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Everything posted by BrandX

  1. How'd you get the chat bubble colors to match?
  2. So, have your broadsword skin while playing the better Axe set?
  3. From what I've heard, this will be the universe that RDJ Doom comes from
  4. I would LOVE a Praetorian side TF, just so my level 50+3 Praetorian can run some TFs 🙂 Maybe a nice 4 mission long TF...starts in an instanced Nova Praetoria map, moves to an instanced Imperial City map, to a Neutropolis instanced map, that ends in Underground: Neutropolis instanced map. Thinking a Praetorian version of ITF.
  5. Vengeful they can fix tho by allowing it to do more damage, to be equal with that long animation. 🙂 Would love to see DB's get better damage from BF > Attack Vitals than the non combo 🙂
  6. Would it be original Tina and Maria arc? I thought those were more retcons than anything, because it's the same story except a couple characters changed.
  7. That said, some of those "badly run" teams seem to kick so much butt when that one "god's gift to teams" rage quits the team 😛
  8. Wouldn't this just encourage the behavior as people will want the badge.
  9. I was at +1 difficulty and double XP and I recall I wasn't out leveling the content, but it's been awhile. I however wasn't afraid to turn off the XP.
  10. The idea was always that gold side was start storyline zone, and wasn't it the only way to move ATs that were blue or red side originally? I can't recall. But things did change and I do think they could make a TF that forms somewhere in Praetoria or Pocket D, could be done that allows Praetorians to run 🙂
  11. Some thoughts... I love Vengeful Slice, but it really could use a damage boost imo. Long animation and feels like some of the worst damage of the set. HOWEVER, I personally LOVE the animation 🙂 1k Cuts is the attack I skip and don't like the animation of. I also don't see why anyone would skip Vengeful Slice, thereby skipping Attack Vitals Combo, when BF > AS > SS > EPIC POOL ATTACK > AS > Repeat, can't be done at lower levels. Sometimes I've thought about forgoing the mentioned rotation for BF > Attack Vitals Combo, as that's still going to be enough DPS to solo AVs, but I get the higher DPS chase too 🙂 Blinding Powder is more about the -ToHit to help off set Ninja's lower DDR, but I've skipped it myself and the t9 (don't like the crash). Should be said, Kyoyo is a great 1 slot wonder for Endurance Recovery.
  12. But, you can go on iTrials! My Level 50 Praetorian has gone on iTrials. I've formed my own and if they weren't formed in Pocket D, I would try to form others as joining one's in progress, gotten a few. My pure praetorian is a Katana/Fire Armor Brute, so after I got up there in levels and thinking "Okay, I've gone through all the Praetorian story arcs I can, what now..." I was lucky to go "Wait, I'm a Fire Armor Brute...fire farm!" Also, did you do fireball and trilogy contacts? Just double checking there for you 🙂 That said, I would love a Praetorian TF even if low level 🙂
  13. Feral Combat (Blaster Claws Secondary) 01) Focus - Ranged Knockdown 02) Slash - Melee -Def 03) Swipe The Tendon (Swipe) - Melee Hold 04) Feral Rage - Toggle +DMG / +ToHit 05) Spin - Melee PBAOE 06) Feral Resilience - Toggle +Resist (S/L/F/C/T/P) / +Defense (All) / +Regen 07) Intimidation (Claws Confront) - Targeted AOE -ToHit / Terrorize / No Damage 08) Eviscerate - Melee Cone - Knockdown 09) Shock Wave - Range Cone - Knockdown Toggles can be simple. All attacks use their matching one from Scrappers unless mentioned otherwise.
  14. Could start over! Start with Macross Saga, Rick and Lisa ❤️ Can streamline it, but keep those nice Valkyries. Then, while possibly keeping some of Southern Cross ideas to get to Invid Invansion, just redo it. Southern Cross needed work and it could possibly use some new mecha. What I'd love to see with Invid Invasion is the story leading into Sentinels, but keeping more than just Scott and Marlene (Shadow Chronicles changed Marlene to joining the Sentinels), but the style of the Valkyries, while adding the cyclones. Take some inspiration from the nice Macross II/7/Plus/Etc valkyries that look better than what we got in Invid Invasion (not the worst, but I liked Macross' better). They've got the idea of a story right there! They've got the characters! I'd love to see them back and improved 🙂
  15. Well, they said they won't do alternate power choice anymore. But I have to say, I'm thinking some -Regen Resist in whatever powers, Intergration being able to be fully enhanced and some Slow Resist and Defense put into Resilience, would do a lot for the set.
  16. Well, you could do that with incarnate abilities. Pick a melee AT, add in some Leadership and grab Rebirth. 🙂
  17. Wow. I would've guessed Bio Armor and surprised by Masterminds.
  18. ^This. Not to mention, Ninjitsu is a defense based set. If they don't hit you, you're not getting knocked back, anyways.
  19. Is it? From what I've heard, it's still a top ST DPS set.
  20. It gives the -ToHit which helps with the lower DDR of Ninjitsu.
  21. Here's my build. Could likely use some work and some of it is concept. Many for instance would take an Epic Snipe, but I took Char to recolor as a sand attack and a hold. Obviously, I hope for Earth Mastery at some point 🙂 FU > Slash > Focus > Eviscerate > Repeat works for me and I love this combo. I'd main it if it wasn't for the Stone FX, but I love to bring this scrapper out from time to time because the combo is just so much fun 🙂 I took Barrier, Musculature Radial, Assault Hybrid, and Reactive Interface, but working on Degeneration (slowly). It's a combo I always suggest for those willing to get past the Stone FX as I find it an awesome combo 🙂 Scrapper (Claws - Stone Armor).mbd
  22. Not sure how anyone would do a "Reroll my badger?!" for a damage type applied to Damage Proc. Damage type of the Proc doesn't matter. Range Sets have been limited to a Toxin and Negative Energy damage proc for awhile. Damage Proc is going to add damage regardless and some enemies will resist it more than others. The only set that I may say to change up is Mutant could go with Psychic over Toxic, just due to mutants in Marvel tend to have lots of psychics 😛
  23. That sort of thing has always been a part of Hollywood. The difference is in the writing. It's like people forget what their old time favorite Star Trek or even not as old TNG was 😛 Trailer looks good. I'm not sold on Krypto personally tho 😛
  24. My example I had the Non-Superior and Superior example of set bonuses on them. I just figured, since you'd only be able to use the set one per character, making 5 sets almost identical except for the Proc Damage Type is a way to go. I only did it the way I did, because I'm not sure if they could make the set bonus tied to the origin. Or it may just be easier to make 5 identical sets, with a difference in proc damage type.
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