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Everything posted by BrandX

  1. I'd do the sets a bit different, but I like the idea. ACC/DMG DMG/END ACC/DMG/END ACC/DMG/RCH ACC/DMG/RCH/END DMG/PROC Set 2: Regeneration 8/12% Set 3: Recovery 2/4% Set 4: Damage 2/4% Set 5: Endurance Reduction 2/4% Set 6: 4pt Knockback Resist - 3% Defense - 5% Resist All - +10% Recharge (Make it one of these) Now, Set 6 isn't set to have all those, but if made, set it up with one of those. These are set bonuses I feel that work for EVERYONE. The other set bonuses listed for an Origin Set didn't feel to help all builds. These bonuses would help all builds, even if it's just more KB Resist (those Council can be nasty). And while some would make out better with the +Damage, it'd still be more damage. I'd just make 6 different Sets, all with the same Enhancements, different names, different damage proc type, but also all same set bonuses.
  2. I'm going to have to disagree on these being bad because of the min/max. This isn't live. This is Homecoming. People can easily reroll if it's that big of an issue. As for the damage type, I don't think it's that big of a deal really. I'd stick with the types the OP stated for the origin. It's flavor and nothing more, and it's not like people are going "Let me avoid this damage proc due to my concept"
  3. Watched it on Prime. It was an okay watch 🙂 Not one I would plan to buy on 4k Steelbook (yes, I still buy physical media), but a fun watch, would watch it again.
  4. I have to agree, while I love Superman Returns for it's Superman feats that were just awesome (would've loved a super beat down, but got that in MoS FINALLY), I did not like the son angle and the stalker angle, though I'm trying to recall, wasn't that more on just his son than Lois?
  5. Likely waiting to kill Peter Parker so they can have Miles come in and steal the name.
  6. Venom was just okay. It was never really that great. Then it went down hill on the second one. Sony-verse has been trash since day one. Their CGI never felt as good as MCU even at MCU's worse. Like old FOX X-Men movies.
  7. Exactly! And yes, cool attacks, should make them worth taking 🙂
  8. As someone with a SS and Spines user, yes, l'd like to see them improved as well. Those attacks should be powers people don't want to skip!
  9. True, that is an issue since they didn't have them before. I do want comic accurate X-Men
  10. I don't think we need a whole new universe. I think there have been some problems with some of the movies after, but I also think part of the problem is people who were fans going "Whaaaaa! I don't have the mental ability to continue on! Story hard." 😛
  11. Coming back to this. I think maybe this is really the way to go with the set. I tried to think of an interesting thing to maybe add to the set, but really, it just needs a few tweaks. Focused Burst...Total Focus Level Damage. Simple. The fact that this attack has any range really means very little. You're a melee AT, it's going to be used in melee more than range and it's use as a runner pick off isn't that big of a deal. I'd add a hold effect to the attack as well, but I like having a Hold in a set, so admittedly could be biased there. For sure Total Focus level damage on this. Concentrated Strike...Give it crit damage! Preferably FULL crit damage! That's all it needs. I'm not sure it really needs more than that. Doesn't help Tankers/Brutes as much as it will on Stalkers/Scrappers, but I don't think the animation needs tweaked. The first three attacks are good enough for regular mission clearing. Give Focused Burst the above mentioned tweak and you have another solid for that aspect. After that, one can either skip CS...take it for those ST DPS moments (AVs/GMs/EBs)...or just use it for regular missions and accept it's longer animation. Those two tweaks and it improves the sets DPS without making it the new top tier, just improved.
  12. Honestly, I'm not as bothered by such things, as it's part of the story and you either accept it or just don't watch it. Though, today I'm sure people would do some sort of protest over it. 😛 Seems like something that wouldn't be any different from a SVU or Criminal Minds episode. Some fiction just isn't for some people. Plus, I'd imagine it'd be animated at which point I am even more likely to not care, as it's animated. But that could be something they could easily skip to.
  13. Oh yeah, with no DDR, it isn't, but seeing as how MoG gives +Resist and +Defense, putting a 3% Defense buff in Resilience doesn't seem off imo for that healthy body, especially since a lot of regens always seem to be able to able to move with good agility.
  14. I honestly, don't recall that, but I only watched the anime and it's been awhile. I know she was 17 in the manga, 18 in the American dub, and then I think back to 17 in something...but that...I really don't recall that in the anime.
  15. I did some testing with Kinetic Melee and I found the chain with CS was higher DPS, however, without CS, it wasn't that much lower.
  16. lol...they went down hill, but to be fair, I sorta felt they all went gradually downhill.
  17. You mean the 17 year old prostitute? Just being a prostitute? Honestly, that would just be backstory. However, two girls running a gun shop while being bounty hunters, pulling off John Wick style moves. Seems like it might work.
  18. As did I. I do believe they had the plan to go a different route, as they had Marlene join Scott back in space, instead of staying behind. Think she may have even gone minor Phoenix mode. If revitalized, I'd likely go with Macross without many changes, and then move it on from there. If for no other reason than to keep the Macross style Valkyries and introduce the Cyclones without the Alpha and Betas (what I would do anyways :p) Rick and Lisa endgame tho ❤️
  19. Robotech. I want to see Rick and Lisa bringing the romance to the screen! Thundercats, thought I'd love for them to just continue the 2011 series. That was a great reboot. Some older animes that could be fun is things like Gunsmith Cats.
  20. The newest movie is only 4 years old.
  21. This got me thinking... I can see adding the Fear Protection. Slow Protection. -Regen resist. Add these to Integration. Though, Fear Protection could just be put into Moment of Glory. Add some Defense All and +Recharge to Resilence. You're body is healthy! It keeps a good amount of adrenaline going, which helps keep you resilient. I'm not saying a huge amount in the defense. Small amount and enough to add in some IO options. Not sure we need the absorb, but tacking some on Reconstruction wouldn't be bad or a passive type equal to Preventive Medicine attached to Fast Healing. But, if not that, could just give Reconstruction a bit of Heal over Time like Time Manipulation's heal. So a good heal and then a small heal that last a bit of time.
  22. WP has heightened Senses. That's how they avoid being blind.
  23. Agreed on CS crit issue. Needs fixed too. No reason these t9's shouldn't crit.
  24. I think we all know, it's not gonna surpass Violent Night as the go to Christmas movie. However, from what I've read it's basically turning Santa into a superhero movie.
  25. I figured it might put it in line with the likes of Follow Up or Blinding Feint. Though, this was all just more thoughts on what to do.
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