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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Wasn't this before the policy was put into place here? It's in place now.
  2. Yes to some degree being the part I was curious about. I can understand why there is some concern. I just don't see it as a big one. I'm not telling anyone to do anything. Just trying to understand is all. I hope that conversation is still allowed here.
  3. I've said a bunch of times now I've no problems with the rules here and don't think they should be changed. I'm just curious why some people panic over what to me is a very minor risk. Just trying to understand the thinking is all.
  4. Alright so it's ok to assume that some other game has a license or permission to have copyrighted skins, but it's not ok to assume the same thing here when someone is viewing a stream? Can't we also assume that IP holders know this stuff is out there and just don't care about it? No ones suggesting the rules shouldn't be enforced here. If people see a flagrant problem, report it and let the folks here do their thing. Panicking the game is going to get shut down over a stream session because of the remote chance someone might see an homage character in it is a bit much if you ask me.
  5. All you need to do is look and you'll find all kinds of for-profit games with skins of trademarked and copyrighted characters available. Many of them are large well known games that have been around for many years with literal millions of views on Youtube and other streaming services. So what. IP holders don't notice them at all but they're going to pounce on this game? Yeah Marvel sued and it didn't really go well for them did it? I get that it's a rule here and that's fine, just don't quite get where the panic over this issue is coming from is all.
  6. let me start by saying I don't think any rules here need to be changed and I don't have any problem following them. I'll repeat, I don't think any rules here need to be changed and I don't have a problem following them. Now that's out of the way, serious question - where does this level of panic and hysteria over others making homages of copyrighted characters come from? Anyone can google or youtube search existing for profit games that have skins of trademarked and copyrighted characters in them. Youtube is polluted with them. From what I can see, not a one of them has gotten and c&d letter. What makes this game any different? In case anyone missed it the first time, I don't think any rules here need to be changed and I don't mind following them.
  7. Back up ... I didn't say the thread was a witch hunt. I wasn't the one suggesting this is something to panic over, you were. I only asked where that level of panic and hysteria that the great big boogey man was going to shut the game down was coming from.
  8. I had asked it as a somewhat serious question. Was hoping for an answer.
  9. Ok so your answer to my question is "none" then?
  10. I don't think the rules about this should be changed here and I've no issue following them. Let me repeat that, I don't think the rules about this topic should be changed here and I've no issue following them. with that out of the way, how may current for profit games where you can download skins of trademarked or copyrighted characters are being sued by Disney and Marvel that justifies this level of panic and hysteria? I'm just curious is all. I will repeat one more time, I don't think the rules here should be changed and I've no issue following them.
  11. Excellent news! I'm very happy for all the players who were looking for this to get policy change. glad you all can get back to your happy streaming!
  12. There are AE arcs designed to be very challenging even for full incarnates. it's easier for most to cry nerf than to run difficult content that already exists or to form non-incarnate teams. not saying that's what you're doing.
  13. Just advertise for a no-incarnate powers run and you'll find others to join your team. Adding a no-incarnate option to the TF screen is a better way to go than rolling back servers.
  14. Why don't people run the existing AE content that's designed specifically to be more challenging? or better yet, create their own stuff with custom NPC groups that are all EBS and AVs if they want tougher fights? stuffs there, people just don't use it.
  15. It's not that hard to find teams here. Joining multiple groups is kinda what coalitions are for. you have your separate chat channel for it. your "problem" is basically solved with coalitions. might be a good idea to increase the number of or get rid of the coalition limit though. would also be cool to get a separate coalition roster tab like the SG one where you can see who is on and in what group. No idea how easy that would be to code though.
  16. The reason you don't see those posts saying anything against the travel updates is because they're hidden almost immediately after being posted. totally agree more difficulty options and more difficult content is the answer. I don't know why they're wasting their time and talents on updating the Warriors and travel powers and stuff. There's definitely some great AE stuff out there but people seem to think it's just for fire farming.
  17. totally agree it should've been 2 or 3 films which is what I think Snyder planned anyway. I can't say I would blame WB though, they just don't have the money to toss at this stuff like Disney does with Marvel. I thought it was ok. better than the Whedon version, but still not great. the longer time really helped with Steppenwolf to develop him more. I can't stand Ezra Miller or Ray Fischer. both are just terrible actors. Love Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot. Batfleck is ok. I think this would have been a lot more epic if Snyder had the chance to refine it more.
  18. People forget that those Spines/Regen scrappers were special built to tank Hami only and sacrificed a lot if not all their offense, so outside of Hami they were totally useless. They also forget the game never had or needed a trinity to do anything. Teams of blasters or defenders or controllers could steamroll anything. Definite no vote from me on this whole idea. This x 1000. There's challenging content out there, people just don't run it. there's even specific AE arcs meant to be more challenging. If there is any problem at all, it's the game doesn't have enough content designed for incarnates. just my personal 2 cents, but rather than screwing around with un-needed updates around travel powers and low level story arcs, the focus should be on creating content built for and balanced around incarnates. If the folks here really want to shine and show what they can do, that's going to add way more value than what they are doing now. Don't mean that to be disparaging because there's some smart people there.
  19. Only speaking for myself, but even a good story isn't going to get me to run the same thing 20 times or more. Maybe if there's badges needed for accolades I might. beyond that, I'll skip it. I don't think we need to be criminalizing it either. If that's what people want to do because they find it fun, let them.
  20. Man I loved the Highlander series. Always thought Adrian Paul would've made a decent James Bond.
  21. Ok but people still ran sewers to bypass low level content.
  22. Looking forward to checking it out. all the reviews I've seen so far say it stinks though lol
  23. Thanks man appreciate it. Just wanted to make sure. I like this update to fly especially since I don't need to change anything lol. Only feedback I have would be make the new Afterburner kick in automatic if you're flying in a straight line for a bit without maneuvering. the pop up tray is annoying. other than that, I like it.
  24. sorry if this has been asked already, with this change does adding a flight speed enhancement in swift gain anything or is that not needed anymore?
  25. Sure but people still ran it to bypass lower level story content.
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