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Everything posted by brian9824

  1. If you want to level faster don't play alone? Set the spawns higher so you get higher concentrations of mobs to kill? Etc. After the server move you can increase your xp gain from the P2W vendor for free. Those xp boosts are having their cost removed. Adjusting how the entire xp system works because you don't want to use any of the options already present though just makes no sense.
  2. 10 merits for 2 pieces of salvage is 2 million influence. Better to spend those 10 merits for 30 enhancement coverters and sell those for 6 million influence and just buy the salvage
  3. Yeah I was using it with a friend when it broke as well. It's nice, but it definitely shouldn't ever stop anyone from teaming or playing togethor.
  4. Honestly while nice its not a huge deal. You can always exemplar down to her level, or sk her up to yours and still team up. So its a nice feature, but its hardly a big loss if we never get it back as CoH has one of the best teaming systems out of any MMO's.
  5. Most henchman buffs DO effect team mates. I think only robotics shields don't work on others. I know demon's shields do work on team mates. Plus the pets bubble really quickly and automatically renew it when it wears off so there is no waiting.
  6. Is there a list of all the signature arc missions? I know i've seen em on maps. Also when is the reset for them? Need to start focusing on some to start gearing up my charachters.
  7. The term is outdated, it's from a time when the cash shop existed. Yeah but having a permanent travel power or even a fun power for the price of 2 merits or 1 piece of salvage isn't exactly a lot.....
  8. I believe it was changed so that the spawns will constantly occur instead of having to wait between spawns. The wiki is not always going to be accurate as I25 has changes that were never live.
  9. It could be nice instead if they could convert the recharge rate into healing so that pets with a faster recharge heal significantly faster to provide some benefit to the stat.
  10. Don't really see any need to lower the prices for those. They are fun flavor powers and like the flight ones let you completely avoid having to take a travel power freeing up an extra slot. A million influence isn't a lot, thats 1 rare salvage item, or ~2 merits worth of currency which you get for just doing your first story arc.
  11. Speaking of rehashing the same old things over and over... Now I'm sure we can figure out a way for ED to factor into this and get the trifecta. Removing ED would make the need for expensive IO sets less of a requirement at endgame and more of a perk/bragging rights and the cost of those enhancements would not be sky high due to not being a requirement for endgame builds and making AE Farms for Inf a thing of the past (trifecta!) Removing ED wouldn't change anything. It would just encourage more frankenslotting of all the powers and create more power creep. Most of the expensive IO's are the ones that aren't even effected by ED like Luck of the Gambler recharge, Performance shifter +end, etc. All of which are easy to buy for the low cost of 50 merits which is basically 1 TF. uhhh...I'm pretty sure he was joking in response to my joke. Ahh well hard to tell online sometimes. I've seen people in game say it and actually think its a good idea so its easy to believe lol.
  12. Speaking of rehashing the same old things over and over... Now I'm sure we can figure out a way for ED to factor into this and get the trifecta. Removing ED would make the need for expensive IO sets less of a requirement at endgame and more of a perk/bragging rights and the cost of those enhancements would not be sky high due to not being a requirement for endgame builds and making AE Farms for Inf a thing of the past (trifecta!) Removing ED wouldn't change anything. It would just encourage more frankenslotting of all the powers and create more power creep. Most of the expensive IO's are the ones that aren't even effected by ED like Luck of the Gambler recharge, Performance shifter +end, etc. All of which are easy to buy for the low cost of 50 merits which is basically 1 TF.
  13. Well for one they are already offering xp boosters that have penalty's to influence gain in P2W vendor, and they will be free after next update. Secondly it doesn't take 15+ hours of playing regular content to get 50 million influence, and the only enhancements going for that much are literally the best in slot end game ones. You can also buy them yourself quite easily with reward merits. Normal enhancements are very easy to afford and the expensive ones are the goal for end game and will take some time and work to get fully outfitted in them. Just run some TF's, do some story arcs's, etc. Then use the merits to buy recipes you need and craft the enhancements.
  14. You can already disable xp in order to avoid outleveling content. It just seems like the mechanic is next to useless at lower levels because loot/merits is far greater then influence drops, and at 50 it would be very op as you can do farming maps and make a ton of influence quickly.
