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Everything posted by Kataklysm

  1. Is there any plan to explore the restoration of the destroyed parts of praetoria or is the canon timeline going to remain under the assumption "praetoria is lost to hami". I personally always thought it would be a really neat twist to find out recluse pulled a double whammy and using the stolen praetorian tech somehow, arachnos created an anti-hamidon spore weapon of some kind. It almost felt like that was where paragon was going until the AMA for me, as I always saw the trapped devouring earth in Grandville as foreshadowing, to . . some sort of arachnos experimenting with hamidon spores situation. also, I always thought arachnos making use of some of that ghoul control collar tech would be -neat- to say the least. what with all the pillaged praetorian goods. If anyone has the means to take over old praetoria it always felt like arachnos was the most likely candidate. Or vanguard on some heavy handed rouge behavior potentially
  2. There are literally difficulty settings for this exact reason
  3. seems all the mods I submitted made it here, huzzah to whoever did that
  4. Character name • Izick Global • @Kataklysm Base • Firebrand island Shard • Everlasting Passcode • Fortune-13524 Category • RP Above 7k Item Count• 17,342 Builder • Izick/ @Kataklysm https://discord.gg/2BPAQsVfWc
  5. Sorry
  6. A good point, exactly some of the feedback I was about to give as I've been looking into the matter personally. This is a topic I'd like to hear more diverse feedback on. idk about you but I'm okay with stronger shivans in the grand scheme. I always felt it was strange the shivans destroyed galaxy city and are perceived as these powerful space creatures. but they're not really seen as an objective target in a max level zone. it's interesting in WB too because it's a hostile zone with rogue enemies.
  7. Actually the 08-2010 model laptops with the old AlienFX software should be able to run it, I just ran it on my old M15x
  8. It's hardly a change I realize this but it was in response largely to the opinions of the people who voted that option. and glacier changed their vote? somehow? I would recommend to anyone who's vote changed from three to two. to simply say that in a reply? its what glacier did
  9. I really like this point. It's something that could be considered with other PvP zone improvements -for sure- not entirely sure how hard that would be to do.
  10. I altered the post due to good suggestions. This creates two flat zone PvP Meta's 30 (no T9), and 50. Feedback is feedback and I appreciate it.
  11. precisely. and it's one cap, not two different power gates between BB and SC. WB and RV as the -hard- zones at 50
  12. how's that any different from now, they can still take their built characters and dominate the fight as a deleveled 50 even from level 25. the suggestion again is largely to universalize zone PvP since a large number of people have expressed enjoying PvP at level 50 the most, also that PvP at level 25/30/38 is largely uninteresting. room to stretch is a benefit if anything.
  13. no not locking it to level 50, opening it all the way up and raising everything to 50. actually I think the best option is the second option which leaves a little bit of both. I could be convinced bringing bb and SC to 30 or 38 flat for both and only WB to 50. less zone breaking that way, and it still creates a more even zone PvP experience between zones that isn't outright weird. I'm not saying remove PvE I'm saying it being -harder- shouldn't really be an -issue- if PvP is the focus of the zone. It's never been the case that a low level character passing through the zone for badges has been able to survive a PvPer with a finished toon. and that's the majority of the time PvPers are in the zones, is on built toons. Trying to preserve the already non existent illusion that you have a chance in that fight, to keep a version of the zone that isn't conductive to it's intended audience seems unproductive. That's what I feel it's current state is, unproductive for PvP under these level restrictions. Lastly, " (removing badges and mobs) seems pretty drastic." I didn't suggest removing any badges or mobs in my poll
  14. You're not the first person I've heard complain about archetype disparity in PvP zones, trust me I hear you there. The goal here again is to make the zone PvP experience more universal, so you get whooped in with your buddies in WB for example, get your feet set a bit, then you can jump into RV with more educated players, -and- a better understanding of how your build works at 50 in a zone. All without having to literally jump directly into the only hot PvP zone to learn how level 50's behave under zone DR
  15. where are you getting 17 from #3 from? I only count 14 from the three places it's posted. Edit, found it.
