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  1. The main problem I have with putting teams together to do regular contact arcs is that it's competing with starting a team to do the Weekly Strike Target, a task force which pays out - to everybody - bonus reward merits equal to its normal reward, some prism aether for tasty costume powers, and either an incarnate component for 50s or a big whack of XP for non-50s. I usually don't speed, unless my time management has been terrible for the day and I'm in a hurry, because setting a challenging difficulty and fighting a big crowd is also a pretty good XP payout, but the bonuses are in their own class of rewards. Unless the stars align in terms of what contacts other people have available and where they are in the contact progression, getting other people to do my missions only pays me any bonuses at all, and then only the regular arc rewards. But hey, there's Ouroboros, that pays out to everybody -- but it just pays out regular to everybody. I'll sometimes run the unlock arcs in Ouro on weeks where there are locked TFs, because that's an inconvenience people might want to get rid of. I'd like it if there was some kind of first-run bonus or lesser weekly strike bonus on the other contact arcs, as something to offer to people to put up with waiting in line, taking direction, and teaming with randos.
  2. The maze was pretty fun, though I had to actually sketch out a map to figure out what I was missing. Not sure what you could do for landmarks that wouldn't be mistaken for clues, besides maybe some more arches? Having vines around the park at the center makes it pretty clear where that is, at least.
  3. With the addition of the show_bind_all commands I thought I'd give this another go. The JOYMOD and EXTRAMOD binds work appropriately when loaded but don't show up in show_bind_all after a logout and login. I've included both the basic joybinds file and the pre-and post-logout results of show_bind_all_file, in the hopes that someone can work out what's going on here. joy_base_final.txt pre_logout_binds.txt post_logout_binds.txt
  4. I was looking into setting up controller support and came up with a prototype setup that sort of mimics the bumper/button chorded D-pad and face buttons setup you get in a certain other critically acclaimed MMO with a free trial and award-winning expansions: Here's the bind file that sets up my knockoff XBox controller to work like that: This was generated with bind_save_file after I'd used a mix of the in-game control window to set some joystick options and loading in a file for the powexec_trays using the rbumper/xbutton friendly names. And I'm glad I did it, because when I logged back in, none of the binds chorded with JOYMOD or EXTRAMOD had actually saved to the database. The binds to single buttons still worked, but the others were just gone. This is repeatable. I can load in the bind file and have it work to activate the tray elements accordingly, but when I log out any binds chorded with JOYMOD or EXTRAMOD either don't save or are thrown away on logging back in to the character.
  5. Elec affinity gives you a faraday cage for mez protection and energizing circuit to charge your own end back up. Storm/elec corruptor maybe?
  6. For future reference, it's probably possible, though not easy, to pull out all the stops and punch out Hami even through the green heals. This should make it a little less stressful to take out the greens, though you'll also have to hunt down all the buds from when the nucleus pops.
  7. So, Farsight says it adds to "all defenses": but it doesn't add to toxic defense: This is inconsistent with other powers like Maneuvers or Hover which also say they add to all defenses, but do add to toxic defense: I'm guessing it was just missed after you had to add toxic defense as a thing, so just a heads up.
  8. I'm all for a suggestion made earlier in the thread to allow AE to charge up patrol XP once you hit 50, either directly if the hooks are there for it or indirectly through buying charges of Experienced with tickets.
  9. No Toxic Defense on Stone or Bio Armor? The existing resistances are considered enough mitigation?
  10. /showwindow combatnumbers Everything's additive.
  11. The secret to finding Clockwork in Atlas Park is to enter from the Perez Park gate and then turn the forbidden direction: left.
  12. You can find out more, though tangentially, through the Devouring Earth's third major mission arc, the 35-39 "The Terra Conspiracy", given by Ginger Yates in Founders' Falls. It's possible to see "the human Hamidon" in the Incarnate arc "Praetoria's Last Gasp", which unlocks at Doctor Orts/Number Six after you open your alpha slot. However, this depiction may not be accurate, as
  13. Happened to me today. I've got a theory, no idea how true it might be. If you beat Praetorian Duray first and Primal Duray's running around, Praetorian Duray will spawn in a backup clone to keep you busy. This doesn't happen right away, it goes into some kind of delay queue, the way the skiff backup is on a delay. If you beat Primal Duray first there is no backup Praetorian Duray clone, the mission completes when Praetorian Duray goes down. This suggests Primal Duray stops the backup from spawning when he dies. I think this might happen if you beat them too close together and drop Praetorian Duray first. The game queues up a clone that it expects you to beat to complete the TF, but when Primal Duray drops it disables the clone spawn, so now the game is waiting on something that'll never spawn to complete the mission. This is a complete guess but it fits what I've seen happen every time this mission hung. Whenever we focus down Primal Duray first I've completed this mission with no problem.
  14. Mate, I have literally no idea what's happening to you. I pulled an old level 24 psi/rad stalker out of mothballs and decided to just see how long it'd take me to get comparable numbers. The answer was two missions and half an hour. Not even solid stomper missions, I was just doin' normal contact stuff (at +1, because stalkers roll deep, not wide) and ran into an outdoor hunt and a hostage escort. And not comparable numbers either - the inf count was a bit close but when I sold off the enhancements and common recipes that dropped I'd already pegged over 100k. The only way causing damage matters is if you're rolling with a crew that's like 25% confuse powers by volume and your opposition's beating themselves into the turf before you can even get there. Confused enemies taking each other down does absorb a proportional percentage of the inf and XP, but I have a tough time imagining it somehow accounting for a 15x difference in payout. What the heck kind of missions were you running, and did you maybe misplace a number somewhere in the adding up?
  15. It just feels weird to Crushing Uppercut somebody when all I've got is the same kind of stick-arms all the Female body types have, you know? I don't have access to the modeler, I have no idea how many costume pieces would rip into shreds under the new geometry. All I want is - well, you know how the least muscular Huge body has as much muscle definition as the average Male body? Can't the most muscular Female body have at least as much muscle definition as the average Male body?
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