  15. Nah, it's the horse that's dead, they just keep beating on the poor creature. More like the horse is dust and to even beat the thing you have to run an epic level mission of for Hate and Anger to gather the dust, add some Hellion blood and re-constitute the thing to even begin to strike at it. The whole thing, _just like every single other game_ boils down to a group of people that claim they 'cannot imagine why' or 'cannot understand why' someone would play this way, when in reality thier brain chemistry simply does not allow them to accept that other people live their lives differently. This same tired argument is some form exists in _all_ game forums. Play the 'right way' or GTFO. Some don't just lack creativity, they activily try to stiffle it in others, because 'they cannot understand.' Yeah, I am a bit bitter over it, because I am tired of people with no imagination or ability to think ouside the box trying to tell others to stop doing thigs they "just don't understand". Actually its more like people are saying no to it because literally 1 person running an AE farm is taking the server resources needed to support 10-20 or more teams running missions. So 1 person running an AE farm means 100+ people can't play or run missions. THAT is the biggest issue. I'd have absolutely no issues with AE farms if it didn't come at the cost of the server health.
  16. You also have to keep in mind sets and bonuses now. So even if Stone Skin maxes out at 3 resist IO's it could be worth it to 6 slot it for the set bonus it can hold. For instance a common strategy is to 4-5 slot it and mix resists and resists/endurance in it so you get a set bonus, resists, and lowered endurance cost.
  17. Honestly there are sooo many better ways to get influence that its not needed. Just do a few ouruoboros arcs and farm merits. There are a dozen different ways to make millions of influence via merits. Or sell salvage. Rare salvage sells for a million a pop, far more then you'd get from doing missions. Or craft and sell IO's for profit. If you memorize the recipes you can make a nice chunk of money that way.
  18. That is false and the dev's have already confirmed it. 1 AE mission is FAR more intensive then 20 non AE missions with how scripting works. The AE is a MASSIVE resource hog and puts a huge strain on the server when people are running farms on it. Direct quote
  19. Don't know that, its a massive boost to the point I can immediately tell which toggle I have on just by watching my HP when I engage mobs. Literally my HP almost never moves on Defensive, but it goes at a slow and steady rate when using offensive. So normally I rush in with offensive, unload attacks, then if i hit 50% switch to defensive, fire off my heal, and then go back to offensive once healed up. Repeat as needed with swapping in efficient toggle if my stamina gets low.
  20. The servers have had a global xp boost since they were up. When their is a global xp boost patrol xp isn't consumed by normal play. After the servers move the global boost will be removed and changed to local boost from P2W vendor. So the only way your patrol xp will ever go down now is from dying.
  21. Look I'm here to make suggestions so we're not stuck with old stuff, keeping things the same forever wont be fun for anyone and it makes logical sense to have toggles for an arrow. If you don't like the suggestion that's fine too but i don't think its required to just down it so quickly and as for Aim it's used often, The least used powers out of archery are most likely fish full of arrows/stunning shot/blazing arrow at least for me those are useless to me but everything els i use. He's making a valid point. The sets that deal lethal damage usually have other compensation for their damage type being so widely resisted. Every build has holes or weaknesses in it to prevent them from being overpowered. Your T9 is one of the biggest compensations So while it could be changed, you'd have to sacrifice from elsewhere to keep the powerset reasonable, and you'd definitely need to at bare minimum give up a power to make room for a new power.
  22. Clearly you haven't tried it with big groups. It add's scaling resists and defense based on number of enemies around you to the point that I can go afk in mobs and they can't kill me because they have raised my resists and dodge so high that my increased healing compensates for the damage they do. You don't need any special slotting to increase this. I've hit 90% S/L resists at level 25 with a tanker with no IO sets at all thanks to it. That's in part because Evolving Armor is one of the lynch pins of the build and synchs up with it so well While Defensive Adaptation is active you gain a very minor amount of defense and damage resistance for each nearby foe. - That x20-30 enemies adds up VERY quickly and is both DEFENSE and DAMAGE RESIST. It's unbelievably strong and turns you from tough into super human tank. So yeah, if your fighting 4-5 enemies then defensive mode makes no sense, its there for when you want to be an unmovable tank that laughs at those who try to defeat you. It's quite literally god mode. I go from my health dropping, to enemies being unable to harm me when I toggle it on, and learning when to use each of the modes is what makes bio armor so powerful. We can be damage, tank, and unstoppable all in the same build with a simple click, because that click changes how more then half our powers function.
  23. I'll have to try that. Right now I just do a few Ouroboros arc farms and buy some items with the merits and sell them whenever I need money. Think I have around 20 mil scattered across all my alts and it only took me 2-3 hours to really farm it without even trying. Freak Olympics gives around 50 something merits and that can be converted into ~10-30 million influence pretty easily.
  24. Haven't tried that content, how long is the event?
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