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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Yeah running into some fresh person to the game who only logged in once who has zero inf paying for a PL is way more rare. I've never seen one since this game came back nor have I run into anyone 50 who doesn't know where PI is. Trying to paint majority in AE as stupid new people begging for PLs does not pass the sniff test. From what I see every day, majority are people leveling up alts. You're trying to paint this as the rule for everyone when it's more like the very small exception. if people aren't living up to your whacky standards for whatever reason, don't team with them. Better yet, start your own server and turn off AE, XP boosts, side kicking, notoriety settings, double XP weekends and have fun your way.
  2. This is like the shop at home service at my supermarket. lol
  3. Cool as this all might look, I doubt this project will ever be finished. Game tech will have advanced so far by the time it would be out that it will look ancient.
  4. I agree it is stupid. Yeah everyone knows all the "purists" out there never bought an XP booster, never joined a higher level team. ran a DFB or got sidekicked by higher level people. Getting rid of the AE or gutting the rewards into uselessness is just plain stupid. It's all about the "gospel of envy" Churchill was talking about.
  5. If someone wants to charge others who have the inf and are ok with paying for it, I don't see the problem. The whole mention of PL'ers charging are "exploiting" people is just silly. People with the inf are getting what they paid for. If they feel it's too much, then they'll find someone who will do it cheaper. Zero exploitation.
  6. I'm wondering how difficult it is to change some of the signs and textures they use to have different languages?
  7. Yeah the game has a lot of content no question. I don't think anyone said there wasn't. Story content is only one part of the content though. just poke through the forums here and you'll see all kinds of threads asking for more weapons, costume pieces, base items all over. more stuff is a good thing.
  8. THANK YOU! Someone who gets it! I would love to see what you can do with this.
  9. That's a silly position to take really. Why add any new content then? Stuff is already present in the game...
  10. Good Lord where do you get that from? Absolutely not.
  11. Yeah thankfully you don't speak for everyone. There are literally generations of people who call these places home and aren't embarrassed by them at all.
  12. It's great to armchair quarterback when it isn't your money on the line. Not saying it doesn't suck when people lose their jobs because it does and we can all feel for them. we call can sit here and "what if" and "but but but" this to death. bottom line is like it or not or right or wrong NCSoft made a business decision they felt was best for them and their shareholders.
  13. Yeah, we know. everyone knows the story. Bottom line is it's NCSoft's responsibility to do what they have to in order to maximize profits for their shareholders who they are accountable to. We as customers are doing the best thing we can do boycott them and never buy their products again. But put yourself in their shoes. were it your business and your decisions affect not only you but all your employees, would you continue to hold onto an old game just because some people really like it or would you use that money to increase your profits and grow your business? It's just part of business.
  14. I get the point and I'm with you that what NCSoft did was crap, but that's just life. can't blame them for wanting to make their properties profitable. They shouldn't operate losses just to make everyone happy. keep doing that and eventually there is no more business and all the employees get let go. they have families too.
  15. Grammar doesn't need correcting thanks. And I would appreciate it if you could please leave politics of any kind out of the discussion. it's got nothing to do with the suggestion at all and doesn't belong here.
  16. Yeah you're nitpicking and seems like you're trying very hard to find something that isn't there. Nowhere in my post did I mention anything about changing skin colors of NPCs walking around. waaaay off base there, like totally. Read the post again. What I suggested was to make Paragon City have more diverse "ethnic" or "culturally" or whatever word you want to use content. that's all. I would like to have my heroes and villains be able to do some missions in a Chinatown or Little Havana in CoH.
  17. The same thinking can be applied to 99% of all the other suggestions being made here on these forums. I'll say it again I know this is a huge undertaking. It is a suggestion which as I understand it the homecoming people have said they want to here from us, no matter how crazy or complex. Seems to me if the game is to survive in the future if by some chance it isn't shut down, more development will be needed. otherwise it withers and dies on the vine. New powersets are great and all, but how many times can you explore the same places and do the same story content? Atlas park was spruced up quite a bit after beta testing. Many other zones were added over the years. Little things like Wentworths buildings were added all over. That's a pretty good idea. If you look at some of the images I posted, maybe the building textures in certain areas and signs on the streets could be changed to give it a bit more diverse flavor?
  18. Try WARPZONE-4141 I like the Torchbearer Community base myself. use it a lot.
  19. Yes.... I know. read the first sentence of my post again. This is a suggestion for the future where hopefully the game is legit and can have a full development staff working on stuff.
  20. I realize this is a huge undertaking, just making the suggestion in the hope the game survives and gets to a point where more large scale development can be done. I would like to see more ethnically diverse content. By "content" I mean architecture, trees, skins, costume parts, weapons, stuff for bases all that kind of stuff. maybe even a new zone or two. Most every major city in the world have their own areas or districts where people of common ancestry gather and live and work, like a Chinatown or Little Italy, Little Tokyo, Little Havana etc. these areas are sadly noticeably missing in Paragon City. I think it would bring the city more to life and would be great to be able to have assets available for base building for the base builders out there to build with. Not to mention more variety for ethnically diverse character concepts.
  21. No doubt there is an element of reading your posts wrong on my part. always difficult to converse on internet forums vs in person. a lot gets missed. No hard feelings here or any toward you personally.
  22. I understand people can get offended, this is why I clarified I was not attacking him simply calling it as I see it. I also never said he shouldn't run teams how he wants to.
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