  16. I'm curious where this metric is gathered from I suppose is my quandary here. PvP servers or PvE servers both? because many MMO's have VERY alive and well PvP communities some of which I'm a part of. Who exactly are you speaking on that is the vast majority of people who simply aren't interested in it and actively avoid it. And where are they the vast majority. That is my question. because regarding this post's suggestion I'm drawing my feedback directly from the PvE and PvP community here within HC over the years about PvP zones and PVP. an interesting metric to share regarding PvP. Current- PvP community speaking, there are 150+ people in the fight club discord alone. HC PvP discord somewhere around 800+ my point to get back on it being, options are good, and room to stretch and practice level 50 zone PvP is good for growing it. Right now PvP zones feel sort of like they're bleeding out and stranded. Changing enforced PvP zone levels is not the stitches to close the wound, that being everything wrong with PvP zones, but it could be a butterfly patch that can help get it to the hospital, and those stitches. Like I phrased it initially, Baby steps
  17. I think it's fair to say sometimes testing is the best way to find out when you're on the fence. I assume if opinions change, what is a 30 second+30 minute mapserver would be the same in reverse. and I'm not even against alternative options being worked from this change/test. Say, bb and sc somewhere between 25-38 decided through feedback/ testing, and WB to 50. ect. Either way I think anything proposed generally needs proper aging through testing before a final version is implemented. This is no exception and I don't claim to know the ideal configuration, just that the current level configuration among other things isn't desirable where it is for PvP. I think middle-grounds can be reached through community interaction. Over all the conversation on here has been very educational as well, thanks for your contribution. Part of identifying issues is articulating different perspectives of a changes effect.
  18. what I'm saying is I haven't seen that as a major group of the feedback coming back from the temporal characters so far. in fact a lot of people I know who previously had no interest are actually jumping on board. Just because there are people who won't come to PvP with this change, doesn't mean there aren't people who will.
  19. What are you backing this claim up with. I've not heard that as the overwhelming opinion as I've asked around about PvP, by any means. I'm open that that opinion but I'd like to see it a lot more if that is the truth.
  20. arena PvP and zone PvP behave very different
  21. it's more of an observation over the years that people complain about de-leveled PvP being undesirable, forcing people to 50 would universalize the zone PvP experience. in my 20 years in gaming, any time they give free max level characters in a game to make people try an underused feature, it usually causes a surpluss. I think it's unwise not to give new PvPers a zone that isn't RV, where the vets are ready to give them the business the way they have been giving people the business for years. Room to practice zone PvP at 50 is a good option if it means you can break away from a crowded zone to practice with some friends. I would be hesitant to walk head first into a battle I'm not prepared for. secondly if they are easy to impliment, should also be easy to test, and un-implement after testing, if It isn't desirable.
  22. I would want to do that if PvP wasn't being made an open gate to free PvP 50's with page 4 the idea is to allow PvP room to stretch since the zones aren't being used for a lot of reasons but often largely due to not wanting to scale down their level and constrict their build
  23. Okay to point at this I think the zones should be left to their lore devices, taking away character from the zones is undesirable. I actually lean at option 2 for this reason, as the change to bloody bay would be negligible raising 5 levels to 30, allowing testing both ends of the PvP level enforcement change spectrum
  24. I'm told the RV spider bosses don't seem to care about those power options and will still beat your behind. This part I am unsure, but I believe the scaled up critters wouldn't really have more attacks, as much as be scaled up, so maybe they will feel roughly the same to the now scaled up to 50 players? unless changing those spawndefs also means filling in the power #disparity to the level of the enemy. In other words I don't know if the max level for the critter spawndef being fixed to 45-52 would do to the # of powers they have at 50 vs 37 for example with the thorns. The missions would be scaled up to 50, and since entry at level 1 is a thing, access at lower level would be the same but -level 50- forced instead of the current enforced caps levels |25|30|38|
  25. I don't dismiss either, I prefer bloody bay be made level 30 actually and the others bumped up. in the two 50 zones, these activities would still be available, just more -risky- Exciting! and I imagine even scaled to 50 the enemies wouldn't be much harder. would require testing.
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