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About Murcielago

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Porque so hordor.
  2. Name a better duo. I'll wait.
  3. WM/NRG scrapper. Its strong and pretty.
  4. Byeeeeee, can I have your stuff?
  5. I vote we change it to Apathy and it becomes a heavy confusion set that causes players to attack other team members.
  6. Would you say this is a Homecoming for Victory?
  7. I finally could donate
  8. My dark/shield, Murcielago, can solo most content.
  9. I did but I can't use Mid's because I need a new computer lol. Once I get it I will update my build.
  10. But Dark and Regen are trash tier in PvE.
  11. Its energy. Its too pretty.
  12. WM/EA is going to be strong and pretty. All joking aside, TW/Bio, DM/Shield, and Kat/SR are all old school-ish AV killers.
  13. I cannot wait to read the Q&A thread. It'll be my teenage years all over again!!!
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