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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. The writers for these Marvel movies are totally masters of this kind of thing. So many of these gems from the movies. My favorite was from Avengers and Endgame. STARK: What he's got is an ACME dynamite kit. It's gonna blow up in his face, and I'm gonna be there when it does. BANNER: Yup. I'll read all about it. STARK: Uh huh. Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us. BANNER: Ah, you see, I don't get a suit of armor. I'm exposed, like a nerve. It's a nightmare. STARK: You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second to crawl it's way into my heart. This stops it, this little circle of light. It's part of me now, not just armor. It's a terrible privelege. BANNER: But you can control it. STARK: Because I learned how. BANNER: It's different. STARK: Hey, I read all about your accident. That much gamma exposure should've killed you. BANNER: So you're saying that the Hulk - the other guy - saved my life? That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what? STARK: I guess we'll find out. and from Endgame HULK: Lightning won't help you pal. It's gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive. CAPTAIN AMERICA: How do we know you will? HULK: We don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like I was made for this. that's some serious worldbuilding skill there.
  2. Yeah I know about Him. he was mentioned by name as Adam in GoTG2
  3. Wasn't Adam Warlock teased at the end of GoTG 2? Not sure what they'd have him do since Thanos is gone now.
  4. Ok so now we know who's behind the whole hex and getting Wanda to do it and it's a great choice!
  5. I'm enjoying the show. something different and I'm liking how MCU getting expanded through these. I think Wanda knows what's going on but she's being coerced in some way. Someone promised her to bring Vision back if she does something for them in return.
  6. Yeah you did insult him, no doubt about it. maybe follow your own advice?
  7. Damn would love to watch this but I refuse to pay for HBO after the shitty way they ended GoT
  8. Right by saying "stop whining" and that's insulting. never said your suggestions for what to do wasn't good, I just said you can convey that message without insulting anyone and telling people to "stop whining". I'm not outraged at all, just calling it like I see it.
  9. Telling a person to "stop whining" is labelling them a whiner, which to my eyes is name calling. I've got it straight, thanks. The folks here have also said they're looking for feedback and ideas and dreams on these forums. you can get a point across without insulting others. working as intended doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.
  10. Your point can be made without resorting to name calling. You've lost any credibility with this. Yeah, we all know the game is free. The folks running it have also said they want to continue to work on it and improve it. people offering suggestions is helpful to them.
  11. I don't think this is a good idea. you'd be splitting an already dwindling population even further.
  12. Zero reason to use this as an excuse for a vendetta against others who play differently. You can get to 50 easily outside of AE with free XP boosts and just running TFs.
  13. There's over 170,000 words in the Oxford dictionary that can be combined into countless combinations. the game isn't going to be around long enough for you to run out of names. the existing policy is fine so long as it goes by account inactivity, not character inactivity. again, if an account is active, someone wanting a name can get in touch with the owner to negotiate a release.
  14. they can tell whether a character was PL'ed in AE just like they did on live to discourage farming. No reason to include 50s in the "free for all" list that have been played a lot that have all kinds of badges and stuff.
  15. This. No reason for asinine formulas to try and determine who is more worthy to wield a name.
  16. Correction - NCSoft owns the game code, not Homecoming. Let's be honest about ownership here.
  17. No, it's first come, first serve or possession is 9/10ths of the law. When you're offline, can I take your character name and use it? You're not using it so you should lose it.
  18. This is exactly what it is. Those crying about names being held on active accounts can't answer why they're more entitled to a name than the owner of the active account. if an account is still active, they can contact the owner and ask for the name to be released and the owner has every right to say no if they want.
  19. "here's 2 (and more) powers you don't really want instead of the one power you asked for that does what you want it to do". I get it man, I know what they alldo and what they cost and what has to be juggled to use them. Thanks, but I don't want a giant box that LRTP fills up on my screen just to use the ebfp from anywhere. No choice but to live with what we've been "blessed with" unfortunately. Yeah I know what it means to me, and that's not having to juggle all of these "improvements" instead of just one power. Your opinion differs and that's ok.
  20. I don't think anyone was expecting instant cast, no cooldown zero cost as a replacement. what some have been trying to tell you all is that there's too many options and the costs and cooldowns on them are a bit too much. that's all. honestly, I don't expect any future changes to this. stuff, you've all made up your minds. you all could've copy/pasted the Oro portal code, put it into the P2W for 5 mil and given it a 5 minute recharge and been done with it. I think most everyone would've accepted that as the compromise because that's what the initial discussions suggested in earlier threads. instead we have numerous options to juggle now some with limited charges if we want to get a 5 minute or less cooldown. that's not fun for some. I do have a bit of feedback for you, please make the animation for LRTP customizable. My natural based characters don't teleport by magic. it would be nice to have options to use something like the radio in from Mercs MMs or the police band to call in and get beamed up. thank you.
  21. It's a hassle to do on multiple alts. it may not seem like a lot to you and that's fine, but not everyone plays like you do or wants to do what you do. We know, some people set up bases to actually get used as hubs. You've just handed people more of a reason to use them less because they can completely bypass using them so thanks for that? Sorry for this, you're right that I included recharge time in that. that's on me. I had meant just the inf costs were the same for two powers that don't do the same thing. P2W base portal should be cheaper IMO. Sorry for the confusion there. my mistake. Right back at you. You all asked for testing and feedback, which people gave. pretty clear now you all are only interested in hearing positive things about your changes, so its pointless to engage with any of you any further.
  22. I can keep up fine, but what're you talking about? I never suggested they'd put an exploit into the store at all. That's just stupid and if I posted that exact wording, please share it. what I questioned was your comment of "I don’t believe that they would have ever given us the new Travel Update that the Homecoming team has put in place. " I said if the original devs felt they could make money off of adding fast travel stuff in the store, absolutely they would have. no question about it. how you got that means adding in the base exploits into the store I don't know. you're not reading right. here's your post for reference.
  23. So the majority of characters below 50 will not get this automatically. That's what was suspected. As far as now getting direct access to every zone, thanks but that isn't what some people asked for. Some of us actually like visiting bases and didn't need a way to bypass them completely. you keep pushing the LRTP thing but again, thanks it wasn't what some of us asked for. You're ignoring the community that was built around simple access to them. and Supergroup Portal = 10 million inf. TT = 10 million inf. Where is the inf price difference again? One should cost more than the other because it's a direct drop to the mission door for an entire team. The other isn't. you're pricing a Toyota the same as a Ferrari. I realize I'm talking to a brick wall here, just hoping that next time you all consider actually engaging the community a little more to help flesh out ideas before making sweeping changes.
  24. no account unlocks are a relic from when the game was first launched man. Vet rewards were working in the direction of account unlocks because other games were doing it. most modern MMOs all have account unlocks. accolades and such should be work, yeah. traveling around the game more efficiently, not so much. but you go right on jumping all over everyone who thinks the new system is too complicated.
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