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Everything posted by BrandX

  1. I think they'd still frakenslot for some people. That said, I've always thought the attacks in Power/Epic Pools should be worth while to at least switch out with one's T1/T2 powers. I'd love to have a character who could use Jump Kick for more than a cool animation, but an actual worthwhile attack for instance.
  2. Shield...a nice Teleport in AOE attack and then you hit Frozen Aura! 🙂
  3. I'm curious how you got Char to recharge fast enough to put it in a chain.
  4. What I like about Staff is the Damage Stance (forget the name...but it's the one Stalkers are stuck with) gives 10% Resist All. A nice chunk of Resist to stack onto your defenses!
  5. That doesn't matter. It's not that Basic ATs can and do, it's that if you pick certain sets, they can fill multiple rolls. But however, seeing the complaints, I don't think it's a matter of the rolls. I think people really want to get this reward, so they REALLY want to get it easy. It's easy to understand that they wanted to make a rule that the basic ATs only count for 1 thing and the epic ATs count for 3. Makes sense for that rule on this. I guess people really want that reward all the time.
  6. Yes, but you also know they want the basic ATs to just count for one role. That's why I said change it from Support to Group 1. Then you can't say "It's not just support!" As it's just ATs broken into groups
  7. Thusly, rename it to Group 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5...then you don't have people able to say this. Then it's a matter of something else...not all from every group.
  8. On 1, I just disagree. I don't feel it's misleading. I feel it's the need to limit for this specific bonus, so characters were put in groups. On 2, still going to have to disagree. That hasn't been taught yet with people coming in from other games and the masses saying, just go to town. Though, on the reward aspect, they created rewards in accolade powers that don't need to exist. Crey Pistol...I don't see people using that in game play. Get rid of it tho and I imagine everyone will come out of the wood work and talk about how they use it on every character and how it's part of their regular attacks and such. So, do we get rid of that system, as it didn't need to exist? Somethings can just be "Oooo...a tiny little bonus"
  9. Tanks: Tank - Brute - PB - WS Melee: Scrapper - Stalker - PB - Soldier - Widow Range: Blaster - Sentinel - PB - WS - Soldier - Widow Control: Controller - Dominator - WS - Widow Support: Defender - Corruptor - Mastermind - Soldier Let's go with this list for now... All four listed in Support are ATs listed as support in the Support Selection (which no one had a problem with all this time) Control only listed at creation, but they said they were moving VEATS/HEATS to 3 positions for this bonus. Every AT is listed in Range Damage EXCEPT the actual Melee (Tanker, Brute, Scrapper, Stalker) As we can see, Defenders/Corruptors regardless of their Dark/Dark Power Selection status was not put in Crowd Control selection process. Tank has higher rating on Crowd Control than Defender/Corruptor if we go by their numbered screen.
  10. Archetype Diversity Bonus Group 1: Tank - Brute - PB - WS Group 2: Scrapper - Stalker - PB - Soldier - Widow Group 3: Blaster - Sentinel - PB - WS - Soldier - Widow Group 4: Controller - Dominator - WS - Widow Group 5: Defender - Corruptor - Mastermind - Soldier Have someone from each group and get small prize! There, same thing without the wording that seems to upset people.
  11. More Armor Sets that allow more themes! Temporal Armor Psychic Armor Sonic Armor are just three I've made suggestions on. I love melee tho, so that's where I'd like even more option 🙂
  12. That's what I put as the suggestion just a few posts up.
  13. Honestly, I'm starting to think people are just looking to make it easier to get the reward more than anything. Scrappers can have Confront and Taunt Aura.
  14. It's not forcing anything. It's giving a little meaningless reward that's getting people all tied in knots because it puts an AT in a category for the reward. Like "Ahhh...my Dark/Dark Defender should be a Troller!" If your team happens to get make the requirements, then you can just go "Oh look at that. Wheeeeee." If not, shrug it off and go "No reward never bothered me anyways." (<---sing that to the tune of Let It Go tho...it'll make you smile).
  15. I've never seen a lacking of ATs. See them all, all the time. Do I get them all on my team at one time? Not always.
  16. Yes, but it was explained, that the basic ATs count in one category. Only the VEATS/HEATS count in three. So, they have to go somewhere. It's not based on strength in meta numbers on it.
  17. Goes back to what I said. You're picking a specific set. That's not the Corruptor as a whole. That's picking specific sets and then going "I'm a Troller now"
  18. Did testing on the pylons on the side of the RWZ building for my DB/FIRE Scrapper. Respawned quick. Yes, others can jump in (didn't happen to me) to, of course, ruin your testing, but there are three of them close together. May be an issue for MMs with how close they are? Or anyone with pets?
  19. I wouldn't call Corruptors a Control Class even if you can pick sets that give some control. Fire/Empathy isn't giving you control. If anything, I'd move Corruptors to Support, not Range Damage. Tanks: Tank - Brute - PB - WS Melee: Scrapper - Stalker - PB - Soldier - Widow Range: Blaster - Sentinel - PB - WS - Soldier - Widow Control: Controller - Dominator - WS - Widow Support: Defender - Corruptor - Mastermind - Soldier I wouldn't let Corruptor's Primary put them as Support. I also wouldn't put one can turn their character into, to mean it can fall into the group bonus. However, again, I'll just accept who ever answers the LFM call out 😛 That said, always love it when I get a group of 8 that's all different flavors of skittle 🙂
  20. Oh, don't get me wrong, I thought Thunderstrike needed this. The attack always felt like it was a ST attack with a little extra splash damage as flavor. Not a real PBAOE attack. I think the same for Chain Lightning. The added AOE felt more like flavor than anything.
  21. Tried out Thunderstrike! Will be nice to make it better ST DPS (I always love using it on Elec Melee users). I will miss that slow effect tho. It gave a certain crunch to it. Not sure why the epic version needs to be so much endurance tho. It's recharge is way up there already.
  22. This doesn't really force them to form "holy trinity" groups. The rewards are there if it happens, and sure one forming the team could force the issue, but I'd say that's gonna be as often as it's done now (I've seen those who still prefer to do that without the diversity bonus).
  23. Some more testing...mostly because I wanted to see how'd BF > Attack Vitals would do, if I wanted to try to put in other powers, so wouldn't get the recharge for RoF chain. However, switched up the Alpha and Interface from previous test. DB/Fire/Fire - Musculature Core - Degenerative Core - Assault Core BF > AS > SS > RoF Hybrid Off: 1:41 - 507.49 DPS Hybrid On: 1:20 - 607.15 DPS BF > Attack Vitals Hybrid Off: 2:08 - 427.40 DPS Hybrid On: 1:39 - 515.16 DPS -Resist Proc + 5 Piece Purple in AS & SS. 3 Procs in VS. 1 DAM Proc and 1 BU Proc in BF. Should also note, Fiery Embrace has 1 +5 RCH IO and no Hasten on the Combo run. Tho FE slotting is the same for RoF chain I did as well, so less up time on FE. However, now I'm curious, how much DPS needed to solo a GM?
  24. I like it. It's not like the reward will have me chasing after it, but if I happen to get a team that fulfills it, sweet, a little bonus.
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