn't be happy with it. If you're happy with the changes, good for you I'm happy for you and hope you're enjoying them. As for being spiteful and contemptuous toward your fellow players, I think you should look in the mirror. you're putting words in my mouth for expressing an opinion that runs counter to yours. Certainly looks that way from here man. Absolutely in my bubble. I never suggested anything other than that. Of course your experience is different. never said it shouldn't be.
  14. Speak for yourself. I don't mind exemplaring down for lower level TFs and such for merits when they're in WST rotation. I'd much prefer repeating content at higher levels than at entry level.
  15. I think you're over exaggerating to be honest and making a whole lot of assumptions about other people based on your own personal biases. First, removing AE from Atlas isn't going to solve anything. New players can make the short trip over to KR to go into the AE building as soon as they enter Atlas and see a post for a farm that you're claiming they're "inundated" with. Next, I don't find it all that annoying that a newer player may not know where to go or what to do. That's what the community is supposed to be for. I'm not going to berate people for getting PL'ed. if they have a question, I'll help them if I can. Tribal knowledge is always going to be better than any pop up window or tutorial.
  16. You mean other than I see it as a complete waste of time and effort on something that wasn't really needed to begin with? I'd have liked for that talent and effort to have gone into other areas of the game. I get that low hanging fruit is easy, but there's other parts of the game that need a lot of attention. I'd like to see effort put into those things. If that's ok with you of course?
  17. It's Monday and we're due for the dozen or so "AE is destroying the world" posts...
  18. Faster speed doesn't mean diddly to me in caves or indoor office maps. Zone travel is meaningless as most everyone has TT now and we're ported right to the mission door. there's always room for improvement imo.
  19. We'll have to agree to disagree here. you can post all the numbers and nerdy math formulas you like and cry balance all you want, if it still isn't fun for me your math and numbers don't work.
  20. Yours included of course. As @Zepp said, this is a suggestions and feedback forum.
  21. They can post all the numbers they want, it won't make these changes an improvement IMO. Exactly!
  22. ^ This. Honestly, I don't think I've even seen one in PI in months, let alone get shot at. FF too.
  23. I think in all my years playing this game I've been shot maybe twice in PI and FF by a sniper. I don't think saying extra defense is a plus in this scenario. lol
  24. I have a MA/Nin scrapper and have loads of fun playing it. great combo! | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1340;625;1250;HEX;| |78DA6593DB4E13511486F76EA7969E805ADAD293B5083D33800FA0515113A504AD7| |A5BC73294C149DBB4432297BE820A68D43B45BDF1413CDEABAFE02111138D8771B5| |EBB79038E9E4CB5EA77F75ED35951BF3FEE7676F1E1772F894A975BBB56ABDA3B5D| |B7AC7BDA859EB1DCD14BDC74D6FE29FA756D14D5D572B5AC73234B376A263756303| |DFBCBEA237BBBABA6834D70CABBB2EFC4BAD96A92EE85ADB683602FDC319A3B16AF| |D77F2F1C9EC1D83A7DB465D3DD95ADEA855B4AEA57736C6A98334BD5BBD5664AF27| |DB255E3885985384E325F88AA9BC06DF300FBC65BA0A835CA71893EC1B650E85C03| |0EC142B112B11EB45AC17B17EC46E534F4EF4E4BCAAF46D331A788D39570797419D| |E9261D17745CD0F14367183AC3D0B94B3A6EE8B81F39FAB6D1C7E00EF3E013F0297| |3EC197388743CFD3F6F4B4F49B00FBC47757DA8EB5B615BA401AE32C7D7408319BF| |CE8C526EA0BF23B623F08EB50EBD073F303DA43D82FA23B7E0BBCD3C7C07DC04B79| |8996DA6A4FA41AE2F8271D6F452BD10EA852EF06C3217C12AF3C825F0327885E9A4| |7A61CC3BBCCB7B31F90DFCCECCFEC0FE506C14B151DCCD24EE268B3BC99EE7D8071| |41B434FB19FDC7BEE17F89B59F803DAA0E0DCFB949B406E02F32F62FE45CCBF88B9| |97710F65CCDF47B34871AE4C1DE57AB95ED329453CA4BA69D44D6759B39C634EE7C| |1025864CE94989B943B81B94F60EE552A3F05DB147667872E3FCF1A227F8C7503D4| |530971A5AFDC5384EAA9B0A9989D8C08310BDB2C34928AC063D38F1E9156065FADB| |DB0DF3BCD194B0ADC6493FD8C8FDEC1B72B24A23EEFD9A4CC704FC97364C829E2D3| |FEF83CC77FD9B3392476368EDD4C6237FF02A469B769| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
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