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Everything posted by Takel

  1. Here's a question related to what the license covers. I know that story arcs contributed under the Guest Author Program back in the NCSoft ways were legally considered work for hire (in other words, NCSoft owns the rights and not the authors). Does the contract with NCSoft allow you to publish those arcs, or were they not included in the license?
  2. Glad you liked it! I had originally written Christmas Comes to Oranbega for an AE contest back in 2020, and won a runner-up prize for it. It's nice to see it getting some more attention now. (Anyone else who plays through that arc, be sure to check out Magic Bullet's description. I still like the bio I came up with for him.)
  3. That's fair. Mostly I posted that because my brain got stuck on the "what would civil forfeiture be like in a world where supervillains existed" part and immediately started spitting out the sort of jokes Twitter would make about the phrase "12 Dozen Nazi War Mechs".
  4. A while back I threw together a bit of headcanon to deal with some "we're watching real-life cops act increasingly worse, but we pretty much work with them nonstop in City of Heroes" discomfort. Short version: Superheroes aren't the only reason the police in Paragon City are a lot better than most police forces in large American cities, but they may as well be. Longer version:
  5. Going to submit Release Candidate, ID 31010. It was an attempt to create an Architect Entertainment arc that used "this is an Architect Entertainment arc" as the framing device, and I think the fact I got Dev's Choice means I pulled it off pretty well.
  6. Few buggy things in the V_OUTDOOR_LONGBOW map. 1. The crane and hook at 4103.3 190.2 3196.5 act very weird. The screenshot below is not the result of me touching the hook in any way. 2. The zone map is not aligned properly with the actual zone. 3. The doors leading out of the interior buildings don't have the black texture when you open them... 4. ...and I'm not sure the interior doors are textured properly either. (Note that the last two images are consistent across all three of the interior areas of the zone.)
  7. The Arachnos Agent badge has the text for the Cannon Fodder badge. I don't have a character with Cannon Fodder right now, so I don't know if the reverse is true, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  8. My original inspiration for the arc was “what if I did an AE arc where the fact that it’s an AE arc was a plot point“ — not in a breaking the fourth wall sense so much as poking it with a stick and seeing what happens. Comments like that help me to know I did a good job of it.
  9. Thank you! I'm really happy to see that my submission went over so well.
  10. The first of the four Matrix room doors on the lower level of the Peregrine Island arena don't have the black "fake darkness" texture. Confirmed at the following coordinates: 793.6 -764.3 -3563.1 963.6 -764.3 -3497.1 1030.5 -764.3 -3668.5 861.0 -764.3 -3735.1
  11. I'm going to second the "do a balancing pass on the Lores"; I like to choose ones that thematically fit my character as much as I can, and while I know it mostly doesn't matter constantly seeing Banished Pantheon makes me feel like there's no real point. As for the "op plz nerf" aspect that a lot of people are bringing up, that kind of seems like the whole point of Incarnate powers: you get them because your enemies are going to be strong enough that you need them to survive. I'd kind of like to lean into that; spread out some of the Incarnate-level enemies. For example, the same sort of "there's a Kheldian on the team" flag to spawn Quantum Gunner enemies could be used to spawn Incarnate-level enemies in regular missions when the PCs are strong enough.
  12. Not sure if this counts as a typo or not, but apparently the Windfall temporary power you can get in the super packs still references the VIP program and Reward Levels from the NCSoft F2P days.
  13. In fairness, he's more "shotgun wizard" in the sense that he's a magic user who got drunk and created a magical rifle. He's also dressed up as Santa Claus when he appears in the arc.
  14. In my case it was said by a hero who's basically the wizard from this comic.
  15. And now for my AE Contest submission: Arc ID: 34471 Arc Name: Christmas Comes to Oranbega Author: @TakelGryph Number of Missions: 3 Description: The Circle of Thorns kidnaps Santa Claus in an attempt to bind the Winter Lord, are defeated by an army led by Rudolph, and learn the true meaning of Christmas. (At least one part of that is a lie.)
  16. Thanks, I'll make sure to do that in the future. I'll probably poke at a few things related the JSON files as well, but I don't think I'll have time until the weekend. Either way, if something breaks I'll try and let you know.
  17. Can I get some clarification on this quote from the technical deep dive, please? Specifically, I want to know at what points the launcher is supposed to check to see if the signature is valid. Right now, I can intentionally invalidate the signature (for example, by using a hex editor to change "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" to "This program cannot be run in BOSS mud") for cityofheroes.exe after it's downloaded and the launcher won't care, but I'm not sure if it's intended for it to check for certificate validity whenever you click the "Ready" button or not.
  18. I've gotten several compliments about this bio.
  19. While I agree with the problem you pointed out, I don't agree with that solution, given that pretty much everything either is or can very easily be made political even by accident. Plus, as other posts further down have mentioned, there's a lot of dispute on what counts as "real-world political content". To some, even something as simple as having an openly queer character could be "real-world political content". I'd hope that choosing GMs with sound judgement would do a lot to ameliorate the concerns here -- blanket bans don't really work for something like this, but as-needed applications of "we're putting a moratorium on this topic in public chat before it gets any more out of control" would be a good starting point.
  20. Golden titles are character-specific.
  21. Burninating all the Monsters Burninating all the Buds Burninating all the Hamis And their mitochondria! Mitochondria!
  22. Also going to go ahead and submit my other published arc this month, then, given Darmian's positive reactions to both. Arc Name: Release Candidate Arc ID: 31010 Global ID: @TakelGryph Description: WANTED: Superpowered individuals to test an advanced new AI matrix for Architect Entertainment. Excitement guaranteed!
  23. That's two of them, yes.
  24. WANTED: Superpowered individuals to test an advanced new AI matrix for Architect Entertainment. Excitement guaranteed! -- I've already gotten some early feedback on the arc from @Darmian, and they seemed to enjoy it. Would appreciate some more feedback if possible, though. Bonus points to anyone who can identify all the hacker (or at least somewhat hacker-adjacent) and/or sci-fi movies and TV shows I referenced. (No, Mr. Robot isn't one of them, although in retrospect it probably should have been.)
  25. Does it count as a ripoff if you own both IPs? I think "retread" would be a more applicable term.
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