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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Who knew? Guess I'll have to play some to celebrate! 🎆
  2. I feel fairly sure they try to take in all perspectives, but in the end, they know that any change (with the exception of QoL changes) are going to be met with a certain segment of the player-base who don't like it. If the push back/outcry is significant enough, perhaps some compromise can be reached. But, things are done for a reason, and contrary to popular belief (especially those who don't like a change), they don't do it just to see how mad they can make people, or screw-up their enjoyment of the game. We just aren't privy to all of the reasoning, and discussions that go into changes/bug-fixes. So, while folks accuse them of not taking their perspective into account, remember they have a perspective too, and it's one that would be difficult to explain in most cases, because of the complexities of coding for, and trying to run a 15 year old game.
  3. Perhaps your characters can share a cell in the Ziggerat in Brickstown for your IP transgressions! 🤣
  4. We take that chance every time we post! 🤣
  5. Nobody here is trying to profit off their IP. Hopefully, that classifies it as innocuous enough to just be looked upon as animated Cosplay.
  6. It sounds like Sekioa has really been the one running things for quite some time, and that Tony was just the recognizable name attached to Titan. He didn't seem to have an issue with it, seemed content with what had been accomplished during his tenure, and was ready to move on. If he's cool with it, I see no reason to get concerned unless we are given a more solid reason to do so.
  7. It's gonna be fun, but not without it's challenges. In the end, hopefully things work out to our advantage.
  8. Tony appointed a new owner of Titan this morning (Sekoia), and said basically that this person has been doing it de-facto for quite some time already. He said he has really just been the "name" behind the Titan Network, when this other fellow has been the real driver of things. He just made it official with this appointment. He also indicated that the "merge with Homecoming" thing was a bit premature, and they would be remaining separate for the foreseeable future.
  9. I'm just trying to say that folks should have fun playing, and be concerned about things of a legal nature when/if it becomes necessary. Worrying about low odds stuff will just make you old before you're time! And, for the record, I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything. I'm just advocating not being critical of those who engage in "homage" behavior. If it becomes a thing, it will sort itself out, and not bring "DOOM" to our server in the process.
  10. Yeah, and I could be struck by a bolt of lightning, or win the lottery. The chances of either are probably about equal to anyone out there with a valuable IP, coming to the Homecoming CoH server to look for stuff that they consider theirs to protect. Not saying it's impossible, just improbable. Mainly because it's not worth the time, or effort. If, by some small chance it does happen, we will adapt, adjust, and overcome. It's what we have always done.
  11. Yup. If I made a small character, and named him Will Robinson, and dressed him in old sci-fi garb; that who the heck ever owns the IP for Lost in Space would ever know, let alone give a flying crud! They'd probably be happy just to be thought of in the first place!🤣
  12. Yeah. I doubt even if Marvel knew of this new instance of CoH, they would have much less concern about it than they did back in the day. I think they are much too big to be concerned about a big green fellow, with black hair, and purple pants, named "The Incredible Bulk" in a 15 year old game. 😉
  13. My comments were more directed at the concern over the copyrighted characters, as opposed to the game itself. There is currently no policing of this, and unless there is a problem from an IP holder, there likely won't be. So, in my facetious way, I was encouraging folks to play as they have been, without so much regard for who their toon might bear a remote, or striking resemblance to in the real world. There are other threads to express concern for the future of the game itself. 🙂
  14. Too much thinkin', and not enough playin'! 😉 If there is a problem, when/if it actually becomes a problem, they'll let ya know, and it would likely be a name change, or a reset to generic costume pieces. But, likely not without notice of some kind. I think we are still a long way from that becoming an issue on anyone's actual radar. So, have fun, and stop worrying! 🙂
  15. Just a guess, but I think they were already working on a communication about this. Likely the reason we have not seen it yet, is because like everything else, it's complicated by what they can, and cannot say on things that cross into the negotiations, and the folks involved with them. I don't envy them the task, quite honestly. But, I do understand why it's not as easy a thing as it might seem.
  16. I'll second that, but only if we get a "Virtue" too! 😎
  17. Basically, things blew wide open in mid-April. Then after a brief outage (a few days), Homecoming was born in it's present form. So, basically since late April, or early May. Welcome back to you, and your family! Now go...hunt...kill skuls!
  18. So, with this, Tony V has announced his departure, and the "merging" of Homecoming, and The Titan Network. Tony V announces departure, and future of Titan Network
  19. If the very definition of compromise, is an agreement that pleases nobody in full, but is acceptable to most, then we've done pretty well at maintaining the status-quo around here. I mean, everything is a compromise of sorts. A little more this, or a little less of that. Never gonna please everyone, and as long as it's not a game-breaker for the masses, then it's business as usual!
  20. That's interesting. I typically create characters by visualizing who they are, and what they can do. The name is usually what comes last in my process. That said, I have never created a character whose name was already taken when I checked, so I guess I've done well on that count. 😎
  21. This is just me. I don't speak for anyone else. That said... I believe The Hamidon was intended to be the most super, of the super villains in the game. A world destroyer that even Recluse, and Statesman feared. As such, I believe it was meant to be the ultimate challenge in the game, that was not always successful if a team didn't employ actual teamwork, coordination, cohesion, communication, and be composed of the right compliment of archetypes. All working in unison, knowing that given the power of this enemy, the whole effort could fail. There was actual risk! I believe those circumstances, and that risk were removed at some point because the SCORE server (from which the code for Homecoming was derived) was altered to accommodate for a much lower population. Some rules were bent, and others were totally broken so that fewer could be mightier. Now that low population is no longer a factor, that rule has been reset to the way it was in live. Some don't like it because they have experienced that victory enough times, they have come to expect it, and the massive rewards that come with it. But, it was the way it was for a reason. I believe that reason was that the monster was supposed to be nigh unbeatable by anyone but the best of the best teams, and that when victory was achieved, it was well earned. It wasn't meant to be a party in the Hami-zone, and certainly not the cake-walk that allowed it to be run multiple times a night with victory all but assured regardless of competence, team size, or actual participation. That is probably not going to go over well with the folks that don't like this change. But, as others have said, it CAN be done. It's just more of an earned victory, rather than a given one. Let's try to show a little perspective in our estimation of game play here. Please?
  22. It's a delicate balance, and a tightrope that the Devs walk in any kinds of change. Because there are folks who love things just the way they are, and those that seek change. With the exception of QoL changes which are typically received well by all, other changes to the game always have their fans, and detractors; both sides of which make their perspectives, and opinions known. Just peruse the September 10 Patch Notes thread for a bit of a taste. Just gotta remember, there are always two sides to darn near any topic of discussion, and often, they both have valid points.
  23. We could save some time/effort by just pasting a link to the previous threads that hit on this topic, every time we see a new one pop-up. But, what's the fun in that? 😉
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