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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. For those who haven't seen it there's some new difficulty settings coming that may help those who want the more traditional trinity play.
  2. Zero interest in this. Ezra Miller sucks IMO. horrible casting choice. They brought in Keaton as Batman for the nostalgia because they knew Miller couldn't carry a film. Shame they're doing a decent arc from the Flash comics with such a shit actor.
  3. Looks interesting. I'm looking forward to Robert Pattinson's take on the character. He's an interesting choice.
  4. Looks interesting. I like Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Fate! Curious how this will tie in with Shazam later down the road. Fury of the Gods looks pretty sweet too. I liked the first Shazam movie.
  5. This is easier said than done when there's a lot of people and pets crowding the portal. You're more often than not clicking on a player or pet box instead of the portal. Couldn't agree more. The mods here are really falling down when it comes to the gatekeepers in my opinion. That's not a bad idea either
  6. Why don't you let one of the Homecoming what's a lot of work and what isn't instead of gatekeeping? I mean, sure a single person might move to a lower pop server, but what about their family, friends, SG mates and such? Or should they all move too? We can all come up with any number of workarounds for all kinds of stuff that's been implemented here where development time could've been spent on other things. But the people here did it anyway. I mean seriously, what's the harm in looking into whether or not this is a simple fix? It might literally take 30 seconds or it might be a shit ton of work. We don't know so lets let someone familiar with the code reply instead of the gatekeeping brigade coming out in force. Sometimes this is easier said than done with how cluttered the portal gets. You're clicking on players or pets instead of the portal itself. ^ What @srmalloy wrote
  7. All of those are negated by having people zone in a little further away. And seriously, "go play on a less populated server" is literally a stupid excuse lol.
  8. You're welcome to disagree but having the zone in point a little further back from the portal itself prevents it from getting cluttered by bodies and prevents people from having to move away from it as they come in themselves. So yeah, it does solve the problem on both ends.
  9. Not sure building a pulse thing is needed if this whole thing works like it does with teleport points in bases, they can just set the teleport point wherever they want.
  10. I agree this is totally annoying at times especially when there's leagues running. People are using Oro to form SBB and HoH too and that portal can get really crowded especially with MM and Lore pets as leagues are going. Changing the entrance point a little further away from the portal itself solves the problem on both ends.
  11. Some of the newer stuff has been ok. personally I see a definite drop in quality since Endgame. I like Loki and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Wanda Vision wasn't bad either. What If stunk IMO.
  12. It's Carmina Burana, not Carmen. Most older folk will recognize it from the film Excalibur. Very cool mod btw. thanks for sharing!
  13. Yeah I have. the people replying to your post are posting in a suggestion forum too. No one like to hear their idea isn't good, I get it. Yours pretty much goes against what the folks here want to do.
  14. What server are you on? Are you finding it difficult to find others to team up with? It's all content whether you're running TFs, story arcs, AE or just street sweeping. it might not be how you like to play, but it doesn't make others wrong. and no offense, calling others who replied to your post 5 year olds isn't encouraging community either. Hard no to more enhancement slots too.
  15. Not one of your kids buddy I was just asking a question.
  16. Did you read what I wrote? I said if they want to team wipe on every mob over and over again, let them. If that's happening, pretty sure it's going to take that team a great long while to finish whatever they're running. Guaranteed there will be all whatever AT teams that will be completing hard mode content for the bragging rights, even if it takes them hours and hours to finish.
  17. Sure it is. If you want to play the holy trinity, WoW is still around for you. Don't try and force specific team makeups to complete content and let people define challenge how they want to. If a team of blasters want to try this hard mode and team wipe over and over every mob, let them.
  18. I did. I know a farming is evil post in disguise when I see it. :)
  19. No thank you. hard pass on locking costume pieces and more temps behind badge collecting too. Sounds like a "farmers are ebil!" thread in disguise.
  20. Good to hear that new options are adding to the game not nerfing. Folks thinking everyone should be the same on the same level regardless of level or build are just dead wrong. There's gotta be a good enough incentive to play and pay for a game. Yeah I know this game is free, speaking about games in general.
  21. Thanks for these. gives me some ideas and a good starting point. Appreciate it. :)
  22. The base code thing is a great example of getting burned IMO. Just my 2 inf. Why are you expecting lower level characters with lower tier gear to be on par with higher levels that are better equipped? Homogenizing everyone to be on the same level doesn't work either and makes the game boring. I kinda agree it's best to be very cautious about this. It sounds ok, but really need to see it first.
  23. Beyond that, I'll be curious to see how it works. If this means that there will be NPCs with auto-hit or stupid high tohit that blows through all defense and damage types that have no resists to (kinda like Hami "damage") then it won't be worth the extra rewards. I'll wait until it's ready for testing though. Sounds interesting for sure and a step in the right direction. Intentions are good.
  24. Been looking to try this combo for a while. I've finally finished up a couple of alts I've been working on and want to give Dark/Dark a try. Want something that plays well in iTrials and such. Thanks in advance.
  25. You're putting words in people's mouths. it's a suggestion people offered for what can be done now in the interim until harder stuff is developed.
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